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I have no idea what to do(10.5)


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So, when I first started playing reborn, I had ideas about my team, and for my first two playthroughs, they went well. When I saw that sixth gen pokemon had been added to the game through episode 10.5, I new that I would want Noivern (speed was a huge problem in my first playthrough). HOWEVER, Noibat has been OHKO'd every time I have sent it out past Florina. I've been thinking about trying to find a zubat, but get I sidetracked by the story, training my other pokes, etc. I'm currently in Shelly's gym with my team as follows :

Torterra lv.34

Growithe lv.32

Gyrados lv.32

I have plans of adding Lurcario and more than likely Flygon. I just want an effective flying type for Shelly and the fighting type paradise that is known as Apophyll Academy. Any suggestions will be welcome.

EDIT: So, with 10.5, Rilou is no longer obtainable -_- so I'm going to do computer wizardry to go back to ep.10 so I can get him.

EDIT: EDIT: I went back to episode 10 for a bit to get Zubat (turns out I didn't even need him, Gyrados decided sweep). But now I'm at Shade, and having trouble with EVERY SINGLE ONE OF HIS, IT'S, WHATEVER IT IS, POKEMON HAVING LEVITATE. fffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuunnnnnn

Edited by ShadowDefender
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Drifloon could make a great flying type for your team (also immune to Fighting,yay), as well as Beautifly (learns grass moves as well). Fearow/Dodrio might also be an option. Check the Pokémon Location Guide to find them (theyre all available before Shelley...)

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Starly is no longer obtainable. Get your Noibat to evolve into a Noivern and you'll be better off. Noivern is actaully very good too. Gets the majority of KO's in my playthrough. The other one is to get a Crobat. Acrobatics with no item is a 110 Base Power with STAB. Those are the two I have expeirence with and both are very good. I use both so I can keep them below level caps because they are some of my main Pokemon.

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Starly is no longer obtainable. Get your Noibat to evolve into a Noivern and you'll be better off. Noivern is actaully very good too. Gets the majority of KO's in my playthrough. The other one is to get a Crobat. Acrobatics with no item is a 110 Base Power with STAB. Those are the two I have expeirence with and both are very good. I use both so I can keep them below level caps because they are some of my main Pokemon.

Well, I would evolve Noibat, but the level cap isn't high enough for me yet. And I've used crobat in one of my other playthroughs, and I've been meaning to try to catch one, but it never works out for me:/. Thanks for the advice though!

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