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Crackin' down a bit


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'Allo, governors.

Right then, before we dive right into this, there's one thing what you lot oughta know, that bein' that Ame ain't the kinda flower who like drollin' all on and what have you in long, borin' announcement posts. So what I do is take on random accents meself. I'd say it's more interestin' that way, innit? Now that said, we've got a bit to get sorted, so lend me your lords and peers and I'll try to make this quick.

First things first, and there ain't no denyin' that with all the blokes we've had what are poppin' in and out of 'ere that our forum's been a mite gummed up lately, eh? And although in the past we ain't had much to do what about enforcing forum moderation and all that pony, lately I've been seein' the quality of some replies been goin' a bit pear-shaped. So, the staff and some o' me chums figure out what we need 'round 'ere is some actual dedicated forum mods, and such jiggery pokery we ain't had much need to mess around with before. Not by half as now, at any right.

So, offer up a big round of applause for me mates joinin' up with whatcha call the forum mod team:

  • First up, Cowtao and Silver'll be signin' on as global mods, so I'll be expectin' all you tossers out there to give 'em the respect they deserve.
  • Second, we've got ol' Kamina/Berserker takin' charge of the Trainers' School sections and all the piddly bits underneath. He's top o' the ladder for you, and been active around those parts for yonks, so I trust he take goodly care of 'em.
  • Last, we're takin' on CobraKill to sort out the Pokemon Reborn sections. Mate's got a good loaf on 'em, but that's a lot of ground to cover, innit? And let's be 'onest, a rightly lot of it's knackered. So although CobraKill 'll be startin' us off, he likely ain't gonna be the only fellow 'round that block.

That said an' done, I'm much obliged to these blokes for takin' up the responsibility 'round here.

Now, for the rest of you lot, let's talk about just what it is this mean, shall we? If you ain't already seen it, I suggest you pop on over to the Forum Rule topic and make sure everyone's spot on about what's expected 'round 'ere. Not that I ain't glad for all the activity, but some the things I been seein' ain't right.

See, birds, we've got a bit of a system in this parts, whatcha call me old Reborn Rupees. Thing about it is, what that means is what every post you make is rewarded with a spot of $R. What it also means is every post you lot is makin' oughta be worth that $R. As such, it ain't right if Member A is makin' what are quality posts while member B is postin' rubbish, and they both gettin' the same amount of $R, innit? Cor blimey, that ain't right at all. And that, me chums, is exactly why we need this little 'crack down'.

Now, let's jump ship for a bit, shall we? Lately, I've 'eard a few mates complainin' about the Ace Member whatnot being buggered. Namely, they feel that some people is taking the mickey out of it by just givin' it away to their friends and what 'ave you. More's the pity, I say, for somethin' what oughta be a special status and place for rightly dedicated members of the site. So, accordingly, we've been makin' a few changes what'll hopefully tickle the fancy of those who're gettin' their knickers bundled up by that lot.

  • Firstly, there's now a post requirement in order to buy Ace Status, that number bein' 500. Pretty fair, innit?
  • But we 'ad to make a couple changes 'round that too. Such as, whatcha call the Adjust Post Count items 'ave been takin' out of the store. You're off your box if you think we're so daft as to let people just buy those items just to get around this limit. Ay, the whole system'd be brown bread if that we're the case.
  • Secondly, the Onyx Arcade ain't gonna be increasin' no one's post counts no longer. Most of the posts 'round there don't take much effort at all, and it's 'ardly fair to the rest of you lot if people can just spam their way to the limit there, don't you say?
  • Lastly, and this ain't got much to do with anything at all, but there's now a cap on the amount of $R Ace Members, staff and what have you can hold at any given time. Since there weren't previously, it was a spot of bother to have random admins traipsin' about what with nine gazillion $R, and I ain't even exaggeratin'. Ain't nobody likely to hit the cap of a million 'less they cheatin' the system anyway, and you'd got to be thick to believe otherwise.

All right, that's all I got for you lot. For those of you fellows anxious about League and Tier stuff, don't you worry your pretty little 'eads, we've got all that coming up right soon.

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it was a spot of bother to have random admins traipsin' about what with nine gazillion $R, and I ain't even exaggeratin'.



Another quality announcement by ame-senpai; read the whole thing in the proper accent and I am amused

yay new mods and stuff welcome friends

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Interesting and Good news. So does that mean Sanity will become Needed? Because they told me to throw it away wen I signed up. I'm kidding, I'll Behave as necessary. Although reading this in a Hard Southern Accent made it extremely hard to take seriously.

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Welp, I made it thus far and already made it to an forum auth in only 5 months. Anyways, it'll be fun making this place better and improving tortures in the torture room.

I mean, uhm. Thanks guys! ^^;

EDIT: Yes Mashew and Nyrias. I did know that. >>;

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Welp, I made it thus far and already made it to an admin spot in only 5 months. Anyways, it'll be fun making this place better and improving tortures in the torture room.

I mean, uhm. Thanks guys! ^^;

Mod spot, but nonetheless, congratulations. Welcome to the forum mod team and I hope you and Silver can help us out around the forums.

Same goes for Kamina and CobraKill. ^^

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First: Congrats to the people who are part of the staff. You deserve it. Probably

Second: -20/10 for the annoucement.

Third: If the Ace Member post requirement is going to be 500, don't you think you could "rollback" people that already bought the post count thingy? I mean, there's a lot of people (Including me) that have a lot of nonexistent posts, so the cap already passed regardless. That's just an idea though, and probably is going to spawn some rage.

Fourth: i'm expecting the Onix Arcade to die a bit, but whatever...

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technically it's cockney, but yes

I was thinking about resetting post counts, let me actually see if there's a way to recount it

EDIT: No, although I remember maybe seeing something like that before I can't seem to find it now. Plus that wouldn't be totally fair to people who have spent $R on that in the past. So mmmmeh

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I agree with all of this except Silver's induction to moderators

I've been mad for a while that people use the Arcade for count posts. I mean, I find it the most fun, so I drop by there the most out of this lame Forum. But then I see a whole buncha people FLOCK towards it, and get some easy cash. And the fact I see young kids running around with shiny things. I WANT SHINY THINGS!! GIVE ME SHINY!!

Ahem...So, kudos to you guys, Imma grab a biscuit

Edit: Totally off topic but 600TH POST WOOOOO!

Edited by Lunar081
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Congrats to the new mods, but remember: with great power comes great responsibility.

I was actually kind of surprised that the arcade posts counted, because in most forums I've visited they don't (but I guess that's probably the main reason I surpassed 100 posts finally).

And ugh, I think that cockney accent made me take twice as long to read the announcement. I don't think my brain agrees with it.

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The RP forum is unaffected, yes. And for people concerned about the Arcade being 'quick cash' the posts in that forum give, and have always given exactly $R 1 per reply (compared to some other places give as much as 25)

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above 100 posts and I didn't even know you could buy things here... curious what more secrets you guys are keeping from this noob! moving on congratulations to the new mods and i'm looking forward to seeing the changes you all have in store for us!

Although reading this in a Hard Southern Accent made it extremely hard to take seriously.

I thought it was British?

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