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a random story for all you garbodour haters out there in the poke world once upon a time an aspiring battler named king D enter a tournament on pokemon showdown this was a very unique tournament in witch you were randomly given a team of pokemon and you had to contest under nuzlock rules. yes htis means the trainer would have to sacrifice his allies in battle something he wans't use to doing. round 1 went decently although a few allies were lost (R.I.P. Damian Sandow the Alakazam Scarfchomp the garchomp and ugly betty the wormadam) the trainer would have a moment of silance before mocing on to his next battle now joining him and replacing his new allies he had a team that had a weakness he had not accounted for... Xernias the young trainer stared at thsi menis standing across from him Xernias alone could anialte his entire team except maybe ambipom but still..... as the battle went on and thigns got intense the trainer would turn to an unexpected ally a Garbodour named Amephyst in a supprising show of what can only be described as pure unadulterated bad assery Amephyst would take out half of the opposing team including a Florgess A suprisingly powerful mantine a spinda and leaving a massive dent in the ledgendary Xernias. but alas not even Ame could stand up to the fairy god's wrath... her life ended that day with a powerful gunk shot clashing with a psyshock. a truely intense moment that was... but Amephys's sacrifice led to Nickaboo the ambipom securing hte win with only 2 casualties for that battle (R.I.P Amephyst the Garbodour and Zero the Bisharp) now i wish this story had a happy ending with the trainer winning hte tournament... but.... yeah he lost at hte finals..... but thats not hte point! the point is garbodour had a trainer who loved her and she delivered like a boss! so stop hating on garbodor

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