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Pokemon Aftermath #2a: Gardenia Stands Firm (Covert Ops)


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Silver stands before you, arms crossed, a grimace clearly evident on his face.

"First of all, welcome to the covert ops division of Team Dusk. This team will handle secondary operations in support of the main team. The objective of this squad is to eliminate obstacles for the main team, while remaining quiet to mislead the Church. Now. While I would like to give you time to get to know each other, we already have a problem."

He gestures towards the screen in the middle of the room, causing it to display a visual image of a room. Within this room, stands a number of individuals, all separated from each other by what seems to be beams of light.

"The main squad has made contact with Gardenia. Unfortunately, she has trapped them in a prison of light, forcing them to face her one at a time. With our current strength, this is - regrettably - impossible."

He waves at the screen, producing an image of a large building, clearly industrial in nature.

"White, head of tech support, managed to trace the flow of the energy powering the light prison to this external generator, outside the city."

The image rotates, and is replaced by a three-dimensional cross-section of the building's schematics.

"The generator is three stories high, with the power source of the light prison on the highest floor. Each floor will be heavily guarded by both trainers and security systems. Each floor has a plethora of automated defences, in addition to elite patrolling trainers. Each floor has a central power chamber which coordinates the defences; if you can somehow cut off the signal, you should be able to avoid drones for that floor. The key here is to avoid detection. If the main control is made aware of your presence, a lockdown will almost certainly be initiated. While this would cause the power supply to the main grid to run dry eventually, it would alert Gardenia to your presence, and it would render extraction near impossible. The mission here is to eliminate the power source for the prison by any means necessary, to give the main team a fighting chance against Gardenia."

Silver nods once, and the display turns blank.

"Unfortunately, I can't join you; I'm urgently needed in Johto. But I'll teleport you to the generator. This is your show; methods don't matter. Just get the results."

Silver releases an Alakazam from a Pokeball. The Alakazam waves its spoons around, and you find yourself engulfed in purple light.


Note: This thread is intended to be for all the people who joined the RP after the main story began. Feel free to get to know each other while being stealthy ninjas in the generator building. All non-covert ops players, please continue to RP as if you did not know this thread existed. Thank you.

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Slightly startled by the teleportation and already on edge, Sarcus quickly released Absolution from his ball and drew his weapons with a practiced motion. When he saw that they were not going to immediately be set upon by Church operatives, he relaxed slightly, coming out of his combat stance and returning one of the knives to its sheath. He looked about at the other Trainers present. "We'll probably need a plan to do this. We should start with stating our strengths." He fell silent, waiting for the other trainers to speak before informing them of his own abilities. The tall trainer's eyes darted about the area, on the alert for any Church guards.

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Jon quickly sent out Kyte, startled by the sudden teleport, and took battle position by the Swampert's side. He then looked to the other people in the place.

There were just the trainers that were in the room when Silver teleported them, and although that was a sign of relative security, he wasn't taking chances with people he didn't know. Specially when one of them drew knifes out of nowhere. He kept his position.

Then the one with the knifes relaxed. "We'll probably need a plan to do this. We should start with stating our strengths."

At that Kyte nudged him lightly. "What, now you want me to be the first to talk?!" - Jon whispered back. This was going way to fast for his taste.

He then took a deep breath and calmed down a little. This whole teaming up thing wasn't making him very confortable, but in the end it was the only way to really oppose the Church. He didn't have to tell them everything though, and surely woudn't.

Kyte gazed at him impaciently. "Ok, ok you know what is best"- Jon answered him before relaxing his position and turning to talk to the others.

"Ahmn ok."- he started -"Well, my name is Jon and my partner is Kyte. I can hide and sneak well and I can... help, if a fight comes up. Kyte here can wreck a lot of stuff too, but I'm afraid he's not that good in walking unnoticed."

With everyone looking at him Jon felt too much exposed, so he cut the presentation there and stepped back for the next one to come, hoping that was enough.

(OC: first ever RP post, so if I'm doing something wrong please tell me!)

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Flux sighed. He had not been ready at all for this. As he gathered his surroundings, he heard Sarcus speak up.

"We'll probably need a plan to do this. We should start with stating our strengths."

Sarcus fell quiet afterwards, and a newcomer he hadn't seen until the meeting began his introduction.

"Ahmn ok. Well, my name is Jon and my partner is Kyte. I can hide and sneak well and I can... help, if a fight comes up. Kyte here can wreck a lot of stuff too, but I'm afraid he's not that good in walking unnoticed."

The dark-haired man seemed a bit uneasy at being the first to speak up. "Well, I might as well go next..." Flux thought to himself. He cleared his throat, more to gather people's attention than because it was clogged.

"As most of you here know, my name is Flux. Unfortunately, I fear that the only help I have to offer is my brain. I just can't keep up with the youth of today." He gave a little grin as he said that. He did appear to be the oldest one there after all, though not by quite as large of a margin as he made it seem. He continued, "My Pokemon, Aggron, isn't the best at sneaking around either. I can assist with what I know about technology and Pokemon, but that's about the limit."

When he finished, Flux stepped back into the crowd and returned to his thoughts. He wondered why Silver had chosen him to be in a covert ops squad, knowing which Pokemon he had and especially the way it acted. Ogre was as loudmouthed and self-centered as Pokemon could get. Not to mention the constant stomping there would be if he was ever let out of his Pokeball. Flux was a scientist, a professor, but he had no knowledge of how these sorts of missions went. These thoughts filled his mind as he waited for the next person to speak.

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Miki Shizayuma landed adeptly on her feet thanks to her skinny body mass. The Japanese girl then sent out her electric partner, Raito, expecting an immediate confrontation with members of the Church. However, Miki realized that the people and Pokemon she is surrounded by are all just as confused and on guard as she was. "Well, I guess this is my team now... But where are...?"

"We'll probably need a plan to do this. We should start with stating our strengths."

Miki sighed with relief as she heard Sarcus' familiar voice and started making her way towards it, gesturing Raito to follow. As soon as duo found their way to Sarcus and Absolution's side, she heard a guy introducing himself and his partner. The Swampert seemed comfortable around strangers whereas his trainer... Not so much. Raito was eyeing the Mud Fish Pokemon wearily, seeing as he can obliterate the yellow Eeveelution in one fell swoop. As Jon stepped back in line, Miki couldn't help but giggle at his nervousness. Then, she listened to Flux's introduction. "This is good. At least I found my friends here." She then glanced around before deciding on introducing herself. "Well, better to get it over with," she thought.

"Come on, Raito." She called, which gathered all eyes on her and her partner in crime. Raito beamed at her before facing the crowd.

"Umm... I'll t-try to make this brief... Hi everyone! M-My name is Miki Shizayuma, a-and t-this is my loyal friend, Raito." At the mention of his name, the said Jolteon gave a happy "Jolt Jolt!" as a greeting to everyone.

"A-As for strengths, umm... I-I a-am able to run really quickly and I-I have a lot of knowledge on Pokemon s-since I'm a bookworm." She laughed sheepishly, scratching her head. "Raito, here, is specialized w-with long distance attacks. S-So, he might be able to provide a d-distraction or s-something of the sorts... Like for those drones i-if things go bad or... And, of course, he c-can battle really well too."

Realizing that she has nothing else to say, Miki took her step back to fall alongside Sarcus. The young girl looked around and gave a smile. "So... Who's next?"

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Sarcus listened carefully to the trainers describing their strengths - and weaknesses. He winced slightly. A covert ops team with no stealth expert? Not the best plan. Perhaps more thorough interviews with candidates would have been wise; then again, there wasn't exactly a surplus of candidates. He stepped forward, free hand resting on his partner's head. He murmured to the Dark-type, "Start alternating between Hone Claws and Calm Mind. We'll need to be at full strength." He obeyed, scraping his claws along the ground and together, removing excess layers to maximize their cutting power.

He then turned to the group. "For those of you that haven't met us yet, this is Absolution. My name is Sarcus. I'm not the stealthiest person you'll ever meet, but I'm not bad. I've got a fair amount of technological knowledge, so we should be able to deal with any computerized barriers we run across between myself and Flux. I can take out other Trainers if I get the drop on them, too, but I'm afraid I can't overpower many people. As for battling, we hit with powerful, precise attacks, and can adapt to most opponents. Our strategy is taking out opponents by out-thinking them, and knocking them out before they can hit Absolution's frail defenses. He'll also be able to detect if something really bad is on its way. Both of us are fairly useless when it comes to attacks at range, however." After he finished, he took a step backward, resuming his place alongside Miki. He unconsciously fidgeted with the blade in his off hand, alternating between spinning it and gripping it tightly.

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Alina nodded at all the responses, taking the information in quietly. When it was her turn to speak, she closed her eyes and said, "Im Alina Mayonaka, and this is Maple." She gestured toward the Serperior lying at her feet. It slithered up her leg, then imposed a challenging glare towards the others. "I specialize in long-range attacks and speed; my strategies are basically just hit but dont get hit. Im not the best at stealth, but I can manage sneaking past security cameras and the such. My serperior has the ability contrary, so it can get pretty destructive after a leaf storm or two, but its pretty fragile as well, since we've always invested our training into speed. Im good at physical puzzles as well, but Im afraid I cant contribute much to strategy. Im more of the 'ambush-and-destroy' type."

Turning toward Sarcus, she said, "Hey, youve got experience with blades too?" Alina reached back and unsheathed the sword that was always strapped onto her back. "Like I said, Im more of a long-range attacker, as I cant really handle my grandfather's sword well. Its a little too heavy for my tastes, but I use it when I cant really get an advantage with long-range or if the enemy is too close for my comfort."

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Bssst. A noise from a a device came from somewhere. Turns out there was a small device laying on the ground that must have been sent with the team somehow.

Bsst, the Static came through again then a voice started to come out of the the small black device. "Hello? Can anybody hear me?" it sounded like a man that was for sure, definitely older than Silver. "This is Agent Volcano calling to confirm landing of Team Slyveon Covert Ops team. Does anybody read me?"

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Jon payed very close attention to the other's introductions. It seemed like some of them already knew each other, especifically the scientist guy , the one with the Absol and the girl with Jolteon. They were... Flux, Sarcus and Miki, was it? Jon was terrible remembering people's names.

Kyte seemed to be liking to see all this people for a change. When Miki's Raito glanced at him, visibly unconfortable, the big blue pokémon returned the gaze with a smile and a wave from one of his thick hands as a greeting. Jon found it amazing how diferently the Swampert acted around these people, as since they'd fled Sootopolis he was always trying to avoid human contact.

He didn't even bother when Alina showed up with her Serperior, as huge a threat as they seemed to be, and greeted the grass snake the same way. Jon wasn't falling for that though, and tensed up instantly.

While he was lost in tought about these people, something on the floor next to them made a strange noise. It was a black thing that should be some sort of radio, as a voice came out of it.

"This is Agent Volcano calling to confirm landing of Team Slyveon Covert Ops team. Does anybody read me?"

"Confirmed" - Sarcus responded for them.

"Well, guess it's action time." - he muttered to himself as he waited for the instructions.

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"Good I am sure you know the mission already." The voice said. "Do try not to get caught. It would be rather unfortunate to lose another stealth unit. They tend to drop like Flies they do." "Anyway on your way, I got things to plan and important work to do, This is Agent Volcano out."

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After the transmission cut out, Sarcus snorted. "Well, that was reassuring. Glad to know how much they care." He quickly ran through his knowledge of his teammates to formulate a plan. No one was really cut out for getting around in there, except. . . "Miki. How well can you communicate with Raito? Jolteon are blazing fast, and don't make a lot of noise. He might be able to let us know what's waiting in there. After we find that out, we send in Alina to take out anyone who notices us on our way in, followed by myself. John - John? - Flux and Miki head in last." He paused. "Should we try and take out the guards, or focus on avoiding them? An alarm will surely go up if we knock a guard out at some point, but if that alarm goes off with us in the middle of the building, bad things will happen."

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"Alina Mayonaka... Glad I'm not the only girl around, although her Serperior..." Miki glanced at grass type, "While her behavior is understandable, it's a little too imposing. Maybe with time... As for Jon... He seems nice despite his nervousness. And the Swampert..." Miki saw Kyte giving a cordial wave and smile towards a nervous Raito, effectively reassuring Raito that he is safe around him, "He is good in my book, for now."

"This is Agent Volcano calling to confirm landing of Team Slyveon Covert Ops team. Does anybody read me?"
"Confirmed," Sarcus had replied.
"Good I am sure you know the mission already. Do try not to get caught. It would be rather unfortunate to lose another stealth unit. They tend to drop like Flies they do. Anyway on your way, I got things to plan and important work to do, This is Agent Volcano out."
Miki raised an eyebrow at the comment. Why would they drop like flies? Aren't their Pokemon strong enough to defend them from the Church members? Or, are they missing something that Agent Volcano is not willing to share just yet? "No, Miki. Calm down. You are not alone anymore. You are in a team. You will be safe again. They probably don't have something we do not have."
"Miki. How well can you communicate with Raito? Jolteon are blazing fast, and don't make a lot of noise. He might be able to let us know what's waiting in there. After we find that out, we send in Alina to take out anyone who notices us on our way in, followed by myself. John - John? - Flux and Miki head in last. Should we try and take out the guards, or focus on avoiding them? An alarm will surely go up if we knock a guard out at some point, but if that alarm goes off with us in the middle of the building, bad things will happen."
The Japanese trainer took a few deep breathes and tried to recall what she did on her nightly raids with her partner. Their wordless communication had become so routine that she never once thought about the whole process. Miki turned to her Jolteon for help, who twitched his ear and released some harmless sparks.
"Right, it's those two signals." Miki thought aloud. "Raito, go for an Agility or two while I explain. And while you at it, see if there is anything suspicious around the building." At that, Raito suddenly disappeared from the team.
"Sorry, it has been a while since I had to e-explain our codes. B-but I'll try to make it understandable... As everyone just saw, and as Sarcus pointed out, Jolteons are swift; combine that with an Agility or two and he will be undetectable for a while. W-when we used to find food, my Jolteon will go in and scout for any Church members or cameras. Raito will come back a-and give a few signals." At that instant, Raito appeared by her side again.
"Here is where our codes come in. I-It's pretty simple, I think, so you can learn it quickly..." Miki look to Raito for a response. In return, Raito twitched his left ear.
"My first question, by giving him that look, asks if the coast is clear. The left ear twitch my Jolteon just did means yes. O-Of course, that is not always the case..."
Raito released a short spark from his fur.
"That spark means there is one threat nearby. A threat can be a Church member, a drone, or a camera." Miki explained. "If there are multiple threats in the same area we are in, Raito will, instead, release the number of those sparks to let me know the total number of threats. Here is where I s-start giving hand signals t-to ask how close it is... One finger means very close, or the door or hallway, ecetera, closest to us; two fingers means two doors down; three fingers is three doors down... Y-You get the idea. Raito will twitch his ear once I get to the correct finger count. Of course, multiple threats means that I will continue to count as Raito twitches his ear until all of them are accounted for."
Miki paused, recalling to see if she missed out on something. "Oh, and direction! Okay, suppose that there are two doors in front of us, one on each side of a hallway, but only one contains a threat. As I get to that threat, Raito will twitch his ear to let me know it's there. Then, he will point left or right with is paw to let me know which door it is in. If it is a camera, Raito will point up with his nose."
"I believe that is it, right?" The trainer asked her Electric partner. Raito confirmed with a "Jolt!"
"Great!" Miki turned to her Covert Ops group, which looked a bit confused. "I-I think a quick example of the worse scenario will help this out... A-And don't worry, this doesn't take long at all despite my explanation... Raito, run around again, please?"
At that, Raito disappeared and reappeared after his round of the surroundings. Miki looked at him; Raito gave out two sparks. Then, Miki quickly raised 1 finger which gave no response.
2 fingers - a twitch and point to left.
3 fingers - Silence.
4 - Nothing.
5 - Another twitch and a paw pointing right.
All of this took a matter of, at most, 2 minutes.
"As you can see, Raito is saying there is one threat 2 doors down on the left and another down at the 5th door to the right. And... that's all." Miki concluded. "I-It's a bit to get used to, but you'll get used to it."
Miki then considered Sarcus' other point. "I think the main focus should be avoiding but, if worse comes to worst, Raito can paralyze them so they can't do anything for the moment. But then, the problem becomes with us hiding them in a room or something so that they can't raise the alarm..."
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Sarcus considered the information. "Absolution can help with that paralysis if you need him to. Absol can learn a variety of supportive moves, and I've done quite a bit of searching for TMs. Anyway, if no one has any objections, we should proceed. You said that there aren't any threats at the third door down, right? Let's go there." He walked toward the entrance in question, drawing his other knife and holding it in a ready position. He looked back once he reached a decent place to duck for a moment, and waved Alina forward.

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"A-Ah, t-that was just an example..." Miki started, but Raito interrupted with a short bark. He shook his head towards his trainer, looked to Sarcus' direction and gave her a twitch with his left ear.

"Oh, I see. S-So, you were serious about not having any threats! Sorry about that, boy," Miki scratched his ear. "Okay then. Raito, stay with me until our codes are n-needed. We have to have some f-first line defense in the back just in case something comes up behind us."

Raito gave a grin and began circling around Miki and Flux as everyone assumed their positions.

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After listening to Miki and Sarcus, Jon realized there was not much he could do to help in this stage, so he got to his position and called Kyte back to his pokéball. He knew his partner didn't like it very much, but they coudn't bear to have loud noises now, and the sound of an adult Swampert walking just happened to fall under this category.

He surely was quite amazed by the bond Miki seemed to share with Raito by the end of her explanation, but that was something to think about at other time. The plan seemed preety good, so he had nothing to complain about. Though there actually was something he could help.

"Ahmn, if we need to open the door, I have some experience with lockpicking"-He remembered the many times he had to break in poké marts back in Hoenn to get medicine for Kyte-"As long as it's nothing electronic of course, but... Maybe Flux can cover that?" he asked the scientist in an unsure tone.

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Flux was drawn out of his thoughts by the sound of a question from Jon. "Ahmn, if we need to open the door, I have some experience with lockpicking" He paused. "As long as it's nothing electronic of course, but... Maybe Flux can cover that?"

Honestly, he had been deep in thought and so he was a bit lost in the conversation, but Flux gave an answer anyway. "Well, I suppose I could probably handle most locks we come across. I've always had a knack for electronics." At least this would give him a purpose for being here. His customized Pokegear had a few tricks that could probably come in handy for such a thing. He gave a grin. "Between Sarcus and myself, I doubt many doors will stand in our way."

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"Between Sarcus and myself, I doubt many doors will stand in our way."

Alina picked up her serperior, who had been restlessly circling her feet. It seemed a little on edge, or rather, excited. "Its nice to know there's people who can handle that, since Im more likely to bust a door off its hinges if I cant pick the lock. And if we run into security cameras, I can get Maple to darken the area. Solarbeam works well the opposite way around too. Maple can draw in the light from the room and hold it in her, which also makes it more convenient if we run into any trouble. Immediate solarbeam right off the bat." She walked over to the doors. "So, Miki, which one of these is the safest? I want to get this over with."

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  • 2 weeks later...

As soon as Miki settled herself between Jon and Flux, she nodded to Raito to begin his round of the first floor. Raito grinned and sped off in a bright yellow flash.


After a minute, Raito appeared right beside Miki once more and sat in front of her. Miki looked towards Raito; 6 quick sparks flew out. Miki is puzzled; the floor plan didn't make the building seem so big on the inside. The building is rectangular, after all. She decided to question it later. As she was about to count, however, Raito gave out one spark and looked up towards his left side.

"One camera right in front of the door," Miki said whispered quietly to the others. Then, the Japanese girl started counting.

1 finger - One spark and a paw to the right.

2 fingers - One spark again, but pointed upwards.

At the count of 3, however, Raito let out two sparks and pointed both left and right directions.

"All drones?" Miki questioned her Jolteon. Raito twitched his left ear as confirmation.

At 4 fingers, Raito gave out the final spark and looked upwards.

Miki frowned. "Did you start out by going straight ahead from where we were standing?"

Raito's ear twitched again.

"Okay, did you happen to see any open doors? Or, even better, the control room?"

This time, it is Raito who gave a frowned and shook his head.

Miki turned to look at her companions to summarize. "All right then. S-So, the floor plan of this building is rectangular. Raito was giving me the information based on his route. S-Since he went straight ahead, w-what he is giving me is based on what he saw on his way back. First, there is a camera right above us after we enter this door. Second, down the first turn, there will be a drone stalking the place. Third, another camera down another turn. And, finally, on Raito's w-way back, are two drones. Unfortunately, Raito couldn't find any open doors so he can't find the control room to make our lives easier. I'd say that we either we take out the cameras and drones and risk someone finding out, or Maple can absorb the lights and creep inside until we can get to that control room. Any ideas?"

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"Absorbing light will make a pretty large commotion, I think. I've got another idea. Flux, have you got anything with a decent amount of processing power on you? We could find a way into the computer system controlling the cameras, and loop the footage. We'd basically be invisible. The drones would probably be immune to the same, so Raito might be able to short them out with a Discharge." He looked around. "After that, we go in, find the main security room, and subdue any guards that spot us on the way in. We disable all of the security systems in the building, and creep our way to the main control room. Sound like a plan?"

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"...Flux, have you got anything with a decent amount of processing power on you? We could find a way into the computer system controlling the cameras, and loop the footage. We'd basically be invisible. The drones would probably be immune to the same, so Raito might be able to short them out with a Discharge." He looked around. "After that, we go in, find the main security room, and subdue any guards that spot us on the way in. We disable all of the security systems in the building, and creep our way to the main control room. Sound like a plan?"


"Well..." Flux began, torn in his thoughts. The only thing he had on him with that sort of processing power was the PokeGear he had modified. While this was important, he had also put a lot of time and resources into that PokeGear, and if he left it here, he might never see it again. Furthermore, that was his main way of opening doors. However, Sarcus had said he could cover those as well. Then there was the problem of keeping tabs on Ogre. The berries should have done the trick for a while, but if he lost that PokeGear, he'd have no way to keep track in the future. It was frustrating, having to decide priorities here. He realized that he needed to decide quickly. He had paused for much longer than was necessary to answer the question.

"...yes, I do think I have something. If we can get me connected to the system, I should be able to handle the rest." He gave an easy smile. "Nice thinking!"

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Jon listened carefully to the plan, and it sounded pretty good. "So now we need to find a spot for connecting to the cameras... Maybe the first one itself could serve?" - he sugested.

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As the others are discussing the plan (which is definitely better than her rash one), Miki couldn't help but notice Flux's hesitancy when asked about the processing power. Given that the fact that Flux was a scientist, Miki doubt that Flux was contemplating on whether or not that fixing cameras was a part of his expertise. But, then, what is? "Perhaps it has to do with what he will be using, or doing, to mess them up?"

"H-Hey guys, I-I don't mind, a-and neither does Raito here, short circuiting the drones in there b-but," she directed the last part of her statement towards Flux, "A-Are you sure it would b-be okay for y-you to hack into the system? I-I couldn't help but notice you hesitating before. I-If it's not convenient or something, y-you should tell us. I mean, m-maybe we can f-find another way... And, ummm... Sorry if I-I seemed nosy..." Miki immediately went to petting her Jolteon, avoiding everyone's gaze.

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"H-Hey guys, I-I don't mind, a-and neither does Raito here, short circuiting the drones in there b-but... A-Are you sure it would b-be okay for y-you to hack into the system? I-I couldn't help but notice you hesitating before. I-If it's not convenient or something, y-you should tell us. I mean, m-maybe we can f-find another way... And, ummm... Sorry if I-I seemed nosy..."


Flux gave a reassuring smile. He was surprised that Miki was the one who noticed that something was wrong. She had seemed so shy and reserved. He'd make sure not to underestimate her in the future.

"No, it's no problem. Our priority right now is getting everyone through safely and accomplishing our mission." He shrugged. "Besides, if I can't even do this, I'm fairly useless here, aren't I?"

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"No, no. Of course not! W-We could always use m-more brains!" Miki laughed quietly. "But, still," she looked to Flux and the others, "I-if something is bothering you, o-or anybody here, j-just let us know. At least one of us has to h-have a s-solution."

She then went to the front of the line with Raito in tow. "S-Since Flux said it is okay, let's not waste any more time. The m-main team is probably depending on us to shut down the defenses here. Once Raito is done shorting the d-drones, Flux will have to loop the footage q-quickly before a-anyone finds out about the d-drones not moving... So, Raito," Miki commanded her Jolteon, who perked up at the sound of his name, "Use Agility and Discharge as you run around this floor; short circuit those drones."

Raito gave a bark of approval and sped off once again into the prison. The sounds of electricity could be heard as Raito unleashed Discharges, effectively paralyzing the robots for a short period of time. The Jolteon was by their side once again with a happy grin on his face. Miki gave him a scratch.

"Flux, i-it's your time to shine. We will c-cover you just in case someone comes down the stairs or s-something."

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