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Choices.... Choices.... Spoilers ahead


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So, I'm sure everyone knows about the different choice you can make at the Yureyu building and the Tanzan Cove house. I made the mistake of not saving before I made the choice, so I have no idea of the other outcomes. I personally batteled the doctor and then Sirius. What else did people do and how did your story go? I'm sure they all converge for episode 10. I don't think would Ame give herself that much work.

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So, I'm sure everyone knows about the different choice you can make at the Yureyu building and the Tanzan Cove house. I made the mistake of not saving before I made the choice, so I have no idea of the other outcomes. I personally batteled the doctor and then Sirius. What else did people do and how did your story go? I'm sure they all converge for episode 10. I don't think would Ame give herself that much work.

I chose not to battle him as to the fact i kept getting screwed over with that damn raichu and Cain not knowing how to fight in a battle. I just went ahead fought sirius and it saved everyone i later fought Sigmund out the house on the lake. Was definitely easier.

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Also, what happens if you don't save all the policeman before Taka and ZEL double battle? We want to know that.

Nothing of significance. Heather shows up and gets told to go away. Actually I don't think you get into a double battle. I just know Corey doesn't show up.

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Choose 'Yes' in Yureyu building + choose 'Go upstairs' in house -> Laura kidnapped

Yes + Stay downstairs -> Noel/Anna kidnapped

No + choose 'Sirius' -> Shelly/Charlotte kidnapped

No + choose 'Sigmund' -> Saphira kidnapped

After beating Steelix, all story goes same.




Edited by ghkdkd
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Choose 'Yes' in Yureyu building + choose 'Go upstairs' in house -> Laura kidnapped

Yes + Stay downstairs -> Noel/Anna kidnapped

No + Go upstairs -> Noel/Anna kidnapped

No + Stay downstairs -> Saphira kidnapped

After beating Steelix, all story goes same.




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Didnt save all the policeman before the double battle,defeated solaris (kiki stil dies and gastly event changes),defeated sigmund (heather still doesnt talk,after that cain tells me that she got adopted),Noel and Anna got kidnapped (in the end they got saved),sided with El but I defeated him (Radomus keeps the amethyst pedant in end of ep10).

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Choose 'Yes' in Yureyu building + choose 'Go upstairs' in house -> Laura kidnapped

Yes + Stay downstairs -> Noel/Anna kidnapped

No + choose 'Sirius' -> Noel/Anna kidnapped

No + choose 'Sigmund' -> Saphira kidnapped

After beating Steelix, all story goes same.



I don't usually involve myself in story threads like these, but I want to ask if someone can confirm that Noel and Anna are kidnapped in both of the listed branches? There should be one where Shelly and Charlotte are taken instead. If it's picking the twins' branch when it should be the girls', then there's a problem...

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I don't usually involve myself in story threads like these, but I want to ask if someone can confirm that Noel and Anna are kidnapped in both of the listed branches? There should be one where Shelly and Charlotte are taken instead. If it's picking the twins' branch when it should be the girls', then there's a problem...

There's a branch where Shelly and Charlotte are kidnapped. How do i know? Simple, it happened on my game... (Battle Sirius in place of the Doctor in the Yureyuu building, then block Sirius in Laura's place...)

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