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Victoria Speculation


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I hope so, but you will most likely see her again either way because you didn't get your badge. Maybe she joins you after you battle her.

I just want the gym leaders to come back in some way and not just cast away after you beat them. Actually have them come back as part of the story and have real plot, not like N's castle in BW.

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I know near nothing of Gen 5. All I recall is that the gym leaders are pissed off, so they storm the castle and stare down N.
But, from what we have seen, the gym leaders have had pretty major points in the story

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Yea, pretty much. I'm assuming they will, but I hope gym leaders like Shade, Florina, and Julia come back. So far the only one we know that has a plot after you beat them is Shelly and from the teasers you can infer Radomus will.

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I guess she'll definitely join the quest in stopping the villains as a revenge for the death of her mentor,in a way that she will sacrifice herself for the main character to continue during impossible circumstances, like her mentor kiki also did

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Hmm... I wonder if we can get a team up of Victoria, Cain and Us for a good part of the story... I mean why not ? Those 2 characters are the only characters that have become pretty close to us, and the only ones that are good friends of ours, and I think it would be cool if for some reason they team us up to resolve a major problem or mission, or just to stick together as a team because... hell yeah why not? :P Haha, or at least to prevent something like what happened with Kiki in Pyrous Mountain....

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That's an idea I had long time ago... But I guess people here doesn't like the idea of Fern being an actual partner, lol. xD
And to your question... Yeah, they're awesome and funny. Sometimes they make me smile for looking so dummy and happy.
...why not like them? ;D

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