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Pokemon that go the distance


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Just curious because I've had two so far, but what Pokemon have you picked up on a whim (either to fill out a team or just because it's the early game and you take whatever you can get) and expected to drop at the first opportunity only to watch as they somehow become an unstoppable monster?

For me, the Skill Share Minccino has been carrying me far. I never thought they would be one of the core members of the party, but the mix of support moves and multi-hits has proven invaluable.

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Gotta say: Gliscor and Typhlosion (to a degree also Magearna and Whiscash).

Gliscor and Typhlosion, I basically only put on my team for sentimental reasons: Gliscor because it looks ultra cool (like a scorpion bat!), and Typhlosion because it's the starter. Thing is, these two REALLY pull their weight, so I just...never really put them away, lol. Gliscor with Earthquake, Toxic, Knock Off, Sword Dance really fucks with a surprisingly large amount of opponents, and Typhlosion with Eruption (?), Flamethrower, and, later on, Earthquake really fucks around and finds out. It's also fast, so that's gr9 too.

Whiscash somehow always ends up on my teams, too, lol. You can get it early af, it is Water type with an Electric safety, which helps out on the Industrial Fields.

You can get Magearna laaaaate, in the Post Game, but tbqh, ever since I got it, it barely if ever gets put away. This little critter is an absolute power house! Basically the only Legendary I really use, lol (...don't really like using them bc I never got used to having any - kinda like never using the good cutlery lol).

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