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Hello everyone! Names Jordon but call me Jordon or Umiam (my name on all media outside my family) Am the He. I have played bits of desolation and reborn in the past but it was years ago so i dont remeber much. I started Rejuv the other day and id like to start journaling my journey. Heres my current squad and thoughts.



Frogadier -25

Jigglypuff (Shiny) - 25

Mightyena (Shiny) - 25

Swablu (Shiny) - 25

Swadloon (Varient) -25

Psyduck (Shiny) -25


Current thoughts. Ren and Venam are an absolute mood. LOVE THEM. Loved the fun missions like battling that mystery girl on the hotel roof and the woman who somehow dropped steroids out a window and evolved a litleo into a mfking Pyroar. That fight was fun and hard! We make our way into the forest with my new bestie melia and we discover some hella cool stuff. Shes strange tho. Why did she have a snag machine in her briefcase?? Shadow pokemon is a favorite of mine so this is neat. Gyrados thing was a huge no no. Lost quickly and get back to the lab to see some confusing scene with jenner and company. Skip forward melia is supposedly dead by cool Galvantula and my heart drops. Idk if shes truly dead but i hope she isnt (no spoilers pls). Now were at Sheridan and weird stuffs going on. Retrived something for Keta and now he handed me my ass. Gonna try some new strats and find a way to beat him.

Will update thread! 

Edited by adburner
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So as i was training up some new mons i disovered the CUTEST shiny ive seen yet in Zigzagoon who i promptly named Blueberry. 6 Shinies now. This is the team i beat Keta with (Everyone is shiny but frogadier, didnt have reset luck for the starter)


So Keta runs behind a waterfall acting weird and inside its a volcano??? wtf thats cool. Aelita and i beat up some kinda robot called SEC and then its...wife...abducts Aelita. Okayyyy. Progress a bit further and added a rolycoly to the box. Train that up later. Love me some Coallasal. Keta was working with xen? on what tho. So now im working with him inside some base in the volcano. After doing some puzzles we made our way to the Xen chick and now his supposed daughter? I think it was a mystery idk. Few moments later a shadowfied mewtwo attacks and we managed to kill it only for it to be revived thanks to a volcanion rift mon. So ofc you know whats next. we spend a few moments looking for new mons and then heading to volcanion. Entered the rift and no matter what i did the steam eruption one shot me. Kinda a dumb thing to have built in so early in the game. I dont currently have any water absorb mons so im kinda crap outta luck there. Figuring out what to do now is my next step. Ill probably attempt this later today and update again. 


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Update 2

So after beating rift volcanion using flinch hax with Lunatone after Para with Blitzle, we confront madelis and mewtwo, Keta is down but not for long, after mewtwo is commanded to attack keta seemingly sacrifices his life to protect me and his daughter while Crescent AGAIN teleports us out of the cave. Now three new characters are introduced Nastasia and Geara and Neved. Seemingly Higher ups or all admins of Xen. They are an interesting bunch. OKAY WHAT WHY AM I HERE NOW? Okay i walked out of a portal and ran around and got cornered by them only to be saved by the same dark portal moments later..wtf is going on. So im back and we learned that the elder can help us purify shadow pokemon at the center grove at town. Aelita seems to not know it existed so maybe its a well kept secret from the town.  Ive been tasked now with fixing my snag machine by finding Saki Blakeroy who ive learned the blakorys arent exactly well liked people? I wonder why that is. If im not mistaken a gym exists in gearen west and is led by a blakory. That could be fun. So now Aelita and I have begun our journey to find Saki and now we entered Chapter 3! Small update i know but i havent really gone much farther yet. Im playing a few games so im gonna update this when i can. 

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Update 3
Jan What is this story! Im so confused but im SO hooked on it idek what to do. Also im still wanting to know what happened to my mom and why she seemed connected to all this. But onto the story. So we are forced to head back to east gearen and look yall know what happens but lemme say, LUCA is a mood. I am luca. Best character so far hands down. Okay now im in some kinda weird mansion thats spawned and we have the worst detective squad around. Im literally younger than these folk i guess and ive done all the work. GO AROUND THE GATE VENAM CMON NOW lol. Met some ghost lady inside Named Indriad theolia? She seems to be a ghost or spirit.  HOL UP WOMAN. WHATCHA MEAN IM GONNA HAVE MY SOUL STOLEN. Oh she said father. Maybe the sprite just looked off to me but ofc its 2024 i shouldnt assume anyones gender specifics till they state it. So her dad trapped me and now wants my soul for a ritual. Okay so this melia look alike is marianette. Seems intresting. So after doing some maid quests, accidentially letting some snow goddess or something angry and saving all my frens, i meet up with my fight with melia. I did see what kinda battle wed have and the  blessed field was a problem my first fight. She swiftly wiped my party and i have officially stopped at 1:48 Am after playing 3 hours straight grinding and exploring and solving puzzles. So tommrow im gonna hopefully beat her and her intresting team. Also MULTIPULSE is so stupid. No reason for her to have that. it literally kills 90 percent of the stuff your gonna have acess to prior in your adventures. We go again tommrow! thanks for over 100 views here peeps. Also feel free to give me advice! without spoiling ofc

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Update 4
OKAY so i finally beat Marianette, I looked up the field stuff and used Ominious wind on it and got rid of that stupid Busted Blessed field. So i beat her narrowly with frogadier crits and then her father was weird and didnt want me or my friends leaving. And jan this is where you lost me completley. The little girl had sudden magical powers and remebered she was maria or something. Im so lost here. She then gained Holy powers and attacked her father. WHAT JUST HAPPEND. WHAT EVEN IS THIS ANYMORE. Okay so now the news is on and we woke up in the sewers or some crap. Now were back on track but weirdly when we mention saki venam gets LIVID. Dunno what thats about yet so. I make it to the gates to golden leaf to find out from ren Narcissia is the gym leader? one of the xen leaders...yikes. Okay so now im battling Aelita to test if im worthy. Beat her and went to the town and met with some small girl and some girl who is named ghost girl. So im thinking theres spirits in the town. Idk yet. Chapter 4 just started and now im gonna play a bit more this weekend. ALSO PLEASE GIVE ME TIPS FOR UPCOMING BATTLES. Dont spoil story stuff but suggest mons to catch and train. Please

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