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Pixel's Desolation Mods (Difficulty (Smart and Simple versions), Inspect, PC/Heal Menu, Alain sprite Port, and Status Application Berries)

Fae Witch

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I've been posting these in the mod market, I figured I should also post it in the Desolation forum. Also, like this I can have all my mods in one place.


Mod 1 - Inspect Mod


I added inspecting from Pokemon Rejuvenation into Pokemon Desolation.

Update V2: I made it show enemy stats, not just stat changes


Do note: It only works on the fight screen, where you choose your move. Not on the screen with FIGHT, BAG, SWITCH, and RUN. I don't know why this is, but it is the case, so don't tell me it isn't working because of this.


Installation: Just put it in your Desolation folder then unzip.


Inspect Mod Google Drive Download - https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Hw3DMCYNGiAESuV9k60zdM9p8Kjxv50S?usp=drive_link

Mod 2 - Simple Difficulty Mod


I added a simple difficulty mod to Pokemon Desolation.

It allows you to customize the IV and EV spreads of opponent trainer Pokemon.


Note: I haven't tested that the overwrite stuff works properly yet, since in my playthrough I'm not at a place with any story battles at the moment. I'll update this next time I hit a story battle.


From the README


Credits: Me, Pixel

Synopsis: Allows you to customize IV and EV distributions for opponent trainers.

How to use: After installing, open the file "simpleDifficultyMod.rb" up in a text editor. 
You can edit the $customIV, $customEV, $customSpread, and $customMinimum variables.
Each of these options have descriptions explaining what they do.
Their defaults are
$customIV = 31, $customEV = 85, $customSpread = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], and $customMinimum = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

Additionally, there are options to choose whose EVs to overwrite.
You can choose to overwrite EVs for all trainers, or only trainers that don't have set EVs (gym leaders, gang leaders, rivals, etc.).
By default it only overwrites EVs for trainers that don't have listed EVs.
I suggest, if you want to enhance difficulty using flat EVs, you overwrite all trainers at first, but once you get somewhere between Rosetta and Garret I suggest you turn partial overwrite on instead.


If the instructions for the override settings are confusing, here is a simplification.

$Override = true => EV customizations for all trainers

$Override = false, $partialOverride = true => EV customizations for trainers that don't already have EVs given to them. This means gym leaders, gang leaders, rivals, etc. keep their vanilla EVs.

$Override = false, $partialOverride = false => EV customizations are disabled for all trainers


Do note: You need to edit the file directly using a text editor, there is no in-game changing of the settings.


Installation: Just put it in your Desolation folder then unzip.


Editing Settings: Go to your desolation folder, then to Data, then to Mods, then open simpleDifficultyMod.rb (the .rb might be hidden depending on your file explorer settings) using any text editor. Make sure to save before opening your game.


Inspect Mod Google Drive Download - https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-j3470qbwbbojLhlDWSMrA5b67bgSd-L?usp=drive_link

Mod 3 - Alain from Rejuvenation Port


This mod swaps out Robin's (Desolation's white non-binary player character) sprites for Alain's (Rejuvenation's white non-binary player character)

If people are interested I could do it for the other sprites. I'm not sure if I could do it with Reborn's sprites, I'd have to check.



1. Go to your Pokemon Desolation folder

2. Go to its graphics folder

3. Go to its character folder

4. Drag the contents of the Alain folder into the character folder

5. If you want to uninstall, drag the contents of the Robin folder into the character folder


Inspect Mod Google Drive Download - https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1JWOuvm1v9MZG7pDk-2GJmO-7QgsNgnRv?usp=drive_link

Mod 4 - Heal/PC Menu Mod


This adds the healing and pc functions to the menu so that you can heal/access the PC anywhere without using debug.

Google Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1vhNx2SNbKd3fVk9ceZbV_BjCd257Wux_?usp=sharing

Mod 5 - Status Application Berries


This adds berries that apply the 5 primary status effects (Burn, poison, paralysis, sleep, and frozen). I tried to add one that applies Badly Poisoned to a Pokemon, but it didn't work.

The berries are buyable at any Pokemart for 1000 Pokedollars.
Disclaimer: Do not try to use this with Pokemon Rejuvenation, it will not work. I will port it to Rejuvenation later.

Google Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1yr4IsYnb87pUVbWhHusp0ZgIu3hYGw0H?usp=drive_link

Mod 6 - Smart Trainer Optimization Mod


This mod uses your opponent Pokemon's species' base stats and the Pokemon's current moveset to determine its nature and EVs. This nature and EV spread will be what is determined algorithmically to be the best, given the Pokemon's stats and moves. This may be wrong, but even in the cases it's wrong, it should be better than a flat spread of 85 EVs like is the default for random trainers in mid to late game. By wrong I mean it may give, say, HP EVs when, optimally, it should give speed EVs, or it might give a physical attacker a split between physical and special EVs because it has a single special move. It won't give a special attacker 252 attack EVs or anything like that.
Also automatically sets the opponent's IVs to 31 (Unless specifically set for Trick Room IVs).
It will not increase a Pokemon's EVs past 508, nor will it increase any individual stat beyond 252
This only affects trainer Pokemon
Affects allies as well as enemies
Does not affect your own Pokemon
Does not affect Pokemon that are already optimized (like mid-late gym trainer Pokemon and such)
Overwrites password effects that alter EVs and IVs 

While I have tested this a bit, it has *not* been thoroughly tested. Please report any bugs you find so I can fix them.


Note: I made this mod in the file for my Simple Desolation Difficulty Mod. I know you were able to config stuff in my Simple Desolation Difficulty Mod, but unless you know what you're doing, I suggest you don't for this mod.

There is a Rejuvenation version of this mod, I'll link it here once I post it: 

Installation: Put the file in your mods folder.

Google Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1zVkUNfEbN8p5ha4VwVtOk5LvApQqTVW6?usp=drive_link

Mod 7 - Stat Fusion Mod


This mod allows you to fuse your Pokemon's stats together, replacing all of the grouped stats with the highest of them.
By default this fuses Attack and Special Attack only, replacing whichever is lower by whichever is higher.
This works before items, abilities, and stat boosts, but after EVs and IVs

In order to change which stats are fused, you need to go into the file. It should be fairly simple, as long as you read the comments, remember to only edit the words true and false, and to keep them in all lowercase


This applies to trainers, wild Pokemon, bosses, and the player.


If you're fighting someone and you inspect them and it looks like the mod isn't working, keep in mind that items, abilities, the field, etc. can effect stats, and they're applied after the mod.


Desolation v6.0.11


Note: Only the default one is attached, the others are only on google drive

Google Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1DFkuW0glW8HLB2LfU8I2C6-iFFlezqbg?usp=sharing


Attack + Special Attack (DEFAULT): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1DFkuW0glW8HLB2LfU8I2C6-iFFlezqbg?usp=sharing

Defense + Special Defense: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YL7PK_h8S6tYXWQEM2N_L1DMEqLpNMbB/view?usp=drive_link

Gen 1, aka Special Attack + Special Defense: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bC4OX3ar7Gbg91ywJavZtBu6cQtHd2VB/view?usp=drive_link

Others: This includes the above preconfigurations as well as combinations of them https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1DFkuW0glW8HLB2LfU8I2C6-iFFlezqbg?usp=drive_link


The Reborn (v19.5) and Rejuvenation v13.5 versions can be found here: 

All my Desolation Mods: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1rVk898sRkSjeIVNncvJEwWHQdNvA6p5F?usp=sharing

Inspect Desolation v2.zip Simple Desolation Difficulty Mod.zip Robin to Alain sprite swap.zip healPCMenuMod.rbDesolation Status Application Berry Mod.zip





Edited by PixelMods
Added Desolation Stat Fusion Mod
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