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Help with Hidden Library 4


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Karen is supposed to show up stranded in the Zorrialyn Coast at some point, but she just isn't there. I did Hidden Library 1 to 3, I'm deep into .Karma Files (I finished the Alice event), and she's still not showing up.

Is there some weird condition?

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12 minutes ago, glitchedcat said:

doing alice's part makes the hidden library 4 quest expire, so either go back to before melia and erin went to oblitus or dont do the quest

The thing is, I've been checking after every single event, and Karen was never there. I have a bunch of backup saves, so going back to pre-Oblitus isn't a problem.


Loaded that save, and, yup, she's not there.

Edited by dudeguyman
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2 minutes ago, glitchedcat said:

the cutoff is the bridge stuff with alice, are you sure you hadnt already found her and now shes in the sashila inn? (in the backup save)

I've just checked, and she isn't in the inn. I've even finished the labyrinth at some point and interacted with the door, but, of course, my character hasn't learned the spell yet.

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hhmm im talking to someone else and they asked if you are sure you completely finished hidden library 3

the end is karen staying in the unown dimension and you and karrina coming back, then later when the twins appear in gdc, karen is with them. did that happen in your save?

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5 minutes ago, glitchedcat said:

hhmm im talking to someone else and they asked if you are sure you completely finished hidden library 3

the end is karen staying in the unown dimension and you and karrina coming back, then later when the twins appear in gdc, karen is with them. did that happen in your save?

I think Karen was with the twins, but I can't say for sure I'm not mixing it up with another save. Still, I have Hidden Library 3 marked as completed, and I've been doing quests as soon as possible this save.

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6 minutes ago, glitchedcat said:

ok, go to the hidden library and check if karrina is in the treasure room (the one where karen told you to stand on a tile with her)

Karrina isn't there, and I can confirm I have the Banettite in the bag.

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we aren't sure then... the conditions for it are


Spawns after fly if HL3 is complete. Doesn’t leave until Karrina section/anything after in renegade OR have spoken with her OR have gotten to Alice segment in paragon

you could try the troubleshooting section of the forums to see if anyone else has more ideas

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