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your top shiny you dream of having


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THing is all my Favourite pokes have pretty crappy shinies. Like Houndoom's I guess some people would like, but my gawd that blue is ugly. Also Farfetch'd is pretty ugly too lol. I would like a shiny Charizard though. that and a Shiny Ferrothorn, really like their shinies lol.

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  On 2/6/2014 at 8:06 PM, Secundum said:

I have a shiny bidoof, and a shiny ghastly. what can you trade for them?

Well i have a perfect IV Gastly and Magikarp or a shiny goldeen if you want but if i remember correctly our previous attempt to trade was a failure.

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Which isn't exactly difficult. Event mons aren't even counted.

Also, it's just the Unova dex, not the national, so there's no excuse. You don't even need to catch them-just SEE them.

Edited by Secundum
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^ Seconded. Sorry. Shiny Haxorus/Gible/Dratini in BW2 doesn't count for me either.

My first shiny was...... What was it? Aw yeh! It was a Foongus.

I shredded it and ate it for dinner. I hate Foongus. I didn't even care that it was shiny.

The only shiny I ever CAUGHT legitimately, was a ralts. I spent probably one or two days in the same area to get it? Then it became an asset to my team and I transferred it all the way to Pokemon X.

My gawd. Mega Shiny Gardevoir. I want to die, its so prettyyyyyyy qq

Edit: AAAAND of course I forgot to add the shiny I dream of catching legitimately.

Dratini. Ermahgherd, that royal magenta. SO FAWKING PRETTY. qq

Edited by Lynxiechan
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