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Pokemon Aftermath #2a: Gardenia Stands Firm (Covert Ops)


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"Alright. Hopefully those drones being shorted out doesn't set off too many alarm bells. I'll be right behind you, Flux. Have you got a virus worked out to insert the loop into the security system, or should I write one up quickly? I've got a bit of code that I could probably modify a bit for this system, though not knowing how many cameras they have might be an issue. . ." Sarcus trailed off, thinking.

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"Alright. Hopefully those drones being shorted out doesn't set off too many alarm bells. I'll be right behind you, Flux. Have you got a virus worked out to insert the loop into the security sistem, or should I write one up quickly? I've got a bit of code that I could probably modify a bit for this system, though not knowing how many cameras they have might be an issue. . ."

Jon was feeling a little anxious. For him it has always been planning and acting and he was surely not used with that much talking.

He looked at the sky and realized that time was passing. "Better to move on" he thought.

"Ahmn, so, while you guys prepare this... virus thing... I'll open our way inside." "

He took some distance from the building and released Kyte again.

"Kyte will dig us a tunnel for getting in there. Ah, and... don't worry, Swampert's fins are extremely sensitive to vibrations, so he can find us an empty room for starting off." - He paused a bit before adding - "With a little luck, maybe we even find a PC."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Miki watched as Kyte, the Swampert, dug swiftly down the ground beneath him. When she saw no dirt flying around the area, Miki went over and took a peek down the tunnel. She wasn't able to hear anything from down there; she assumed that Kyte must be somewhere underneath the prison by now.

"So... down the Bunnelby hole we go?" Miki asked before she took the jump down into the dark, gravelly tunnel. Her Jolteon gave a yelp of surprise and peered down the hole, obviously uncomfortable with the fact that they would need to travel underground.

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Jon was following Kyte inside the tunnel for some minutes as the Swampert came to a halt. He stood quiet for a while, putting it's fins in contact with the tunnel walls to better feel vibrations o the ground above them. Than he turned to Jon, nooded, and threw his big arms upwards once again.

A faint light got in the tunnel as the floor above them was pushed aside. Jon returned Kyte to his pokéball while whispering "good job" in a quiet tone. He than pulled himself out of the hole and entered his fight stance just in case.

The room was dark, but not as much as the tunnel had been, so he could easily see his surroundings. It seemed to be a dormitory, equipped with two beds and, most important, a desk with a PC over it. "Looks like we got lucky" Jon whispered to himself as he positioned to help the others get out of the tunnel.

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Sarcus sheathed his knives as he quickly moved over to the computer. He sat down quickly at the desk, rubbing his hands together. "Ah, yes, exactly what I need." He shifted in the chair to look back at the rest of the group, and whispered to them. "While I'm at this, look for some uniforms or something. Might help us with blending in." He turned back and waved a hand over his head. "Flux, you mind coming over here? I might need help."

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Jon nooded and looked around once more. There were two simple wardrobes in the room, each one near a bed. He moved to the one closest to him and opened it, finding two clean guard uniforms in there. He took both and deposited them on a bed.

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"Flux, you mind coming over here? I might need help."


Flux lifted himself out of the hole, giving a light chuckle as he stood up. "Ah, how I miss the vigor of youth." He moved next to Sarcus, taking note of the PC. He frowned.

"Hopefully we can connect to the cameras from here..." he muttered. "I'll let you get started while I prepare our 'processing power'."

He removed his PokeGear and turned it on, flipping out a USB drive on the side. He gave it a regretful look as he prepared it for the work ahead.

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As the others climbed up into the room, Miki stayed by the tunnel's entrance waiting for her Jolteon to take the leap down. Unfortunately for the trainer, her spiky friend wasn't complying any time soon. With an amused sigh, Miki took out her Luxury ball and called him back. "Since you are so stubborn, I'll let you stay in here until we are inside." With that, Raito disappeared in a beam of red light that went straight into the pokeball.


Miki managed to pull herself out of the hole and found herself in the room with Flux and Sarcus working on a PC and Jon near a wardrobe closet. She decided to make herself comfortable on the bed, careful not to sit on the wardrobes Jon was laying out. Then, she let Raito out of his Luxury ball, who gave a sigh of relief. Miki saw Flux taking out a PokeGear and inserting it into the PC, although he seemed a little upset about it. Then, she headed towards the closet herself to find herself a female uniform.

"I-Is there anything good in there b-besides uniforms?" Miki asked curiously.

As this took place, Raito stretched himself out before he wandered around the room. He noticed Flux's PokeGear; it sparked his interest and gave a twitch with his left ear, but otherwise moved on. Since his trainer is with Jon, he decided to place himself in front of the door, just in case someone happened to burst in.

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Jon tensed a bit when Mikki got aproached him, but right after he forced himself to relax. "Come on Jon, you're being paranoid now." he thought "You're on a team, you need to start trusting them!"

Still, trust was something hard for him to achieve, so he moved to the other closet to get some space between him and Mikki.

"No" he said in answer for her question "I thought there would be some keys, but I guess the guards carry those with them."

He did find some more uniforms, enough for all of them though. He laid these along with the others on the bed, picking one more or less of his size. He looked at Alina and Mikki, than decided to jump back in the tunnel to change clothes. Also, he would need to transfer some stuff from his jacket to the new one.

After that he grinded himself up again and sat on the other bed, watching as his new companions worked.

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Alina watched Jon as he laid out some uniforms. "Are you implying that we're going to sneak around in these?" She let out a sigh. "They dont look very..flexible, but whatever," Picking up one obviously too big for her, she turned around, and ducked behind the wardrobe to change. After a couple of minutes, she headed back out, with a long, sword-shaped bump in her jacket.

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Miki sighed as she examined the two closets more throughly from head to toe. "That's a shame. I was hoping for some berries or something that they happen to leave behind." After she picked up a medium-sized uniform, she then waited for Jon to climb back out of the tunnel before she, herself, made her way down the tunnel to change. Miki also took her bag with her to put her clothes there.

"They dont look very.. flexible, but whatever"

As Miki climbed, clumsily, back into the room, she couldn't help but agree with the only other female in the team. She could barely run at her full speed in this uniform that is tightly fitted around her legs. The Japanese girl dusted herself off briskly before settling herself down at the bed again, oblivious to Jon's discomfort. "A-At least this is only t-temporary... I think..."

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Sarcus typed away at the computer, the glowing screen casting a mixture of shadows across his face. His face held a look of intense concentration as he worked. Abruptly, he stopped. "It's asking for a password. We've got thirty seconds, otherwise I'm going to have to say that an alarm's going to go off, which isn't something I would particularly like."

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Jon was shifted a bit when Mikki sat beside him, but wasn't given much time to worry about that.

"It's asking for a password. We've got thirty seconds, otherwise I'm going to have to say that an alarm's going to go off, which isn't something I would particularly like."

He jumped from the bed at once, startled "What?! How are we supposed to know that?" he asked. Than, realizing they didn't have time to argue, he said "I don't know, maybe Arceus?"

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Miki covered her ears at Jon's reaction to Sarcus' statement.

"I don't know, maybe Arceus?" Jon asked after he calmed down.

"You c-could try that. It's seems too obvious but, s-sometimes, the obvious is the least expected... A-And even if it we c-couldn't figure it out, we shouldn't panic. We could always bluff our way through since we are mostly in u-uniforms. Like... maybe we can convince the a-acolytes that Jon, Alina and I found Flux and Sarcus trying to h-hack into the computer system. T-They may buy that a-and take us somewhere we can ambush them safely... Or m-maybe even a central computer room..."

Raito called out to the group and pointed to the door, hoping for someone to let him out to check the surroundings. Miki walked towards him and gave him a pat on the head before she opened the said entrance. With that, Raito disappeared and reappeared after a few seconds. Unlike the last round, however, the Jolteon appeared a little nervous.

"What wrong, boy? Is someone coming?" Miki knelt down beside him once she shut the door.

Raito gave a short bark as his comfirmation.

"Where are they? Is it far from here?" Raito twitched his left ear, he then looked at the hole and pointed to it and the door.

"So, they are at the stairs? Were they in a rush or something?" The Jolteon nodded at the first question, but shook his head at the second question. Then, he let out a few sparks and pointed towards the door once again.

Miki nodded and turned towards the others. "There are acolytes coming down the stairs from a floor above us. Even though they didn't seem to notice us, Raito is concerned that they will be suspicious once they see the inactive drones that he short-circuited..."

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Flux closed his eyes and sighed, taking everything in. They weren't exactly in a good position.

"Perhaps we should set up an ambush team?" he gestured at Raito. "Since we know where they are, we should be able to send a small group to incapacitate them before they have a chance to sound the alarm." He scanned the group. "We should probably make two groups. "Alina, Jon, and Miki can set up the ambush while Sarcus and I work on the password." He looked down at his lab coat.

"Unless, of course, you want me to set up a distraction. I may be able to pass as one of their researchers. It would be risky, but offer a greater chance of success. Then again, Sarcus would be left alone here... Either way, we need to move quickly."

He put his hands into his coat pockets, awaiting the group's opinions.

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"Perhaps we should set up an ambush team? Since we know where they are, we should be able to send a small group to incapacitate them before they have a chance to sound the alarm. Unless, of course, you want me to set up a distraction. I may be able to pass as one of their researchers. It would be risky, but offer a greater chance of success. Then again, Sarcus would be left alone here... Either way, we need to move quickly."

"Im more in favor of the ambush group," Alina replied, casually stripping off the cruddy uniforms. "In my opinion, I think it'd be more work to bail you out if you do get caught. And in the process, maybe we should also short-circut the alarm systems too. Any objections?" She turned toward Jon and Miki.

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Jon was quite alarmed with the turn of events but he agreed with Alina. "Well, there seems to be no other way. I'm in. I have no weapon right now but I'm used to practice brawling with Kyte." Seeing the looks on the others faces, he added "Hey, I didn't say I ever won against him."

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Miki was a bit nervous at the ambush part, seeing as she was the only one with no particular combat skills. Her Jolteon, however, seemed confident and nodded reassuringly to his Japanese trainer.

"Considering how Raito can deal long-range attacks, I should be fine."

"Since both of you are in, I-I'll try to help out as well." Miki replied. "T-The more people we have, the better it is to cover each hallway to prevent a s-sneak attack on us. J-Just give me a moment to change out of this uniform." With that, she hopped back into the tunnel to quickly change back into her more comfortable and simple clothing.

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As the onscreen timer ticked down its last few seconds, Sarcus tried the only option that someone had suggested, since he had sort of . . . frozen . . . under pressure. That needs to like, not happen, ever. He looked over at Absolution, who seemed to be eager for a fight, having fully prepared himself for one.

He rapidly punched in a-r-c-e-u-s and tapped the enter key, hoping for the best. Unfortunately, his Absol's ability was Pressure. Immediately, the computer locked up and alarms started blaring. Sarcus whirled around, knocking the chair over as he readied his knives.

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Jon closed his eyes when he heard the loud noise of the alarms "and there goes our secrecy" he thought, surprisingly calm now. He took a deep breath and than his thoughts started to race through his mind.

Not a second later he opend his eyes again.

"Ok everybody, I suggest a change of plans." he started "Let them get in here, it's gonna be easier to ambush and I have an idea for bypassing our situation with the alarms. I suggest you hide in the tunnel until all of them are in, I'll position myself behind the door for making a distraction. Ok for everyone?"

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"Ok everybody, I suggest a change of plans. Let them get in here, it's gonna be easier to ambush and I have an idea for bypassing our situation with the alarms. I suggest you hide in the tunnel until all of them are in, I'll position myself behind the door for making a distraction. Ok for everyone?"

"Yeah. But first," she paused a moment to toss Maple to the ceiling, who wrapped her tail around the light fixtures and hung there, poised to strike. "Maple. Darken the room, then ready your leaf storm." Alina turned to the rest of the group. "Maple's going to spam her Leaf Storm until it's PP runs out. Contrary is going to boost it every time it runs, so until then, sit tight."

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Jon nooded at Alina. "Good idea." he said "They'll never know what hit them."

As he finished the sentence, he positioned himself in a way that if the room's door opened he would be hidden by it. An old trick, but it generally worked. Specially if the guards where already worried with a Leaf Storm over her heads. Hopefully the door would also give him some protection against the storm until Maple stopped it.

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Flux sighed, but nodded his head at their plan.

"No mercy for an old man like me, huh?" he muttered as he began climbing back into the hole. He paused halfway down, realizing that he left his PokeGear hooked into the computer. Not wanting it to be damaged by the Leaf Storm, he quickly retrieved it before entering the hole.

"Not like we have much use for it anymore, with the alarm sounded."

He put a hand to his head and sighed.

"So much for Covert Ops..."

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Once Flux climbed inside, Miki quickly hopped back into the tunnel and gestured her Jolteon to follow. However, once again, her Jolteon whined his displeasure. "Raito, get down here!" Miki called. Still, her Jolteon shook his head and whined more. "I can't put in your ball right now. We might need you!" Miki said, exasperated. She was nervous enough now that the alarms are going off; she doesn't need her companion to add more drama to the scene.

"Raito! I'll hold you until we run out, what do you think?" Miki asked, holding out her arms. The Jolteon looked at her, then at Alina, Maple and Jon as they took their positions. He didn't want to get caught up in the Leaf Storm and he knew Miki is not going to put him in his Pokeball now. With a sigh of defeat, he jumped down and clung tightly to his long time friend, shivering with fright as the lights begin to dim.

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Just as all of the Covert Ops team got correctly positioned, the dorm's door opened, concealing Jon behind it just as he thought.

A group of four guards, all with their pokéballs in hands, entered the room and let go an exclamation.

"What the hell is this hole doing here?!" one of them said. They were so surprised looking at the ground that didn't notice Maple hanging from the roof right above them.

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