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Reborn v19.5: Reborn v19.5 is still in the beta stage. You can download it here: 

Rejuvenation: v13.5

Desolation: v6.0


More basic explanation

What does this mod do?
It automatically gives trainer Pokemon that don't already have EVs manually assigned an 'optimal' EV distribution. By 'optimal' I mean a generally good EV distribution. Some are better than other, but they should pretty universally be better than the default, which is 81 EVs in each stat at maximum. Lower level trainers have it even lower.

What Pokemon will this NOT affect?
Basically any boss battle (gym leaders, team meteor, PULSE, etc.) starting with Serra will have at least one Pokemon with their optimal EVs already assigned. These Pokemon will not be affected, since I trust the Reborn team to have a better idea about what they're doing than the mod's algorithm.

Practically, what effect will this have on my playthrough?
A harder early game, and you might not be able to mindlessly plow through random NPCs.

But won't NPCs 30 levels lower than me still be weak, even with optimal EVs?
I suggest you use the levelfloor password in conjunction with this mod. It makes it so NPC Pokemon will have a minimum level of the previous level cap, with the exception of FEAR Pokemon.
You can also use the highstandard password to make it so all opponent NPCs have all IVs of 31, with the exception of Trick Room users.

These passwords don't exist for Rejuvenation or Desolation. However, I have added them as (optionally) part of the mod for Rejuvenation (which was particularly easy since I was the one who coded these passwords for Reborn in the first place) and I'll do so for Desolation next time I start a playthrough for it.


More advanced/wordy explanation

This mod uses your opponent Pokemon's species' base stats and the Pokemon's current moveset to determine its nature and EVs. This nature and EV spread will be what is determined algorithmically to be the best, given the Pokemon's stats and moves. This may be wrong, but even in the cases it's wrong, it should be better than a flat spread of 85 EVs like is the default for random trainers in mid to late game. By wrong I mean it may give, say, HP EVs when, optimally, it should give speed EVs, or it might give a physical attacker a split between physical and special EVs because it has a single special move. It won't give a special attacker 252 attack EVs or anything like that.
Also automatically sets the opponent's IVs to 31 (Unless specifically set for Trick Room IVs). (This part doesn't apply to Reborn because there is a password for that, highstandard or opp31ivs)
It will not increase a Pokemon's EVs past 508, nor will it increase any individual stat beyond 252
This only affects trainer Pokemon
Affects allies as well as enemies
Does not affect your own Pokemon
Does not affect Pokemon that are already optimized (like mid-late gym leader Pokemon and such)
Overwrites password effects that alter EVs and IVs. Note, for Reborn, that the new highstandard password, that set opponent IVs to 31, still works.

Incompatible with any mod that alters trainer levels, moves, forms, shininess, items, etc. Note: The new levelfloor password in Reborn v19.5, that sets opponent levels to the previous level cap if their level was lower, unless their level is 1 because then they're a FEAR Pokemon, still works. 

It may or may not work with Reborn's leveloffset and percentlevel passwords. I don't see any code for it in the function, but I also don't remember removing any code for it, so it might just be in a different function.


While I have tested this a bit, it has *not* been thoroughly tested. Please report any bugs you find so I can fix them.


Note: I made this mod in the file for my Simple Desolation Difficulty Mod. I know you were able to config stuff in my Simple Desolation Difficulty Mod, but unless you know what you're doing, I suggest you don't for this mod.

Note about this note: I cleaned up the Reborn version so it doesn't include anything configurable. Also, it has a faster loading time. 


Installation Rejuvenation and Desolation: Put the file in your Mods folder.

Installation Reborn v19.5: Put in the patch/Mods folder


If there are any problems, please report them to me below, or to the_interceptor_rejuvenation on Discord (Pixel - Modder is my display name on the Reborn Evolved server)


Note for Rejuvenation: By default, the mod also makes it so trainer Pokemon will never be below the previous level cap (usually 5 levels below the current level cap) and makes it so all opponent trainer Pokemon will have max IVs. This can be disabled easily be opening the mod in a text editor and changing the true next to the settings to false.


Google Drive Link (Rejuvenation): https://drive.google.com/file/d/11ikOaMoiVfofonE6ZKQhcutXbGNbQfcF/view?usp=drive_link

Google Drive Link (Desolation): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1zVkUNfEbN8p5ha4VwVtOk5LvApQqTVW6?usp=drive_link 

Google Drive Link (Reborn v19.5): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uiyO3n_Ylwi3vpIwE6MVAZew7KUZlE8H/view?usp=sharing








Edited by PixelMods
Updated Rejuvenation Mod on Google Drive
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Apparently editing the post doesn't count as updating it in the mod market, so I'm just putting that I updated the mod to be available for Reborn v19.5 with compatability for both of the new difficulty passwords introduced in v19.5

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