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What should i replace with?


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I need help balcaning out my team before shelly battle I do have a bellsprout and a boldore on standby I think replacing my hm slave or my whrilipede

my team Combusken lv.32 Gardevoir lv.30 Luxray lv.30 Pidgeotto lv.30 and my whjrilipede which is lv 28 my hm slave ratata lv.18

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Well Shelly starts off with Dwebble. So Combusken, granted you know bulk up, should be able to deal a helluva lot of damage in general with a full boost from bulk up.

A recommendation? Probably Azumarill. It can learn Bounce at level 23 as an azurill then you can delevel it so it can learn aqua tail at level 20 as a marill. It learns aqua tail again as Azumarill at level 21, and coupled with Huge power does a helluvalot of damage. So yeh (:

Whirlipede can be a good asset with it's poison typing. Be careful though, Shelly's Yanmega knows Ancientpower, and air cutter. I'd recommend you evolve it to a Scolipede before fighting her. And keep poison tail because it can poison, I think. x.x

Boldore would do really good against everything except her Masquerain and Yanmega. If you want the movesets of the two I can give them to you. I can also tell you her whole team off scratch (If I remember them correctly. D:) But that's up to you as to whether you want me to make it easier or you want to face the unknown head on~ which is more fun :D

WEEEEEELLL.... I can tell you 5 of them, I've forgotten her sixth (it'll probably come back to me tmrw morning or something e.e)

Edited by Lynxiechan
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I think it evolves at level 30, so you haven't got far to go. Just make sure you get the puzzle right, now THAT is a hard, prickly thorn to pull out of your backside.

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