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[set Name]

[species Name] (M/F) @ [Hold Item]

Trait: [Ability]

EVs: [EVs]

[Nature] Nature

- Move 1

- Move 2

- Move 3

- Move 4

[Description of Set]

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Chesnaught Getting Through Me

Chesnaught (M) @ Leftovers

Trait: Bulletproof

EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef

Impish Nature (+Def, -SAtk)

- Synthesis / Spikes

- Leech Seed

- Spiky Shield

- Wood Hammer / Hammer Arm

Bulky as hell is a way to describe the most recent Grass starter. It can also hit back quite hard, but that's not what this set is meant to do. This set is aimed at a support-stalling thingamajig. Bulletproof is an awesome ability that gives you immunity to things like Shadow Ball and Focus Blast. Choose Synthesis or Spikes depending on whether you want Chesnaught to be more of a wall or more a dedicated supporter. Leech Seed keeps the health up. Spiky Shield is like Protect with a cool twist, damaging enemies who get their contact moves blocked. Wood Hammer and Hammer Arm are both strong moves but each has their drawbacks; you have to choose carefully between them based on your team.

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This used to be the set that walled the hell out of Mega Gengar, But he is banned now. It is definitely still a good stalling set against things that use Physical Contact moves since Spiky Shield picks away at them, and can be a good wall against 'mons that use moves resisted by Bulletproof. I am just wondering if there are any sets other than this that are viable.

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Chesnaught (M) @ Leftovers

Trait: Bulletproof

EVs: 252 HP / 180 Atk / 76 SDef

Careful Nature (+SDef, -SAtk)

- Spiky Shield

- Leech Seed

- Power-Up Punch

- Wood Hammer

Chesnaught is usually seen as the kind of Pokemon that walls physical attackers. However, that's not its full potential. This set takes Chesnaught to a whole new level. Firstly, the ability Bulletproof blocks moves like Shadow Ball, Sludge Bomb, etc. Chesnaught can take attacks from Pokemon such as Aegislash, Mega Venusaur, etc. However, when you're up against Mega Venusaur, how on earth are you supposed to beat that with Chesnaught? This set can do just that. It works on Stall Teams, while also being a Pokemon that can effectively counter them. It also can work on Bulky Offensive teams. Spiky Shield and Leech Seed are for HP regain and stalling purposes of course. Power-Up Punch raises its attack so you'll never be left with the bare minimum like you would if you had something like Hammer Arm instead. Wood Hammer is very powerful, and you don't need to worry about HP Loss since Leftovers and Leech Seed will make up for that. This set takes Chesnaughts already good defense as it is, improves its Special Defense, while taking to account both its offensiveness as well as its defensiveness.

Edited by So Heroic
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