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Monotype challenge type?


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So, I've been seeing monotype challenges pop up here, there, and everywhere. So, I'm going to do my own. But I am not sure what type I want to do. So, I want opinions. The types I've been thinking about are ground, fighting, and flying. These are the types I feel like I can make the most balanced team from. Opinions?

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Do a dragon one and screw yourself over...

My guess:

Ground is a good one. But i don't know when you can acess your second ground type (Turtwig will be the starter...), but ground is a good option...

Fighting is also good, but being completely honest: Even with dem fairy types, i think that would be an easy challenge (Especially with dat Speed Boost Blaziken...) So i think fighting would be an easy one...

Flying is a different one - It gives you A LOT of options, even more if you consider going back to version 10, then going back to version 10.5 - That would a be a very good one

You could go for a Dark type one like me, since i didn't make a topic about my run cuz i'm way too lazy... I don't think Dark is a good one now though I'm doing cuz i'm crazy, sue me...

Honestly, just pick a type that suits you better i guess... and Good luck ^^

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Do a dragon one and screw yourself over...

My guess:

Ground is a good one. But i don't know when you can acess your second ground type (Turtwig will be the starter...), but ground is a good option...

Fighting is also good, but being completely honest: Even with dem fairy types, i think that would be an easy challenge (Especially with dat Speed Boost Blaziken...) So i think fighting would be an easy one...

Flying is a different one - It gives you A LOT of options, even more if you consider going back to version 10, then going back to version 10.5 - That would a be a very good one

You could go for a Dark type one like me, since i didn't make a topic about my run cuz i'm way too lazy... I don't think Dark is a good one now though I'm doing cuz i'm crazy, sue me...

Honestly, just pick a type that suits you better i guess... and Good luck ^^

If I do fighting, I won't do Torchic (it'll make it too easy). Only thing about flying is I want Zubat (odd, I know). So, that's a thing. And thanks!

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Ground is a decent choice, there are many solid strong ground types and there are quite a few available early on like onix, numel, and wormadon ground (have one in my bug mono its surprisingly not bad, though than again its a bug mono.....)

Fighting is not as great, yes it has broken and srong pokemon like speed boost blaziken and scraggy but there are not that many fighting types in the early stages, the only pokemon you can pick up during the first gym is ralts (you know gallade). But if you can get past the early gyms with the limited amount of pokemon you should be fine though I have no idea how your going to beat shelly but hey that your problem.

Flying is also a decent choice, you get a lot of choices throughout the game and you get many powerful pokemon like crobat, gyrados(you happy Vinny) The only problem I have with mono flying though is that it lacks bulky pokemon,most pokes generally aren't very bulky so you might have trouble against bulky teams like Aya and Shade. Besides that its a great choice.

Edited by ShatteredSkys
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Silly boy weavilles don't fly.

or do they.....

Weavile can use Aerial Ace... that's a start? doesn'tmatterSneaselisnotinRebornyetgoddammitAme He can still use Gyarados... if he's even going to do a flying type one... I suggest a grass type one, cuz why not?

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Weavile can use Aerial Ace... that's a start? doesn'tmatterSneaselisnotinRebornyetgoddammitAme He can still use Gyarados... if he's even going to do a flying type one... I suggest a grass type one, cuz why not?

Grass? no, just no. Florina would be nightmare-ish.

EDIT: Speaking of fighting, who else thought Dewott should of become part fighting? That would of made Samruott much more powerful. It's a good pokemon on it's own (used one in a nuzlocke of B/W2), just thought it was lacking something.

Edited by ShadowDefender
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You could go for a Dark type one like me, since i didn't make a topic about my run cuz i'm way too lazy... I don't think Dark is a good one now though I'm doing cuz i'm crazy, sue me...

Honestly, just pick a type that suits you better i guess... and Good luck ^^

Lucky you, I can't even Mono-Ice..... The only Ice types in game are Jynx, Cryogonal and Swinub ._. Why you do this Ame?! Also Vinny, you might want to update your signature with 6th gen models

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EDIT: Speaking of fighting, who else thought Dewott should of become part fighting? That would of made Samruott much more powerful. It's a good pokemon on it's own (used one in a nuzlocke of B/W2), just thought it was lacking something.

He would get Stab Revenge and Superpower would be pretty nice, but remember Emboar was Fire/Fighting, it would be really weird to have 2 in the same Gen (Yes I know they could have removed FIghting type from Emboar, but He is ready pretty meh, removing his second type would make him even less noticable in the sea of meh Fire types. [to be fair though, no where near as big as the Sea of meh Water types though.])

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Vinny just wait until the game gets into the mountains. Then when we have ice you'll get your Sneasal

And two more stickers to get a Razor Claw... yep... (And like i said before, if i can't get a Sneasel, i'll get a Bergmite... you know...)

@Bowser i could update, but that's too much work... I love Weavile's sprite in B/W to be honest...

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