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Starting a new RP, anyone game?


Choosing rules for the RP  

19 members have voted

  1. 1. What region should it be set in?

    • Kanto
    • Johto
    • Hoenn
    • Sinnoh
    • Unova
    • Kalos
    • Orre
    • Reborn
  2. 2. Should people be allowed to be/use legendaries?

    • No, absolutely not.
    • Yes.
    • Yes, but only ones that have minor roles (such as Deoxys, Meloetta, etc.)
    • Yes, but only after being in the RP for a long time/completing some other task.
  3. 3. How should we decide who gets what Pokemon?

    • People should choose with no restrictions.
    • Take the Type Quiz for their character and choose a Pokemon with that typing (unless it doesn't exist.)
    • Let the group decide what they get (with a veto for a Pokemon they absolutely dislike.)
    • Choose from a list of options that the group prepares for the person.
  4. 4. Should multiple Pokemon of the same species be allowed?

    • Yes.
    • No.
  5. 5. How much control should Trainer PCs have over PC Pokemon?

    • None. A Pokemon does what it wants.
    • Very little. A Trainer can force a Pokemon into a ball, or require them to use a move every once in a while, but that's it.
    • Significant. Pokemon CAN disobey, but are strongly encouraged to obey.
    • Total. Pokemon are required on pain of kicking to obey their trainer's commands in battle.

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As the title states, I'm thinking of starting a new RP. The main point of it would be that most PCs would be Pokemon, though it won't be Mystery Dungeon (just the normal Pokemon world). There would still be a few PC Trainers, but I need a few things before we actually start.

  1. People to RP, obviously.
  2. A decent title.
  3. An idea for a plot. I'm pretty good at taking ideas and running with them, but I'm lacking inspiration as far as a central story. We could just do a freeform RP.
  4. A setting. I think I'll do this by vote; the region that gets the most votes becomes the setting. Then, we pick an area in that region to start.
  5. Rules. Obvious ones like no bunnying are included, but there are others that need to be set.
  6. A host. I'll come up with a plot outline (I've got a couple [meh] ideas already) given a concept, but I don't really want to be the primary host, unless it ends up freeform in which case the host doesn't really matter.
Edited by KingMurdoc
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Now here is a wild idea, this Is just brain food for now, but what about aworld without humans? Like maybe an alternate timeline where they died out for wwhatever reason.

Now to explain some of my poll answers. The region one I just entered since it was required, I really don't care about that.

I think Legdies shouldn't be allowed, ordianry trainers really wouldn't have them, not mention they are complete Sue material, and don't see anyone rollplaying them correctly. They should be kept for plot devices.

People should freely choose their Mon, choice should be unrestricted as possible.

I think only one of a species should be allowed. This would keep it more interesting, since having multiples will make it very samey( also like everybody would play a legend, those that don't making them seem ssuper useless and insignifgent)

And finally, mons should have some freedom. Trainers should be able to recall them etc. However if they are forced to obey, they might aas well not even be a pc. They just become a tool for the trainer player. This will be exetremely unfair aand is totally against the point of rping for the Mon player. They might as well not even be there and just let the trainer also rp the Mon like in the Aftermath (rp on this forum)style.

These are my reasons, sorry for the essay.

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I don't think I would have time to participate in a role play now that my life is getting busy again, plus timezones (I don't want to keep people hanging), but I'd like to offer my opinion on what would I think would be an interesting RP.

First off, I'd say the region doesn't matter too much to me. I voted Kalos, just because I played X and Y most recently and it makes more sense when having 6th gen Pokemon. Second, yeah, no legendary Pokemon. Imagine if someone was a Celebi and decided to time travel through your Roleplay.

I thought the idea that the group creates a list of Pokemon for the person to choose from was a good idea, just because it seems fun, but the player should have the right to refuse the list if they truly hate it.

Multiple species shouldn't be a problem, and the trainer control should be the same as in the anime imo.

My idea for a plot, if you want ideas, would be that the human race is greatly diminished, leaving Pokemon-kind to roam freely through the ruins of what was once human society. Many Pokemon have never encountered a human before have heard extravagant stories of them being monstrous, scary beings, or maybe heroic and just saviours. The RP begins in multiple places. Some PCs being wild Pokemon, maybe a few being the Pokemon of PC trainers, and of course a few PC trainers. At that point my lame creativity runs out, but I'd imagine they might together all investigate how the downfall of the human race came about.

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I'm fairly good at plot-making and writing, and I'd love to RP.

Here are my poll votes.

I don't particularly mind the setting, although I'd prefer one with as much available Pokemon as possible.

I don't particularly mind others using legendaries, and I'm not really planning of using anything of the sort myself, so my decision is neutral.

Players should have no restrictions picking what they want to use.

I don't think two Pokemon of the same species should be allowed as it ruins a little variety.

Obeying a trainer's orders is significant.

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I have never done a pokémon RP before, but i'd like to try. I could help with some plot ideas after the main plot is sort of established.

Here's my poll answers:

Region: Reborn because it's amazing.

Legendaries: NO use of legendaries by trainers. Only for boss battles and lore. I dislike legendaries.

Pokémon selection: Let the group decide with a veto for dislikes. That way, it's still a bit of a mystery what you get :)

Same Species: No, that makes it a little boring, and there's so many to choose from...

Control over Pokémon: Very little, just like in Reborn when your pokémon are over level xD

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Hmm, Well the whole less human plot and having to try to figure out what had happened with the humans of the region. I could see Kalos working very well with that general idea (maybe an after affects of the X&Y? Maybe something backfired dunno. But honestly I like either Reborn, Sinnoh or Kalos

I really don't think that Legendaries should be used, unless if it is done by the GM, as an NPC. I think it would ruin the fun of the pcs.

Also my biggest disagreement with those who've posted so far is the same species. Mainly because of Eevee. I mean, it might be interesting to have a couple pc eevees who evolve differently depending on the situation they where in. Also in theory each individual of a given species can be different.

otherwise, i think that a list would be best (with the right of veto or suggesting a pokemon and letting the GM have the final say.

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Firstly, congrats on 500 posts Hukuna.

Secondly. the RP.
Setting: Having played XD, I think the Orre region would be awesome. It would allow for some Pokes to be Shadow and assist in a great plot, such as purification, resistance against the Shadow Pokes, or something else.
Legendaries: Ehhhhhhh, nah. Bunnying would probably result.

Pokemon Choosing: I think that everyone should be given a list to choose from created by the group. This way, a good balance could be created. Additionally, I think it would benefit the RP by allowing a diversity of characters.

Species Clause: Sure. Like the Kecleon brothers, it could end greatly. Plus, in the anime, there are families among Pokes. It could work greatly.

Obedience: A Pokemon is greatly encouraged to obey trainers' orders (looking at you, Charizard), so it would be more "real" if that's how it was. Real is in quotes because this is all fictional, but hey.
Anywho, I think this could work out greatly. Best of luck with it

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So, here are the rules we've got so far, in loose order of importance:

  • No bunnying. Your actions are your own only. The only people that can control the actions of others are Trainers with NPC pokemon.
    • However, Pokemon are encouraged to obey their trainers, and your trainer can force you to use a move once in a while as is reasonable.
  • No powerplaying. Don't act like this is a wifi battle; just because someone likes Delcatty a lot, does not give you the right to kick the crap out of them because you have/are Blaziken.
  • Legendaries may, at some point, be controllable, but are prohibited from usage by most players, both as characters and as caught Pokemon.
  • Don't be disruptive. You can have loud, obnoxious characters that cut people off in the middle of conversations, but don't break the flow of the RP.
  • Pokemon choice will be restricted to an extent. Preferably, you'll take the Type Quiz in-character and make them a Pokemon of that type (assuming said character is a Pokemon.) You can also have the group make a list of Pokemon they think fit you, and you can choose. You can also let people just plain choose for you.
  • You don't have to strictly follow canon, but any deviation should have a solid explanation. Better, more interesting explanations lead to more leeway.

As for setting, we're going with the Reborn region, probably set in the future. I like the sound of the "post-apocalyptic" type story, so setting it later will fit better. I'll let people have whatever kind of backstory they want, unless it gets too Sue-ish (a judgement made by the group). This includes the Mystery Dungeon-type (was human, turned into Pokemon). I'll prepare a story outline for anyone that wants one, unless Acqui comes back with her ideas, in which case the story will be different anyway.

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If this gets off the ground, I'll join. Can someone give me Pokemon recommendations? I think you all know what I like/am like at this point.

Also, question: Are we RPing Pokemon or Trainers?

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The second thing is what we are trying to figure out at the moment. So so far it seems there will be both, but we need to figure out some stroy stuff before we can say for sure. (This is still being brainstormed so if you have anything to add etc,,, feel free to do so.)

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I'm not dead.

This sounds really fun. I've always wanted to try RP'ing a Mon rather thatn a trainer, but if I do so, I'd like to pick it myself. (Don't worry about me picking something OP, the Mon I want is a base form starter...) I agree that there should be no legendaries unless they appear as an NPC.

As for region, I think making up a new region would be the most fun. I agree with Tenshine that a post-apocalyptic, overgrown, broken-down-cities kind of world would be very interesting. (For me at least.)

I wouldn't really want to play a central role in this, due to the Pokemon I want to play being quite weak, but I'd still like to join and interact.

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Dude in an rp no pokemon is weak, it is more like the show in that you can work around your weaknesses. The games are very binary so there isn't much room to do things in those, but there is room to do it in an rp lol. (Also yay Flux you are not dead!!!).

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I've noticed that similar to many anime and manga, a Pokemon's power seems to derive from both its individual strength and the strength of its bonds, whether it be Trainer or friends or family.

A nice plot point that I thought of would be what we might consider the "enemy team." It would be a group of Giratina cultists who sacrifice Pokemon to please their dark lord.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 3/11/2014 at 3:15 AM, Arkhidon said:

This RP is called "As Gods Sleep".

This is the link: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=7158

It's an awesome RP, so read through the prompt on the first page and we'll see about getting you a character.

Definitely seems like something I'd like to be a part of, but there's some complications I'd like to discuss privately, if that's ok?

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