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Pokemon Aftermath #2a: Gardenia Stands Firm (Covert Ops)


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"Raito, you know what to do!" Miki commanded her Jolteon. "Everyone else, grab something to shield yourself!" She immediately knelt down behind a bed.

Raito quickly leaped over the hole and landed right in front of the drones. As the drones tried to direct their aim at the yellow Pokemon, Raito let out a Thunderbolt and fried one of the drones. The Jolteon then leaped out of the vicinity of the other two drones in order to prepare for his next Thunderbolt. Unfortunately, this led the two drones to try and refocus their attention on the rest of the Covert Ops.

Edited by DarkLight
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Alina flipped backwards as the desk in front of her was blasted into bits. "Everyone, cover your eyes! Maple, FLASH! Then use the flash light to supercharge a solarbeam!"

The serperior's body glowed, then emitted a super-bright light. Couple seconds later, it was too dark for anyone to see anything except the tiny lights on the drones and a golden sphere hovering in the middle of the room. Maple took aim under the cover of darkness and fired, returning the room to its normal brightness and blasting a second drone to bits.

Meanwhile, in contrary to Maple's excellent performance, Alina was frantically trying to dodge the remaining drone's attacks, being the only one in sight compared to the rest of the Covert ops. "Uh, guys? A little help here PLEASEE?!" she screamed as an energy beam grazed her arm.

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Jon used the moment of darkness in the room to call forth Kyte from his pokéball. "Ok mate, time to wreck some stuff. Waterfall!" The big mud fish started quickly towards the nearest drone, knocking it in pieces with a full strenght attack. "Great, just stay out of Maple's aim now!" - after that last Solar Beam, Jon was not much sure about the Serperior's capacity to shoot in the right direction.

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Miki's Jolteon was a bit dazed after the whole light display from Maple and Absolution. And then he was wet thanks to Kyte. At least the drones in the room were destroyed, giving Raito some time to recover from the assaults. He quickly shook off the water as well as those bright lights he is seeing before his eyes before he turned his attention towards the door. As the yellow Eeveelution walked, or rather slid, towards the door, Raito heard an acolyte screaming for backup. The Jolteon sighed at the acolyte's foolishness and went back towards the hole. He then awaited for his partner's decision on what to do.


"I-Is everyone in one piece?" Miki asked as soon as the explosion of drones settled down. Debris was, literally, everywhere: There were burnt parts littered on the floor around them, electric wires hung loosely on the remaining bodies of some drones, water was pooling over by where Raito was; it was a huge mess. She then looked over at Alina, who seemed to have sustained an injury on her arm. Miki rummaged through her bag and managed pulled out a small handkerchief. She walked over to the only other female in the team and bandaged her arm. "S-Sorry for not being a-anymore helpful... This is all I c-could do for now..."


"So much for listening..." Miki grumbled under her breath. She then saw Raito hovering over the hole and looking down at someone (or something) with a look of disappointment on his face. As she walked over towards the hole, the Japanese trainer heard quiet whispers of "Be quiet!" or "You'll get us killed!" and the like. The acolytes looked up fearfully as Miki sat on the edge of the hole, except for that same gutsy one who is giving her a look that said "Now whatcha gonna do?"

"Hey everyone! I n-need your o-opinion on this!" Miki started, not taking her eyes off of the loud girl. "S-Since this one decided b-be a loud mouth, should I-I have Raito send her into a coma? O-Or do you have other ideas?" Raito now came over to her side and let a few sparks fly around his fur.

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Sarcus had to suppress a flash of rage as he heard the acolyte's outburst.

"S-Since this one decided b-be a loud mouth, should I-I have Raito send her into a coma? O-Or do you have other ideas?"

"Do it. It's only fair; what she did was equivalent to shooting at us. Fortunately, acolytes are easier to dodge than guns." A part of him recoiled from essentially torturing someone to unconsciousness, but it was overridden by anger and fear.

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"Miki..." The girl's proposition caught Jon unawares. Miki had struck him as weak and shy from the first time he saw her, and he could see she was suffering with the idea of hurting other people. He stopped for a second, thinking.

"We have already made noise enough for the whole buildind to notice us. However we can't afford them to be released and get us by the rear." he said coldly. Then, before anyone could react, he turned to Kyte. "Kyte, Ice Beam them."

The Swampert didn't seem happy with the command, but did as he was told. A white beam was shot at the terrified acolytes, the room turned cold and when it stopped they were all froze.

"If their comrades are quick, they'll survive. Hopefully this get's some more acolytes busy in the rescue." he said in the same cold tone. "Now let's get going before somene else shows up."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Now let's get going before somene else shows up.

Alina nodded in agreement. "I was thinking maybe we should just blast our way to th top floor. We've already kept enough people waiting, and plus, with all the commotion, the acolytes are probably going to expect us to come from the stairs. Lets go somewhere else though, the drones already know we're here; its likely they'll be expecting us on the top floor too."

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"Good idea. So, let's go Kyte." said Jon, never looking back to the frozen acollites. That's what he was used to: surviving. Feelings could wait for another time. He then started walking beside the Swampert in the corridor.

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  • 3 weeks later...

"T-Thanks... Jon," Miki muttered as Jon and the group began walking towards the corridor. She was still sitting on the edge of the hole, eyeing the frozen acolytes with unease. Their unmoving expressions make them look unhuman, something that didn't sit quite well with the young teen. "I guess this beats frying them to a crisp..." Miki said, more to herself than to anyone in the room. She finally tore her gaze away from below and began following the crew to their next destination.

Contrary to his trainer, Raito the Jolteon was disappointed that he wasn't able to get the last laugh before moving on. He couldn't quite understand why Miki would hesitate on giving an order to shock the acolytes to oblivion. They did not hold their end of the bargain, so why should he and the Covert Ops still be lenient in delivering out punishment? Well, the Jolteon believed there will be other opportunities, so he will let this one go. With a sigh, he followed suit and headed for the door as well.

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Flux took a glimpse at the unmoving acolytes as he followed the others. If one was looking, they may have seen a brief flash of cold harshness in his eyes. It disappeared as quickly as it came, and he was his usual cheerful self as he followed them.

"I don't suppose we're very covert anymore then, are we?" he said with a smile, raising his arms in a helpless gesture.

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"Good point. Let me hook into these computers again and get us the straightest path to the control room. I'll have to brute-force it; a more subtle approach takes a lot of time, and I don't feel like I want to spend too much time in this building." With that, Sarcus started to pick his way back to the computer. He shook his head and shivered when he went past the frozen acolytes. Keep calm, keep calm, this is no place to freak out. . .

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All of a sudden, three Acolytes turned around the corner right in front of Jon. "Stop right there, in the name of Dawn!" one of them, a boy no older than himself, screamed. They had pokéballs in hand and looked ready for battle.

The corridor was quite wide, so it would probably have enough for three pokémon to stand side by side. Shit. Jon thought, his mind racing. They didn't know how many guards were in the building, and each moment that passed only made it more likely for reinforcements to arrive. They didn't have time to waste. On the other hand, they probably could hold these guys until Sarcus was finished with the computer.

"Ok guys, some help here please?"

(( control the acolytes at will guys, we're having a triple battle! XD ))

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"Ok guys, some help here please?"

Miki gasped as three acolytes suddenly showed up, ready for a fight. She looked back at Sarcus who was hacking his way into the computer; then, she motioned Raito to come forward. Since Sarcus will need some time to find a map and Jon's Swampert will provide a great matchup for her Jolteon to spam Discharge, she might as well help out.

"I-I will try to help out. My Jolteon w-wouldn't mind, right?" Miki asked as she took her place besides the male trainer.

Raito cried out with glee as he stepped in front of the two; his fur bristling with electricity.

Edited by DarkLight
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Flux turned to Alina.

"Would you like to handle this one?" He shrugged. "I'm content either way, but these battles get tough on an older guy like me. Perhaps I should retire..." He gave a bright smile. He really wasn't that old, but it did make for great excuses. "Or are we going to purely overpower them with 4v3?"

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"Would you like to handle this one? I'm content either way, but these battles get tough on an older guy like me. Perhaps I should retire... Or are we going to purely overpower them with 4v3?"

Alina scoffed. "Whatever you want, but Maple's raring to go." The serperior grinned in response and let out a furious Dragon Pulse on her own will. The girl winced as the attack exploded, right in the acolytes' faces. She half felt sorry for them, but then bit back the feelings. They asked for it anyway, she thought bitterly. "Psst. Miki. Jon." she whispered. "I just had an idea. Your jolteon knows thunderbolt right? Does your swampert know hydro pump? I was thinking we could do leaf storm-thunderbolt-hydro pump, all mixed in one attack."

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Smoke rose from the floor before the acolytes when the Dragon Pulse landed. Luckily for them they were faster to respond than their comrades in the first floor, and could jump out of the way without much trouble. Behind the smokescreen the members of the Covert Ops squad could see the red lasers of pokéballs being opened, and the cries of the opponent's pokémon.

When the smoke got down, they could see them: A Claydol, an Arbok and a Crawdaunt, all looking tough and well trained.

"Good idea Alina." Jon answered her in a low voice trying to hide the strategy behind the fading noise. "Kyte knows Hydro-Pump, so whenever you guys are ready..." The young trainer looked at the Swampert, who nooded and prepared to the attack.

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Miki couldn't help grinning as the three Pokemon were sent out. "Seems fine to me, Alina," Miki whispered to her allies. "Raito's favorite move happens to be Thunderbolt. Alina, I'll attack on your count." Then, she looked to her Jolteon, and gave out her command. "You heard us, boy. Let out a Thunderbolt."

Raito cried out in agreement and began charging for his attack, looking out of the corner of his eye to keep in sync with Kyte and Maple.

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//excuse the minor bunnying//

Alina held up three fingers, then two, then one. As she lowered the last finger, the three pokemon each shot out their attacks, and merged into a beam of sharp leaves propelled by hypercharged water. Unfortunately, just as the pokemon could see her countdown, the acolytes could as well, and two were able to mostly avoid the attack .

Above the chaos of the previous attack, one of the acolytes ordered, "Claydol, Rock tomb!"

"RUN!" the girl screamed, as rocks rained down from the ... ceiling.

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Jon jumped back from the attack right in time to avoid it. Kyte was a little too slow for dodging that, but he managed to protect himself well with his arms and took very little damage from it.

Trouble was, they had two pokémon left. The young trainer had ust time to hear the shout of "Crabhammer!" before his the hit, strong enough to push the bulky Kyte a little back.

At the same time, he was analizing the situation. The Arbok's trainer was too slow, and his pokémon had been instantly knocked down by their combined attack. The Claydol's Rock Tomb left part of the corridor hard to move in, with stones scattered through the floor. And one more Crabhammer would probably be enough to take Kyte down. Worse, the lack of speed would make it impossible to hit the Crawdaunt first. There was only one course of action to take now...

"Kyte! Hang on mate!" he shouted, seemingly worried. The Dark Lobster raised it's claw, preparing another attack, and he waited to the last moment before shouting. "Now, Protect!"

A barrier of energy suddenly appeared before the mud fish, blocking the attack entirely and leaving the Crawdaunt wide open for an attack. Now he would have to trust Miki to see the opportunity and strike, as the little trick probably wouldn't work again. Raito's electric moves would be perfect to knock down the damned lobster without hurting Kyte in the process.

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"How is that EVEN possible?" Miki screamed as she ran to avoid the falling rocks. She managed to find herself further away from her trusty Jolteon than she would have liked, but at least she was unharmed.

"Are you okay over there?" Miki asked her partner. A faint "Jolt!" could be heard before she saw Raito jump over the rocks to rejoin her. The Japanese trainer breathed a sigh of relief.

"Kyte! Hang on mate!"

Miki quickly glanced over at her side to see Jon's Swampert use Protect to fend himself against the Crabhammer. By the look on Jon's face, Miki could tell that he was worried. "Kyte must of have taken some damage before I noticed." She then looked over at where the Claydol and the Arbok are. The Claydol is still on the other side, trying to get over the rocks and the Arbok is already knocked out by their triple attack.

"Get that Crawdaunt with a Thunderbolt now!" Miki commanded her Jolteon. Even if that Claydol managed to make it way over, she knew Raito can take at least a hit or two.

With a nod, Raito ran towards the Crawdaunt and unleashed another Thunderbolt, frying the lobster to a crisp before its trainer had a chance to utter a sound.

"Great job, boy! Now---" Just as Miki wanted to compliment on Raito's job well done, Miki noticed the rocks began to head straight for them thanks to the Claydol's Psychic powers! "Ah! Somebody get that Claydol before we're crushed!"

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Sarcus stood up from the computer amidst the turmoil. Miraculously, the floor below was holding up to the battling upstairs, and the debris had created a path that allowed him to climb up and down. "This way!" he shouted after climbing to the floor where the rest of the team was located. The lanky Trainer dashed toward where the acolytes had come from. While they and their Pokemon were distracted, he slipped behind them and started systematically hamstringing and gagging them while the battle raged, leaving their Pokemon without direction.

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"Maple! Take out those rocks with a dragon tail!" Maple's tail glowed with a blue aura as she darted towards the rocks, and smashed them to bits. "Now girl, Leaf Blade!" Alina commanded. ​This should take out the claydol, and possibly buy us some time to escape. As soon as she saw that the move hit, the girl withdrew her pokemon, "Lets get a move on! They'll find us sooner or later, so lets get out of here and bust a hole!"

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Flux smiled and clapped as the group finished their battle.

"Well done, well done. You really work well as a team. Now, as Alina said, we'd best get moving. We wouldn't want to attract too much attention, would we?"

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