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New Reborn Team (11) Need help with stuff for my team!


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It's been a looong while since I touched this game and I'm liking the updates, so I decided to make a new team to test out the new features.

Without further ado, here's my team. I'm at Shelly at this point, so my team may seem rather unbalanced, so critiques on specific Pokemon to catch and where I can get them is appreciated.I reset my games to get good natured/IVed comps to go through the game more cleanly and I EV Train my Pokes as well, so if somebody can teach me how to get the stickers for the berries that would help me a lot.



Hasty Nature

Iron Fist

Level 36

Grass Knot

Mach Punch

Flame Wheel

Close Combat

Easily one of my favorite Pokemon to use on a Reborn walkthrough, Infernape's my main star player. He's fast, and he's got the moves to cover it....well, almost. When I saw Gen 6 move listings implemented I leapt from my chair and thought: "Hey lemme get that OP Flare Blitz early!" ....Only to realize that Amethyst has left off a few moves, and Infernape's Flare Blitz unfortunately falls into that section.


I'm struggling with Shelly at this point, as my Flame Wheel fails to kill her Scyther 30% of the time and with my 0 Defense IV and Hasty Nature she slaughters me with Technician Wing Attack. Even if I did kill it, Yanmega's waiting there to kill me with Air Cutter while my Flame Wheel only does 75%. (I need Flare Blitz!) Since I can't make it a true mixed attacker unless I breed with a Ponyta (and I don't have that much motivation to do that) I'll just give it these moves for now; Flare Blitz will be replaced with Fire Blast later (TMs pls). His IVs are a little bad, though. He's got 26 Speed and 19+ offenses, but the rest of his stats are horrible, and compared to all my others, his IVs are incompetent. I EV Train all my guys and I gave this guy a mix of Speed, Attack and Special Attack.



Adamant Nature


Level 32

Acid Spray

Take Down

Toxic Spikes

Sludge Bomb

Good old Trubbish has been my wall and absorber of those unwanted HP/Defense/Special Defense EVs. He's tanky, and despite a lolzy Adamant Nature (his IVs are godly, you see, so I figured I'd give it Gunk Shot later) his Acid Spray + Sludge Bomb combo hurts. If I don't mind something I set up free layers of Toxic Spikes, and Take Down resists, particularly other Poison types. He's sacrificed a lot for the team, giving Poison and the extra damage from his Aftermath for the others to sweep up, and will the team's soon to be Mrs. Biggles.


Shiny Klink

Jolly Nature


Level 30



Gear Grind

Charge Beam


Well, Jolly isn't really a good nature for Klink because of overkill Speed from Shift Gear, but it allows me to run less Speed EVs and give it more Attack and Defense. It's a shame I don't get Clear Body, but what can I do. Anyways, Klink's still a new and fresh member of the team with not much good moves to use, so until I get myself Shift Gear Klink's only for swagging decoration.


Shiny Emolga

Jolly Nature

Motor Drive

Level 29



Electro Ball

Charge Beam


Well, again, special sets are popular, but what are you going to do, besides, Emolga's attacking stats are the same but Acrobatics is stronger. Like Klink, he's literal decoration although he can be really strong at times; just haven't used him a lot yet.

And this really sums up what I have on my team now. Critiques and comments are appreciated.

Edited by YagamiNoir4896
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You might want to catch several Trubbish. They have a chance of carrying Black Sludge. In case you haven't already got it.

Anyway, you should really level up that Klink to at least 36 for the Mirror Shot. Yeah, it's a pain, but it will definitely be worth it. Or try to catch another one (with Clear body). Obviously, you will need more Pokes on your team, but it's not looking bad at this point. Might want to boost Emolga purely in Speed to get that Nuzzle off on Turn 1.

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like Arkhidon said you should probably get more pokes, its going to be pretty rough with 2 first form pokes. If you really have trouble on Shelly go get that event onix at peridot ward, make sure it has sturdy, get t to 16 for stealth rocks, and watch Shellys like 5 bug/flying types lose half there hp on swapping in.

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Your team lacks a Water type. Not necessary for now, but why not Gyarados? Like i've said a lot of times, Gyarados got me through 3 - 4 gyms, so maybe you should consider...

Vinny has a point the moment you can get that magikarp DO IT get that gyarados it'll help in the early and later parts :3 it wrecks with dragon rage

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Here's how it will be: Luna will be kidnapped. We will need to go through waves of grunts, fight that one Meteor duo, fight Solaris, free Luna, fight Fern, fight Luna, fight Yveltal (because Luna will probably be that person), and then obtain the exp share.
But really, please don't give her Yveltal

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Here's how it will be: Luna will be kidnapped. We will need to go through waves of grunts, fight that one Meteor duo, fight Solaris, free Luna, fight Fern, fight Luna, fight Yveltal (because Luna will probably be that person), and then obtain the exp share.

But really, please don't give her Yveltal

nah Ame will give her Yveltal, Darkrai, and Arceus dark.

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Thanks for all your suggestions. I'm worried about Ancient Power on that Yanmega for Flying types, and Technician Rock Smash from Scyther is a jerk as well. I'll probably snag a new Rock type on my team, particularly Roggenrola. Any idea how far I need to go for the EV Berries and Link Stones?

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Thanks for all your suggestions. I'm worried about Ancient Power on that Yanmega for Flying types, and Technician Rock Smash from Scyther is a jerk as well. I'll probably snag a new Rock type on my team, particularly Roggenrola. Any idea how far I need to go for the EV Berries and Link Stones?

Let's see, remeber the part under the Stairs where you talk to the "leader" of the Meteors and then you have a double battle vs Aster and the other with Victoria? In that part there is only Unown, who gives excellent Exp and also 1 EV in Atk and SpA, so there you can grind absolutely everythong because in an in-game tean everyone needs attack or special attack.

For the Berries you need 2 Sticker, to get them you can use the Nickaboo guides that are easily found on youtube, I alo recommend you downloading the 10.1 to get a particular easy sticker that was replaced for a Smoochum (And if you want the Ice lady, don't worry, go to the 10.6 and you can they will give you the Smochum also).

For the first Linkstone, just after you beat Shelly there is some guys in the stairs (Not in the underground, but in the stairs) that sell one for 10000, it is impossible to miss him.

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Let's see, remeber the part under the Stairs where you talk to the "leader" of the Meteors and then you have a double battle vs Aster and the other with Victoria? In that part there is only Unown, who gives excellent Exp and also 1 EV in Atk and SpA, so there you can grind absolutely everythong because in an in-game tean everyone needs attack or special attack.

For the Berries you need 2 Sticker, to get them you can use the Nickaboo guides that are easily found on youtube, I alo recommend you downloading the 10.1 to get a particular easy sticker that was replaced for a Smoochum (And if you want the Ice lady, don't worry, go to the 10.6 and you can they will give you the Smochum also).

For the first Linkstone, just after you beat Shelly there is some guys in the stairs (Not in the underground, but in the stairs) that sell one for 10000, it is impossible to miss him.

Which sticker do I need? The one near the jungle and the girl in Peridot, or the boy I need to rescue from Drifloon and Scolipede? Also, I don't understand why my game laggs a lot, and I forgot the run toggle (lel). Dang, I haven't played this in ages. Thanks for the Link Stone, I found it, but I've decided to use Unfezant instead at this point.

EDIT: The one with the girl was the Smoochum one, dang, I guess I'll have to get it some other time.

Edited by YagamiNoir4896
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Thanks for all your suggestions. I'm worried about Ancient Power on that Yanmega for Flying types, and Technician Rock Smash from Scyther is a jerk as well. I'll probably snag a new Rock type on my team, particularly Roggenrola. Any idea how far I need to go for the EV Berries and Link Stones?

rogenrolla got the ax in 10.5 if you want one you have to go back to 10.1.

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rogenrolla got the ax in 10.5 if you want one you have to go back to 10.1.

I knew that, and I've decided to get Unfezant instead. Where do I get Scope Lens? And are gen 6 crit mechanics included?


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I knew that, and I've decided to get Unfezant instead. Where do I get Scope Lens? And are gen 6 crit mechanics included?


I don't think you can get a Scope Lens now, unless it is the dept. store... will check...

And the gen 6 crits mechanics will be introduced in ep. 11 if i'm not mistaken...

EDIT: Scope Lens on 3rd floor of the dept. store... yep...

Edited by Vinny953
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