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Pokemon level learning move list


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And if that doesn't work, here's a list of its moves as followed:

Level-Move-Type-Status-Power-Accuracy-Power Points-Description

Scratch normal.gifphysical.png 40 100 35 -- Hard, pointed, and sharp claws rake the target to inflict damage.

Focus Energy normal.gifother.png -- -- 30 -- The user takes a deep breath and focuses so that critical hits land more easily.

4 Poison Gas poison.gifother.png -- 80 40 -- A cloud of poison gas is sprayed in the face of opposing Pokémon. It may poison those hit.

7 Screech normal.gifother.png -- 85 40 -- An earsplitting screech harshly reduces the target's Defense stat.

10 Fury Swipes normal.gifphysical.png 18 80 15 -- The target is raked with sharp claws or scythes for two to five times in quick succession.

14 Smokescreen normal.gifother.png -- 100 20 -- The user releases an obscuring cloud of smoke or ink. It reduces the target's accuracy.

18 Feint normal.gifphysical.png 30 100 10 -- An attack that hits a target using Protect or Detect. It also lifts the effects of those moves.

22 Slash normal.gifphysical.png 70 100 20 -- The target is attacked with a slash of claws or blades. Critical hits land more easily.

27 Toxic poison.gifother.png -- 90 10 -- A move that leaves the target badly poisoned. Its poison damage worsens every turn.

32 Acid Spray poison.gifspecial.png 40 100 20 -- The user spits fluid that works to melt the target. This harshly reduces the target's Sp. Def stat.

37 Night Slash dark.gifphysical.png 70 100 15 -- The user slashes the target the instant an opportunity arises. Critical hits land more easily.

43 Memento dark.gifother.png -- 100 10 -- The user faints when using this move. In return, it harshly lowers the target's Attack and Sp. Atk.

49 Explosion normal.gifphysical.png 250 100 5 -- The user explodes to inflict damage on those around it. The user faints upon using this move.

And Stuntank learns Flamethrower at level 34.

Edited by Slicster
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