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Bug Monotype Challenge


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Thought it would be fun and challenging to try a monobug challenge so far its pretty rough. I'm about to face Julia and I have no idea what to do about her Emolga, 4/6 of my team has electric weakness and one of them.... well shes a burmy lets leave it at that.

Current Team


Combee (female) lvl 17


Honey Gather

Sweet Scent

Bug Bite



Burmy lvl 16





Bug Bite


May/ Beutifly lvl 16






Poison Sting


Pineco lvl 16



Take Down

Bug Bite

Self Destruct



Free/Butterfree lvl 16


Tinted Lens


Sleep Powder




Prancer/ Surskit lvl 10

Swift Swim



Quick Attack

if anyone has any ideas for Julia please post them below because all i got is get a Wormadon steel for Emolga and hope the rest of my team can handle her, maybe evolve combee to vesviqueen and bring it down to 20 with common candy?

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Try to hit her Emolga with anything just to do some damage, then explode that Pineco on her face! Of course, that leaves the rest of her team... and i'm pretty sure Pineco is the best pokemon to take these explosions... You took a hard challenge mate... Also, y u no have Dustox? It doesn't have a weakness to electric/rock ya know? Although that weakness to ground tho...

Yeah, try to use her tactic against her (Explode! Since Pineco has Sturdy, that acrobatics can't one shot you...) All i have to say honestly, is good luck ^^

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Try to hit her Emolga with anything just to do some damage, then explode that Pineco on her face! Of course, that leaves the rest of her team... and i'm pretty sure Pineco is the best pokemon to take these explosions... You took a hard challenge mate... Also, y u no have Dustox? It doesn't have a weakness to electric/rock ya know? Although that weakness to ground tho...

Yeah, try to use her tactic against her (Explode! Since Pineco has Sturdy, that acrobatics can't one shot you...) All i have to say honestly, is good luck ^^

Thanks, as for dustox I was hoping my beutifly would turn into one but you know what happened if I really can't beat Julia i might go get one but if i'm going to train more pokes its probably going to be pinecos cause you know Boom!

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Catch the Sand Cloak Burmy, because the one you have now will end as a boxfodder with better Steel/Bug like Scizor, Forretress and Escavalier.

Also, that Wormadan can be evolved in level 20 and break Julia's team with her inmunity,

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Catch the Sand Cloak Burmy, because the one you have now will end as a boxfodder with better Steel/Bug like Scizor, Forretress and Escavalier.

Also, that Wormadan can be evolved in level 20 and break Julia's team with her inmunity,

The problem is the level cap... I didn't thought about Burmy though, that's a very good tip (But, can you have The Sand cloak one in this point of the game?)

EDIT: Scratch that, you get a Sand Cloak one if you battle in a cave, and i'm guessing that little path under the Obsidia Ward counts...

Edited by Vinny953
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Consider getting a Spinarak at Night. If you're patient enough, you have Shadow Sneak to revenge kill things, Poison hax, and Scary Face for lowering Speed. Also, I'd recommend evolving that Surskit during Level 25 for Bubblebeam. As you get to the third gym , you could get two Heart Scales (one in the cave where Victoria was kidnapped, and one in the Tangrowth Park) to get Quiver Dance and Bug Buzz on Masquerain.

EDIT: You'd probably want to save those two Heart Scales for Venomoth, as Venomoth admittedly does Quiver Dancing much better. You can get Venonat before the second gym. Be sure it as Tinted Lens.

Edited by YagamiNoir4896
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well Julia was a lot easier than I imagined..... Boom fainted to heliolisk but combee out speeds and knocks it out with bug bite, Burmy manages to protect voltorbs explosions, free put emolga to sleep and knocked it out with confusions, and burmy and beutifly poison stalled out electrode. Right now about to go into obsidia park and I'm finding I grinded my pokemon way to hard there all overleveled for the area and its making everything way to easy. Probably will level up surskit and maybe catch a spinarak so they all don't get overlelveld.

Current Team

vespiquen.gif Elizabeth V /Vesviquen lvl 21

pineco.gif Boom/Pinco lvl 18

wormadam-sandy.gif Agate/Wormadon G lvl 21

beautifly.gif may/Beutifly lvl 19

butterfree.gif Free/ Butterfree lvl 19

surskit.gif Prancer/Surskit lvl 10

Edited by ShatteredSkys
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Nice going ^^... What i did note about all the monotypes is, fights that should be a lot harder, go a lot easier than expected... Also, yes go catch a bunch of other bugs, since... well, there's a lot of bugs around, and you only have 5 that you're using? Damn... I don't remember which bugs you can get before Florinia, but hey, that's your problem ^^

I'm guessing not even her Cradily will make the battle that hard, so... when you're ready, go for it

Good luck ^^

Get dat Vivillion when you can - Coumpound eyes, with Quiver Dance and Sleep Powder = Profit?

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vivlion? uu pokemon to me but if I can not kill a scatterbug I may try(after the nidos if you seen me on an another monotype topic)

Well, Vivillion has a bit more speed and spec.atk than Butterfree at least, but well... most bugs at the start at not very good ones, but he can try (I also want to use a Vivillion, but a shiny one cuz the shiny looks awesome...)

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ok just beat Florina, that was the easiest gym battle i think I've ever done the only poke that fainted was May to foongus's rollout, cradily wasn't that much of a threat Agate could take smack downs all day and dish out decent damage with bug bite. Heck, I didn't even have to use Elizabeth's destiny bond to kill it, kind of bummed it was so easy but than again mono bug vs mono grass. don't feel like updating the team list, didn't make any huge changes besides swap prancer for a compoundeyes scatterbug (Vivi).

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As i said before: People are having an easy time against what should be hard (Gym battles) Why's that, well... i don't know

Keep doing your challenge, cuz in the future, you will be able to use really good bug types - Scizor, Escavalier, Heracross/Pinsir, Durant, Galvantula, Volcarona... heck, there's some good things for you in a distant/near future...

P.S - Don't forget to save before mining dem damn rocks in the future, so you can get an Armaldo...

Good luck ^^ ...

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ok got up to the part where you go to the orphanage to find a doctor for Shelly.The boss fights in the Beryl and jasper ward were for the most part pretty straight forward. Taka was probably the toughest, his chatot murdered my bugs and the only one left standing in the end was Free with 4 hp. Kind of got lucky on the taka and Zel double battle, Free outsped glaceon and put it to sleep for like 8 turns which let me get rid of Zel's Eeveelutions pretty easily. Managed to stall out chatot with poison from beedrill's twineedle and protects from Agate and Boom. Corey was pretty straight forward after putting crobat too sleep and destiny bond too out skunktank. Aster and Elipse were pretty tough though, rockslide and fire spin took out eveyone on my team. Not sure how i feel about Shelly, I do have rock moves but there on slow bulky pokes that can easily be whittled and we both carry quite a few flying types. Ice and rock is the bane of this team's existence.......

Current team

vespiquen.gif Elizabeth V/Vesqiquen lvl 27




Destiny Bond

Bug Bite

Power Gem

butterfree.gif Free/Butterfree lvl 27


Tinted Lens

Sleep Powder




beautifly.gifMay/Beutifly lvl 25



Mega Drain

Stun Spore


Morning Sun

wormadam-sandy.gifAgate/Wormadon G lvl 27



Rock Blast

Bug Bite



pineco.gif Boom/Pinco lvl 26



Bug Bite

Take Down


Self Destruct

vivillon-elegant.gifVivi/Vivilion lvl 25



Draining Kiss

Stun Spore


Bug Bite


surskit.gifPrancer/surskit lvl 19

beedrill.gif Beedrill lvl 19

Edited by ShatteredSkys
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Consider reteaching Light Screen on Vivilion for some defensive cover. Also, why haven't you gotten a Venonat yet? Those things are monster Quiver Dancers when evolved and you can even get Quiver Dance early with Heart Scale.

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Consider reteaching Light Screen on Vivilion for some defensive cover. Also, why haven't you gotten a Venonat yet? Those things are monster Quiver Dancers when evolved and you can even get Quiver Dance early with Heart Scale.

I don't like using pokes I have used on already, I have a venomoth on another save file.

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Shelly was a nighmare...... Stealth rocks absolutely wrecked my bug/flying types so I pretty much had to restart every time her dwebble used them, I had no answer to her Heather the yamega except for kamikazing Elizabeth V which only lives if yamega uses air cutter which doesn't happen a lot if it uses ancient power I get swept, scyther could go toe on toe with Boom (now a fortress) because of glitched double def drop from rock smash and it would sweep my team if boom didn't kill it, nobody but Elizabeth V who I need to kamikazee can touch wormadon steel, and Bugsy the friggin volbeat out heals every single one of my pokes even Agate's rock blast. It took me like 20 something tries to finally beat her and i needed to use 3 cotton candies. the only reason I won was because Elizabeth V broke through confuse and destiny bonded the friggin volbeat's crit struggle bug, this monotype is starting to get tough...

Edited by ShatteredSkys
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When you get better bug types, it will be all better... hopefully ^^

I really want to see what you're going to do against Shade... and Kiki afterwards... damn... idk, maybe put everything to sleep with Vivillion? (Screw sleep clause ^^)

Dang, i can't figure something out, but probably you can, because you have to ^^

Also, i don't remember when you can get it, but maybe in the future you could get a Shedinja.. I mean, Shedinja's niche is not that good anymore (Everything has a status move apparently...), but with pacience, Shedinja can shut down whole teams...

Other than that, i don't know... Get a Genesect or Arceus holding a bug plate or something... This challenge looks hard...




Good... luck... :S

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For Shade you should realy catch a Venonat, evolve it, let him learn Quiver Dance and kill atleast his Chandelure with it. Or you can use Waterspourt with Surskit/Masquerain. Otherwise his Chandelure will probably kill you singlehandly.


You can catch Nincada at the Watelands. They are sometime under rocks.

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