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Pokemon Aftermath #2a: Gardenia Stands Firm (Covert Ops)


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While the others talked, Jon quickly reached for his medicine pocket and treated Kyte with some potions. "Ok, you heard Sarcus. Let's get going mate." He told the Swampert with a relieved smile. Kyte nooded and start to walk along with the others, positioning himself near... Raito, and bowing a little in a clear sign of thanks.

Jon sighed. Unlike him, Kyte was always so quick to trust others... He would wait until they were back on the base, safe and sound, before thinking about it.

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Raito gave a curt nod to Jon as a response and grinned. He was clearly happy that he got a kill off. Then, he bounded off after Sarcus, eager to get to the next floor.


Miki gave a sighed of relief as Maple's Leaf Blade struck the rocks and the Claydol away. Now, the way is clear for them to go, just like Flux said. "T-Thanks for the help Alina... and Maple, too." she said, shyly, before making her way towards the dumbstruck acolytes. "Oh, by the way," Miki poked one acolyte, "Umm... y-you might want to look down that hole... in that room..." She pointed to the room they were in and, then, went after her Jolteon.

Edited by DarkLight
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Flux glanced at Miki as she spoke to the acolyte. She was still soft, but... that wasn't necessarily a bad thing. It was a rare attribute in times like these. Still... it could become a hindrance. He turned his gaze forward again, following behind the others, his calm and cheerful expression returning to his face. He sighed. At times like these, there wasn't much he could do but go with the flow.

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They walked fast on the corridor, and for some time nothing happened. That place was surelly bigger than it looked.

"So Sarcus, what exactly are we looking for?" Jon spoke up, anxious to finish the mission and leave this godamned place safely.

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Sarcus continued his walk down the corridor as he spoke. "The central power generator. We let our Pokemon have some fun with it, and Gardenia's gear loses power. It should be right about. . . here." A fairly imposing metal door stood before them. It appeared to be locked from the inside. After a quick scan of the doorway, he spoke. "Definitely a mechanical lock; I can't hack into that. We could probably melt through the door, though we're probably going to have to set up camp in there and defend ourselves from Church reinforcements. Melting the door wouldn't be conducive to that."

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"Perhaps we can have Ogre try to pry it open?" Flux suggested. The Aggron had considerable physical strength, though he expected a door this size would be a challenge even for Ogre. "If we have no other options, it may be worth a shot. If he can open it, he may be able to force it shut as well if need be.

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"That would probably be the best idea Flux. And if needed Kyte can give Ogre a hand right buddy?" the boy directed this last part at the Swampert, who nodded energically in response. "Either way we'd better get inside quick, it will be easier to defend ourselves there if reinforcements arrive."

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"Let's do this then, Ogre," Flux said as he released the Aggron from his heavy ball. He turned his gaze to the metal beast, giving it a slight smile. "Ogre, I'll need you to try prying this door open, all right?" he asked, motioning towards the structure.

Without even waiting for an explanation, Ogre turned to the thick metal. In a flash of motion, his swung his right arm at the door, his claws sticking into and bending the flat surface as if it were jelly. He repeated the process with his left limb, so that both hands were stuck in the side of the door. Ogre gave out a grunt that sounded like grinding metal as he applied force to the door, pulling it sideways in its track. The door responded in kind, giving off a horrible grating sound. Slowly but surely, the door was forced open, until there was an opening wide enough to walk through. Ogre stopped, ripping his hands out of the door and stripping away some of the metal in the process. The Aggron was panting; the task had obviously been difficult, even for him.

Flux patted him on the back. "Excellent work, buddy." He pulled out the heavy ball once more. "Now get some rest." That being done, he motioned towards the opening in the door, giving an extravagant sweeping bow.

"After you, my fellows."

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Before anyone could respond, Miki's Jolteon ran straight inside without hesitation (nor with any sense of danger).

"Raito, didn't mom say "ladies first"?" Miki questioned her hyper Pokemon. She faked an exasperated sigh before turning to the door opener. "Thank you, Flux. I'll check out the situation, not that I have a choice with him." With that, she squeezed inside and found herself inside a room with many generators and machinery. Miki could hear rhythmic, vibrating hums as the generators convert their inputted energy into electricity, or whatever else the Church decided to use. In the center of the smaller generators, however, is a Mamoswine-sized generator that overshadowed everything in this space. Right in front of it is a miniscule Jolteon who is sitting calmly, observing its process.

Miki gave him a pat, jolting Raito out of his trance. "Joltyyy~~" was his response.

"Looks like the coast is clear! Come on in!" Miki shouted to the others.

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  • 1 month later...

Jon entered the room with Kyte close behind, and grinned at the sight of the generator. "Ok boy, that's it. Go and have some fun."

Kyte smiled, let out a short growl, and then started towards the big generator, raising his arms high and bringing them down like huge hammers. Sparks flew everywhere while the Swampert trashed the machine, and once more Jon was relieved that he was immune to electricity.

Not long after though, Jon heard steps running in the corridor. "Hey, we have company." The boy told to everyone, particularly the ones still near the door. Dang, I thought they would take longer to arrive. He thought, already trying to figure some easy way of escaping this situation.

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Miki also heard the footsteps as Jon announced the news. Unfortunately, she wouldn't able to do much if her comrades are still in harm's way. "E-Everyone, get inside so you don't get hit by friendly fire!" she instructed to Flux, Alina and Sarcus. As they clamored in, Miki turned towards the smaller generators and machinery, which are still intact. She then turned around to address the crew. "W-We still need to take the rest of the machinery down a-and d-deal with the Church people... I-I could have Raito destroy the rest of the machines, a-absorb the electricity and release it onto them if you want..."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Jon nooded, completely focused on getting out of there alive. "Right, I'll have Kyte block the door then. He won't be affected by the Discharge and will avoid the Acolytes coming in. The Swampert growled in agreement and directed himself to the door.

A moment later, the Mud-Fish Pokémon saw the enemy: four girls, two coming from each side of the corridor, pokéballs in hand. It stood up in it's legs, let out a mighty Roar (which made the young Acolytes stop for a moment, afraid), and smashed it's strong arms on the wall, causing part of the roof to crumble in a Rock Slide and block their path. That would buy them some time.

((Jon is not the strategist kind, he focus more in surviving the present situations... So it would be off character for him to think of the Teleport plan. Anyone can do it?))

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Flux sighed as the rubble fell, holding his arms up in a helpless gesture and giving a smile.

"Well, I don't suppose we have any way to contact headquarters, do we? Rather than smashing our way out of here, we might be able to get out just as we came in -- that is, we could be teleported. We're hardly covert anymore, and we've accomplished our task, so all that's left is to get hold of HQ and get out."

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"I-Is there?" Miki asked the group as she looked around at the machinery. Raito had taken the liberty to run around the room before he gave a yelp at one particular station. It had some dials and a microphone that seems to allow some sort of communication. "Hey! What about that thing?" Miki gestured to where Raito was standing. "Could we use that to hook up to the headquarters?"

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Jon listened to Flux and Miki with half his attention, ther rest being concentrated on Kyte and the corridor. Judging by the roars starting on the other side of the rubble, it seemed like they would have to fight in little time.

"Didn't we have an intercomm? That little black radio like thing? Sarcus, do you have it yet?"

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After a moment of static, a voice answered the call, presumably Agent Volcano.

"Eh, you guys are finished already? Nice work. Just hang in there a sec, I'll send your coordinates to the HQ and they'll get you out of there." After that, static again... and the sound of Pokémon digging through the rubble in the corridor, closer and closer.

A minute later, the acolytes managed to break through the rocks, see a flash of purple light and, dumbfounded, rush straight into the mess that was the destroyed and now empty generator room.

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