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The Team for Reborn League!


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With the start of the Leagues 3rd season, I decided to jump on the train as well.

Here is my crew which will take on this challenge:


It is a Semi-Stall team, with 3 defensive and 3 offensive Pokemon.



CLAWITZER @ Assault Vest

Nature: Modest

Ability: Mega Launcher

EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD

Water Pulse

Aura Sphere

Dark Pulse

Dragon Pulse

Clawitzer is my exchange for Mega-Turtok, which I had to take out because there are no Megas allowed in the League. But, after some battles, I noticed that Clawitzer is even better! He has the same moves, but can carry the Assault Vest, which makes him really tanky on the special side! (Psychic from a Latios -> 35% Damage or so, phh)

He is a very good pokemon and can hit many pokemon super effective, and there is almost no pokemon who resists all of the moves. Plus, with Mega Launcher, these attacks deal enormous damage.


NOIVERN @ Chesto Berry

Nature: Timid

Ability: Infiltrator

EVs: 252 Spe / 252 SpA / 4 HP

Draco Meteor


Air Slash


Noivern is my lead in many cases. With Taunt he crippels typical leadoffs, and for thinks like Spore, he carries the Chesto Berry, which is always good for a suprise motherfocka.

He can outspeed almost everything and can deal good damage too. DM is for other Dragons, Air Slash is for STAB and flinching, Flamethrower is for threads like Aegislash and all these Steel/Bug types.

Taunt as said is for crippling the foes staller.


TREVENANT @ Sitrus Berry

Nature: Careful

Ability: Harvest

EVs: 252 HP / 148 Def / 88 Atk / 20 SpD

Shadow Claw


Leech Seed


I think it's a pretty common set for Trevenant, but it works perfect against stallers. With substitute active, they can't touch me, and with WoW and Leech Seed, they get wrecked pretty fast. Harvest is a OP Ability and can give him his Berry back after every round. Shadow Claw is for a good STAB.



Nature: Adamant

Ability: Thick Fat

EVs: 252 Atk / 176 Spe / 80 HP


Icicle Crash

Ice Shard


Mamoswine is really offensive. It's job is to deal as much damage as possible. EQ and Icicle Crash are strong STABS, Superpower is for coverage and Ice Shard is for priority which can OHKO all these Dragons with 4x weakness to Ice.


TENTACRUEL @ Black Sludge

Nature: Calm

Ability: Liquid Ooze

EVs: 252 SpD / 176 Spe / 80 SpA


Toxic Spikes


Rapid Spin

Okay. Tentacruel has many jobs on my team. 1) He is my special tank and can almost take every special attack. With his good typing he has few weaknesses, which is very good. 2) My answer to Leech Seed + Giga Drain stallers. Nobody sees Liquid Ooze coming and it is so satisfying to see their stallers going down. 3) Toxic Spikes for trolling, plus, it is deadly in combination with Venoshock. 4) Rapid Spinner. 'nuff said.


SKARMORY @ Leftovers

Nature: Impish

Ability: Sturdy

EVs: 252 Def / 216 Spe / 40 Atk

Iron Head


Stealth Rock


Skarmory is my physical wall, tanking super effective hits like a baws. He is there for setting up hazards, too, and noone is better than him. His great typing prevents him from poison and Roost heals him up and can be good for avoiding super effective hits.

What do you think? Do I have a chance, or does this team need mor work? Please give some feedback and/or advices!


Mamutel (Mamoswine) (F) @ Life Orb

Trait: Thick Fat

EVs: 80 HP / 252 Atk / 176 Spd

Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)

- Earthquake

- Icicle Crash

- Ice Shard

- Superpower

Panzaeron (Skarmory) (M) @ Leftovers

Trait: Sturdy

EVs: 40 Atk / 252 Def / 216 Spd

Impish Nature (+Def, -SAtk)

- Iron Head

- Spikes

- Stealth Rock

- Roost

Trombork (Trevenant) (M) @ Sitrus Berry

Trait: Harvest

EVs: 252 HP / 88 Atk / 148 Def / 20 SDef

Careful Nature (+SDef, -SAtk)

- Shadow Claw

- Substitute

- Leech Seed

- Will-O-Wisp

Tentoxa (Tentacruel) (F) @ Black Sludge

Trait: Liquid Ooze

EVs: 80 SAtk / 252 SDef / 176 Spd

Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk)

- Scald

- Toxic Spikes

- Venoshock

- Rapid Spin

UHaFnir (Noivern) (M) @ Chesto Berry

Trait: Infiltrator

EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd

Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)

- Draco Meteor

- Taunt

- Air Slash

- Flamethrower

Wummer (Clawitzer) (M) @ Assault Vest

Trait: Mega Launcher

EVs: 252 HP / 252 SAtk / 4 SDef

Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)

- Water Pulse

- Dragon Pulse

- Aura Sphere

- Dark Pulse

Edited by Calvius
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*Disclaimer* Everything here is simply an opinion and not a suggestion or fact or anything solid. Take it with a grain of sugar (because salt is salty)

I'm not sure how well it would hold up in league, since there won't be much momentum to your team (putting U-turn on Clawzitzer and Noivern MIGHT help), so you'll have to really hope that your stalling holds up well. You don't have a team that makes pulling off a sweep possible, unless you get really lucky. Sure, your Clawitzer will be a bit tankier than usual, but it's speed will guarantee it goes down after 2-3 hits instead of 1-2, and without specs of life orb, I don't think Noivern will pack enough punch (especially with timid nature). Mamoswine is a solid member, but it has a fair few weaknesses, so it will really depend on matchings as to whether it does much. So with a sweep out of the question, your main hope will lie in your stalling ability and managing to play around your opponent. Thankfully, you have great stallers (not too sure about no hp EVs on Tentacruel though, that might be a problem), but I would definitely get whirlwind on Skarmory for phazing, especially with those speed EVs.

Edited by Tenshine
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Okay, thank you, I appreciate the critics!

So, I thought about it, and here are some possible changes:

- Trevenants Shadow Claw replaced by Shadow Sneak

- Skarmorys Iron head replaced by Whirlwind (but then again it has no attacking moves at all

- Tentacruel EVs: 252 SpD / 100 HP / 80 SpA / 76 Spe

With Noivern I'm not sure. I don't want to give it a Choice item because of Taunt .. maybe Life Orb on him and then Choice Band on Mamoswine?

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Nice team, but I got a couple bones to pick.

  • Ya got a lot of hazards - which would be good if Defog didn't exist. Since it's so readily accessible there will be that one scumbag pokemon on the other team.
  • A lack of multi-target moves might come back to bite you in the ass. You can't rely on Earthquake alone for multi-target damage; however a good start would be to replace Scald with Surf on Tentacruel. You're already poisoning your targets with Toxic Spikes so the side effect of Scald is kind of redundant.

Anyway, it's probably better that you give this team a go in the League before you take my suggestions, or anyone's for that matter, to heart.

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Okay, that might be, never tried doubles with this team and didn't though about this at all ..

But I kind of want to keep Scald, since you can't always rely on Toxic Spikes (Defog as you said).

I got to think about it, in singles this team did quite well, I think I won 8 out of 10 matches, so we will see. Definetly give it a try.

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I like the Pokemon you choose for your team, I think it's unique and it has pretty good coverage which is nice. The only thing I think you might have trouble with are the triple battles, and there are quite a few of them usually. Walls/stalling Pokemon tend not to survive as well in the triples as they do in singles so that might be something to take into consideration. Yet then again, as Abbey said, try it out first before you really make any major changes, might be the team will do very well. Good luck!

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