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Is Pokemon really that bad?

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it's a video game series. If pokemon existed and people did all this stuff, it would be a very different scenario. Now, conceptually, pokemon games are pretty barbaric and obviously immoral; you go and seek out these battles and your pokemon will be injured and are pretty much supposed to have total obedience. I'm not bashing it of course i'm just saying, if you think about it a lot that is how it is. You could be peaceful and nonviolent in a pokemon game and the game would not progress and you would pretty much be stuck just playing the casino games and talking to people.

However, that doesn't mean PETA has any logical reason to attack it or even have any problem with it. It isn't real and means nothing for animals or any animal cruelty. It's much worse when a dog or cat or some real animal is shown to die in a movie or tv show because those are actual real animals and that would, realistically, be a bigger problem under PETA's apparent point. i've never heard of them doing that though.

Basically, PETA is like those religious people that say that homosexuality is wrong because it says so in the bible but they follow nothing else from the bible. They are selfish and ridiculous people that simply pick-and-choose what to be angry about based on their own idiotic misconceptions and views, and passing it off claiming they have a reason outside their own closed-minded hatred. Go ahead and pool in the people that hate video games or anime without ever watching anime or playing video games. They pretend to know what they are talking about but they don't have any idea how it really is. If i had a nickel for every time i heard some fool refer to video games as 'mindless' i'd be a rich man. Anyway, PETA should probably just go away now because they are unbearably irrational.

Edited by chuckles
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I. Love, animals. Alot. As I do pokemon.

Pokemon battle with eachother to strengthen the bond between them and their trainers as well as the opponent and their pokemon. PETA has just been going overboard. There are alot of things people don't like, and not everyone gets their way. PETA scars children more than pokemon, digimon or most scary movies do. I know their cause is just but they're attacking the situation in the wrong way.

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