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[TOWN & TP WIN] Stardew Valley - Festival Mafia


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Stardew Valley - Festival Mafia


In the quaint and charming Stardew Valley, the peace is about to be disturbed as some residents plot and scheme for their own devious plans...


Choose your character and be either the hero that protects the peace, the villain that wreaks havoc, or neither.




Mafia is a social deduction game which requires analysis, cooperation, and detection of falsehoods. There are two main factions in a mafia game: the Uninformed Majority [Town], who have to seek others of their kind while they hunt the Mafia-aligned players, and the Informed Minority [Mafia], who have a private chat wherein they can discuss plans for deceiving the Town-aligned players and decide whom to eliminate each night.
At the beginning of the game, players receive a channel in the discord server with their alignment.
There are two major phases in a Mafia game:
(1) The Day Phase – Typically lasting 48 hours, players have the opportunity to discuss several things. This may include the following: the outcome of the previous phases; the behavior of players; and the flow of the game. For Town-aligned players, their goal is to identify Mafia-aligned players. For Mafia-aligned players, their goal is to blend in and create the perception that they are Town-aligned. Before the day ends, players must vote for a player they seek to eliminate on the basis of suspicion or other reasons. The player receiving the most votes will be eliminated.


(2) The Night Phase – Typically lasting 24 hours, players with night actions may use these abilities to aid their faction. Mafia-aligned players are also granted the ability to decide one player whom they wish to evict from the game.


The game continues until one of the major factions attains their win condition or unless it is no longer possible.





1. Closed Setup -  Character names and roles will not be provided at the start of the game.

2. Full Reveal - Upon eviction, a player's character name and role will be revealed (unless another role's actions interfere).

3. Fakeclaims - Players not aligned with the town will be provided with a fakeclaim, which may include characters not in the game.

4. Role Madness - Some roles will be fairly standard while others will be unconventional or custom-made. Power level of roles will vary.

5. Night Discussion - In this game, players may continue discussing during the night.





1. On Day 1, players may vote [ABSTAIN]. If more than 50% of players abstain, no one is evicted.

2. Roles that affect votes will not be reflected in the vote count.

3. In the event of a tie, one of the players in the tie will be evicted at random.

4. Failure to vote will result in a self-vote and a warning.

5. MYLO will not be announced.



1. Day actions will be processed as soon as I see them.

2. Night actions will follow this role priority.

- Empowering
- Roleblocking
- Transporting
- Protecting
- Gifting
- Communicating
- Misleading
- Miscellaneous
- Killing
- Investigating



1. Unless otherwise stated, only Investigating roles will receive feedback on whether their action succeeded or not.

2. Players will not be informed if they are roleblocked/transported.



1. Players with multiple Visiting roles may only perform one Visiting action per night.

2. The Mafia's Factional Kill is assigned and counts as a Visiting action.

3. Unless otherwise stated, actions with limited uses will be used up regardless of success or failure in usage.

4. Any unsubmitted mandatory actions will be directed to a random player.



1. All player discussion will remain in this server.

2. Host-provided information can only be shared through paraphrasing.

3. Evicted players cannot share game-sensitive information to living players.

4. Editing (except for grammar/spelling purposes) and deleting messages is not allowed. 

5. Respect the host, other players, and the integrity of the game.


This game will be played on a Discord server. Below is the link:



Sign-ups have closed and the game will begin soon! 


More details and mechanics await in the server!

Edited by Divergent
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