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Honedge discussion.


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Which one would you say is better, and why? Also, the reason I am also doubting is because, that one of the Honedges is shiny, and it looks pretty cool, but of course, I would always go for stats! Any good advice guys?- As a sidenote, I can restart to try to get a better one, and if I do so, which one would you go for? 
In advance, thanks to everyone. 

















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the shiny one imo. mainly saying that due to better defensive IVs and low speed IV (for gyro ball+trick room, but this is my preference). Swords Dance can make up for the difference in attack. Aegislash is always going to be slow, but you can make up for it with shadow sneak.


Honestly even though the IVs (post game only) and nature can be changed, i think you can get success with pretty much anything as long as youre not doing a challenge run, so all ill say is dont stress about resetting over and over for something perfect :)


if you do want some quality of life stuff regarding optimizing your pokemon i reccomend these passwords (spoilered since you discover them in-game):


mintyfresh <- gives 5 of all mints

fullivs <- makes all pokemon obtained have 31 IVs, so pokemon you already have will not be changed iirc (DISABLES ONLINE)


remember that passwords need a data chip to activate/disable at any pc


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