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Beginner tips for Competitive Battling


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This info is pretty cool and pretty helpful, I still just get overwhelmed, by the team building stuff though. Like maybe I should update my Sandstorm team from Gen 5, but I don't know. I did a few weather teams before, but I am not very good at connecting the dots with stuff that doesn't synergize on the surface. (mostly because I am pretty much a nooboto......).

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Yeah, When I started this thread I meant it to be helpful for everyone, not only for me. I enjoyed everyone's tips a lot and thanks to it I'm having much fun there on the server! And always learning something new in each battle.

Edited by Notus
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Yeah, When I started this thread I meant it to be helpful for everyone, not only for me. I enjoyed everyone's tips a lot and thanks to it I'm having much fun there on the server! And always learning something new in each battle.

No problem man. Just don't get sucked in. You'll end up in a bad place filled with jackasses who only want to win and have no fun.

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^Thats so true! I'm not into PO, but I'm doing X/Y Battles, and I personally use the Pokémon I like, not depending how strong they are. For example, I have a Seviper, a Linoon or Hawlucha. Because I like them. And still I manage to win quite often.

I'm literally so tired of all the Rotom-Ws, Greninjas and Charizards which you see in almost every battle ..

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Here is a brief tutorial to Competitive Battling.

Rule 1: Proper Team-building (Use Smogon Analysis for movesets/EV's, Build type-synergistic teams, Have good meta-game threat coverage)

Rule 2: Lots of Practice (Ladder on Main PO Server frequently; the Reborn ladder means nothing unless you're #1, which requires beating me).

Rule 3: Prediction Skills (Your ability to team-build and the amount of practice you undertake mean nothing unless you have good prediction skills against your opponent)

From experience, I have attained #1 in the OU tier on the main PO server, Reborn, as well as many other servers.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i swear heroic your becoming my least favorite person here now....

but anyways Just build a team that fits YOU is the main tip of the day... helped me when making my team, i was like "you know, Aggron is really awesome and now that it has a Mega... I wanna use it more, and that Trevanant, after using it once i wanna use it again and again" so i kinda built a team around them... a stalling team... Its painful but funny and works some of the time (i need to breed me a sylveon at one point...)

Oh and Don't worry about laddering... just focus on battling some people and that If you want to proof you are the Best... well if Tenshi was still here... you would have to prove it by beating him but he isn't here so yea.

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i swear heroic your becoming my least favorite person here now....

but anyways Just build a team that fits YOU is the main tip of the day... helped me when making my team, i was like "you know, Aggron is really awesome and now that it has a Mega... I wanna use it more, and that Trevanant, after using it once i wanna use it again and again" so i kinda built a team around them... a stalling team... Its painful but funny and works some of the time (i need to breed me a sylveon at one point...)

Oh and Don't worry about laddering... just focus on battling some people and that If you want to proof you are the Best... well if Tenshi was still here... you would have to prove it by beating him but he isn't here so yea.

No offense, but this post made me smile a little because it has the most useless information for anyone trying to learn competitive battling.

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the Reborn ladder means nothing unless you're #1, which requires beating me

not needed

i swear heroic your becoming my least favorite person here now....

Oh and Don't worry about laddering... just focus on battling some people and that If you want to proof you are the Best... well if Tenshi was still here... you would have to prove it by beating him but he isn't here so yea.

not needed

No offense, but this post made me smile a little because it has the most useless information for anyone trying to learn competitive battling.

also not needed.

I wish people stopped arguing in threads about laddering or tiers.

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I just throw teams together and getting lucky :P

Honestly i feel the best thing to do for beginners is use pokemon you like. Yea it may not be the best but you'll enjoy using it while you learnt he metagame. Maybe you're a fan of the glory that is Swampert but after getting hard stalled by an Unaware Quagsire you try it out and like it just as much? Never just build teams to counter what's popular, build teams you'll have fun with!

I lose all the time but i enjoy it cause when i win with a kinda cruddy team, it's more than just a rank victory, it's a personal one cause i pulled of some lucky bs with something like a Muk xD

Edited by Huggyboo
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No offense, but this post made me smile a little because it has the most useless information for anyone trying to learn competitive battling.

You're contradicting yourself huge; perhaps you should take a look and see that post is even more useless in the sense that you're straight bashing someone else and not applying even a hint of something that could be remotely useful to new people.

For the record, being at the top of the OU ladder doesn't mean in any way that one is the best battler here, especially when ~60% of this community (probably more) doesn't take laddering seriously. The best thing you can do here is to experiment with everything, in tournaments, friendly battles and laddering if you're feeling it. The difference in metagames between here and other Pokemon places like Smogon are actually minute with the new generation, but enough to allow unforeseen strategies to have a surprising impact. I can't say I've delved into it all, and truth is, no one knows all the strategies and tricks to competitive battling; there's thousands of different ways to go in each tier (my Pikachu in Ubers last gen, fluky as it may be, is such an example).

Long story short, if you really want to be a solid battler, do your own thing and only take advice if you truly deem it necessary. Trial and error will help you find your own jive and allow you to draw up a strategy which allows you to not only succeed but to have fun with it as well.

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Long story short, if you really want to be a solid battler, do your own thing. Trial and error will help you find your own jive and allow you to draw up a strategy which allows you to not only succeed but to have fun with it as well.

"I am thou, and thou art me, AND WE ARE A BIG HAPPY FAMILY!" -Izanagi

I swear to god Ryan, you are a psychic type. I mean...Pokemon was developed to be a fun game, right? Just throw together a team of favorite Pokemon, then beat the living shit out of the other team. (Edit:Okay I worded this poorly. MAYBE see if your team works before you take in to big league, just a word of advice) But as a general rule, which applies to ALL multiplayer games, respect the other side. (That is unless if it is someone you know and understand, THE TRASH TALK THE LIVING FUCK OUT EACH OTHER)

"Every master was once a beginner." -Some Random Poster

But in a serious matter, guidance is a key factor in being good. If you ever run into someone in a public battle or online, and they are veterans on the meta, ask them for advice. 95% of the people I asked were more than glad to chat. (Of course, since I rarely battle on Showdown, PO, or irl, it is kind of wasted.)

Now onto an unrelated note, this is a HELPFUL thread, not some fatal political debate.

Edited by The Radiant Aeon
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Ok my other piece of advice is to look at the OU percantage use list... i know we had it at one point but eh. just look it over... look at the pokemon you really wish to use (pick one or two really) then look at the most used and ask... what could i possibly use that can work with my team WHILE being able to cover myself against these pokemon.

For an example i will use this List i found (This is old and a picture) that is i don't know how old ago (though it was 6th gen) and use the top 5 as examples while using the pokemon i said on my first post as my two pokemon i wanna use (aggron and trevanent.


Rotom-W (31%) this thing i know is gonna be seen a lot in the OU metagame... THANKFULLY Trevanent already can handle Rotom-W thanks to the fact that it resists both its stabs can stay with that thing for an indeffinate amount of time with Leach Seed, Will-O-Wisp, Harvest shenanigans

Genesect (21%) now this thing is scary cause of its unpredictability and the fact that it can do whatever the heck it wants and still kill anything on my side... though a good pokemon i could probably use to Combat said bug is Infernape... it handles both its stabs... is faster then it and can punch that bug in the face for 4x damage.

Lucario (19%) Aggron can tank Lucario... for a bit... until it mega evolves... BUT thankfully the pokemon that i chose last actually still works here too, Infernape can resist its Bullet punches... though it can't outspeed unless i choice it... OR an iron fisted Mach Punch to the face will tell it to GTFO.

Talonflame (18%) now this thing i know is a big threat to my team cause Infernape doesn't like a Priority Brave bird to the face... nor does Trevanent... and Aggron can only take some many Flare blitz in a row before its down... the only pokemon that i know of that can combat such a evil for... Rotom-W, its fairly bulky, resists both its stabs, and can kill it with any of its stabs.

Aegislash (18%) this thing is... predictable.. like very predictable, Rotom-W can have a very meh fight with it... Though Trevanent can easily handle it in a way, unless that thing carrys Shadow sneak, it will be burned... and then seeded... and then die a slow and painful death... heck Aggron can take a lot of hits from it and nail it with a EQ.

And with that said i now have 4 Pokemon on my team, (aggron, Trevanent, Infernape, Rotom-W) now what my team needs here is some pokemon to support them, thankfully i know just the one... Sylveon, its a sp. Wall that compliments Aggron, has wish to help out some of my team at low health (mostly aggron) and can dish out PAIN with that Pixilated Hyper Voice. now what i miss is a 6th pokemon... This is where you need to experiment, i have many i can choose but only a few work... i could try Cofagirifus and see if it can help out the stall game with the Mummy and the Disables and the what not... i could try Whimiscott if i feel my opponent will probably just set up every time i try to stall... or i could even go Greninja if i feel my team lacks some SUPER COVERAGE...

but yea, thats probably my best advice for a beginner i guess.

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You're contradicting yourself huge; perhaps you should take a look and see that post is even more useless in the sense that you're straight bashing someone else and not applying even a hint of something that could be remotely useful to new people.

For the record, being at the top of the OU ladder doesn't mean in any way that one is the best battler here, especially when ~60% of this community (probably more) doesn't take laddering seriously. The best thing you can do here is to experiment with everything, in tournaments, friendly battles and laddering if you're feeling it. The difference in metagames between here and other Pokemon places like Smogon are actually minute with the new generation, but enough to allow unforeseen strategies to have a surprising impact. I can't say I've delved into it all, and truth is, no one knows all the strategies and tricks to competitive battling; there's thousands of different ways to go in each tier (my Pikachu in Ubers last gen, fluky as it may be, is such an example).

Long story short, if you really want to be a solid battler, do your own thing and only take advice if you truly deem it necessary. Trial and error will help you find your own jive and allow you to draw up a strategy which allows you to not only succeed but to have fun with it as well.

Not really. Honestly I'm not sure how his post could have helped anyone out in competitive battling at all. I probably wouldn't have said anything about it if he hadn't called me out, but seeing as that wasn't the case, my expertise needed to be involved. And I agree with you that being top OU on the ladder here doesn't make you the best battler, but the one with solid teams, good prediction skills, and plentiful experience most certainly can stand a chance at it! But doing "your own thing and only taking advice if you truly deem it necessary" doesn't work if you don't have any prior knowledge of competitive battling, which almost everyone starts off as. True, you can look stuff up on your own but the stuff you look up is pretty much the same as taking advice. You have to learn to walk before you can run, and in this case, you can't learn to walk unless you get help doing so (whether it be from online resources, or from people with experience)! Also to everyone else: I may come off as arrogant, but in reality I'm just trying to help using the various knowledge I have of competitive Pokemon so please don't get the wrong idea! :]

Edited by So Heroic
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Ok everybody, first of all thanks for all your opinions and tips. At least for me this thread has been really helpfull in a way of coming to know what veterans think and look not only in the basics but also in the different play styles.

Now, I may be new for competitive battling, but I'm on competitive sports for a long while and one thing I learned is that different people face the game different ways. There's the ones that are happy just competing with their friends, not caring if they win or not, and there's the ones that only get some joy when they win. There's also people who can play both ways and be happy wathever the outcome.

This said, let's please stick to your own opinions and respect other's even if you disagree with them, for everyone has a different way to play the game and I for one like knowing the most ways possible.

I'm not directing this at anyone but rather at everyone.

Thanks again, you guys are helping me out a lot!

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