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What are you up to while waiting for Ep11?


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Just wondering what people were up to while we wait for 11 to finish. I've been messing around with a pickup team, and working to Level up some useful pokemon to be able to swap into the main team as needed. My other question is what level you left your main team fighters at, did you bring all 6 up to level 65? I decided to leave mine mostly around 60, and some of the hard hitters are up to 62-3 after helping level others. I enjoy a bit of a challenge in my gym fights, and didn't want to blow through ep 11 with an entire team full of max level sweepers the second it came out.

So what else have people been up to?

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If I'm playing Reborn while waiting for another episode to finish, I just catch Pokemon & raise them, I don't breed or look for good natures though, the Reborn journey is still going good so far.=) I try not to level grind too much, don't know how short or long a new episode will be, & I don't want to overlevel my Pokes right before a new gym, even though Common Candies do exist. lol. The only Pokemon I had with Pickup was Lillipup, & when I switched to 10.5 he had another ability.;-;

Outside of Reborn though I play other RPG's, spruce up any fighting game skills I have, or work on any Brawl hacks.

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Catching, breeding, getting the new 10.5 events, training at least one pokemon per type to get a team of 18 and wondering where Stunfisk is. Got it

Also, backed up my save and experimenting with CE on the copy to get some "unpossible to catch until later" pokemon.

EDIT: Done!

Edited by nemesish
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I have been raising pokemon to battle the water gym leader with lapras, The leader with salamence, and If the next gym is dark type I have some good fairy and fighting type pokemon, not to mention my charizard has learned all his move tutor moves, HEAT WAVE, FLARE BLITZS, AIR SLASH, and DRAGON CLAW. PLus I taught my Emboar Hammer arm. I may raise an umbreon for my final pokemon because florges is way better than slyveon turned out to be. Or get inkay who I have yet too catch, but don't know how to evolve. I'm thinking of making a fairy Mono type Team.

Edited by Yoshi
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ninetails,gyrados,heracross,gallade, gradivour and staraptor.

If you mean gardevoir, You have just made my day. LMAO.

Anyway, Im just breeding. Breeding my ass off. Okay that sounds wrong but I LITERALLY don't mean it that away. I mean Im breeding egg-move pokemon. Generally, Im just getting pokemon like ralts with moonblast or summet like that. Dunno if I CAN do that though, if I can't, damn. time wasted.

Otherwise, I'm just training. Im working a helluva lot of pokemon, Combee, Litleo, Flabebe, you name it. It's just so I have a lot of variety for the upcoming gyms. :D

EDIT: D'you guys think I should try a monospecies challenge for myself? Like, Catlike Pokemon Only for example, or, Winged Pokemon? That might be cool. Imagine. A Delcatty and Pyroar and Espeon and Leafeon and whatnot shredding Reborn to bits :D

Edited by Lynxiechan
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