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Luna Team Speculation


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Obviously she's going to have an Absol and Umbreon. But other than that, what pokes do you guys think she may have?
I'm guessing:
Shiftry(?) or Liepard



And would it be a single or double battle?

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Id say less likely to have absol, two pure dark types would be too easy.

I'd say she'll have a Houndoom, Umbreon, Honchkrow, Crawdawnt, Malamar and possibly Tyrannitar. I might be pushing the boundaries with this but it would definitely be a challenge

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Umbreon, Honchkrow, Sharpedo, Spiritomb/Tyranitar, Houndoom, Malamar.

Theres alot of combos, but I think thats most likely mainly because it's a mix of everything, since she's all 'Infinite Potential is everything' and whatnot :/

Id say less likely to have absol, two pure dark types would be too easy.

I'd say she'll have a Houndoom, Umbreon, Honchkrow, Crawdawnt, Malamar and possibly Tyrannitar. I might be pushing the boundaries with this but it would definitely be a challenge

I think you're right when you say you're pushing boundaries, I mean, That team setup is based a lot on offense. :/ Crawdaunt, hmmm...... I don't remember it's stats, but maybe. Umbreon, Definite. I can see it in her eyes. Tyranitar? a Pseudo legendary? I doubt it. Honchkrow, I agree with. Malamar..... yeah I guess. Houndoom? Nah. Maybe, but... actually nvm that's a good idea.

Obviously she's going to have an Absol and Umbreon. But other than that, what pokes do you guys think she may have?
I'm guessing:
Shiftry(?) or Liepard



And would it be a single or double battle?

I like the idea of Umbreon and Scrafty. Liepards a dead giveaway, you'd assume Ame would be thinking to cover it's type disadvantages. Drapion maybe? Malamar as well. Bisharp... Yeah I guess but again, dead giveaway to fighting. Dark weaknesses... Miracle Eye makes Drapion a weak point, but then again few pokemon CAN learn Miracle Eye, so...
....I might have to rethink my team again. Here we go:
Malamar - This princess will remove fighting disabilities. But it's prone to bug types so it's exploitable.
Umbreon - The Signature Pokemon and the main line of defense? Exploitable if you have a pokemon with guard swap.
Honchkrow - With a Flying/Dark Duo it's more resistant to fighting types. Generally high attack, exploitable through it's low defense.
Sharpedo - SpeedSweeper. High Attack and Speed, Disappointingly low defense/special defense. Again, Exploitable with a pokemon like Crobat (if his Ice fang doesnt swipe you down first)
Drapion - Defense/Attack master. It's shellcasing gives it a bulky defense stat, making it far more impervious than most of Luna's team. It's Poison typing also nullifies the Fairy weakness that the rest of his team (exception of Houndoom) has.
Houndoom - Fire/Dark. While totally open to Fighting/Ground, it nullifies the Bug type weakness that Malamar has. With its high offensive capabilities it's quite the sweeper set up with a nasty plot and dark pulse/flamethrower.
Possible Movesets?
Malamar: Calm Mind, Topsy-Turvy, Psychic, Dark Pulse.
Umbreon: Sand-Attack/Toxic, Moonlight, Feint Attack, Confuse Ray
Honchkrow: Brave Bird, Night Slash, Haze, Shadow Ball
Sharpedo: Aqua Jet/Waterfall, Ice Fang, Crunch, Swagger
Drapion: Toxic Spikes, Hone Claws, Cross Poison, Night Slash
Houndoom: Nasty Plot, Flamethrower, Dark Pulse, Shadow Ball
Luna MIGHT have a cacturne, but that opens bug type weakness again, so I doubt it.
Edited by Lynxiechan
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I'm not betting on Drapion, after all Aya already had one right? I don't think it would be right but i don't know what goes through Ame's brain so whatever...

I'm betting high on Sharpedo - Dat Crunch + Aqua Jet + Speed Boost = threat

Tyranitar? I don't think so, because everything she has will take Sandstorm damage, which might be bad for her

Scrafty? Good one, if it wasn't for the fact that Fairy types exist...

Malamar is good one... Dat Contrary + SuperPower = death

Spiritomb and Sableye can make an appearance too - Prankster Sableye is an asshole

Also, why not Weavile? Ice/Dark is nearly unresisted stab, though priority Mach Punch/Bullet Punch/Vaccum Wave will just destroy it...

In general, Dark types hit hard, but have bad defences, so i'm not exactly afraid of her unless she pulls out a Mega Absol/Tyranitar or something...

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Sableye: Prankster Set up with Recover Stall, Probably like: Recover, Foul Play, Toxic, Protect with Leftovers or Focus Sash

Umbreon, Defensive Wall: Wish, Protect, Feint Attack, Confuse Ray Possibly a Flame Orb to pass on Burn to you via Synchronize if Possible. If not then idk.

Bisharp, Pure Attacker: Iron Head, Sucker Punch, X-Scissor, Swords Dance/Hone Claws. Defiant

Zoroark: Special Attacker: Dark Pulse, Flamethrower, Nasty Plot/Calm Mind Hidden Power (Fighting). Illusion

Malamar: Contrary Hax ; Superpower, Light Screen, Night Slash, Topsy Turvy/Aerial Ace with a Leftovers


Absol: Critting Hax with Super Luck: Night Slash, :Shadow Claw, Stone Edge Swords Dance with a Expert belt

Sharpedo: Rough Skin : Aqua Jet, Crunch, Ice Fang, Roar


Weavile: Ice Shard, Pursuit, Night Slash, Brick Break

I know its terrible, but I cant pick Houndoom because its morely a Fire type in my Eyes. Not to mention Tyranitar would be unfair lol.

Edited by Razza
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Not to mention Tyranitar would be unfair lol.


A level 75 Garchomp, level 80 Arceus, level 75 Steelix (I guess it was 75...), a level 65 Gardevoir when the level cap is 60, a level 100 Abra... I don't think Ame really cares about fairness (Although, the Garchomp and the Arceus doesn't need to be beaten to progress...)

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Lol, that probably be why, Just I see T-tar being more Rock type since its evolution line was Rock the whole time. It was already used once as one of that dudes Main pokemon.

Spiritomb was used by Shade, so just like Drapion

Edited by Razza
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In a surprise plot twist, Luna is revealed to be the fairy leader. Her team is 5 snubbulls and a pikablu.

"Beware the Jabberwock, my son!
The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!
Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun
The frumious Bandersnatch!"

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In a surprise plot twist, Luna is revealed to be the fairy leader. Her team is 5 snubbulls and a pikablu.

"Beware the Jabberwock, my son!

The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!

Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun

The frumious Bandersnatch!"

What! I thought she was a dark type gym leader, she hinted about darkness. Unless Ame is trolling us. . ..

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If Ame wants her to be balanced, a Grass Water Fire is a must.

Houndoom, Crawdaunt/Sharpedo and Shiftry/Cacturne (The last one can be a beast with TTar by his side).

Add an Umbreon to stall and maybe a Zoroark and this is OP.

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A level 75 Garchomp, level 80 Arceus, level 75 Steelix (I guess it was 75...), a level 65 Gardevoir when the level cap is 60, a level 100 Abra... I don't think Ame really cares about fairness (Although, the Garchomp and the Arceus doesn't need to be beaten to progress...)

hehe, that Garchomp wasn't a problem after -6 accuracy.

I'm thinking Ttar could be in there. 4x fighting weakness with Gallade/Lucario/Scrafty/Primape. If you were to have a fighting type in your party, it wouldn't be that big of a threat.

Edited by ShadowDefender
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