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12 types in a team

Shadow Walker

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So basically whenever I plan out a team (on any game) I tend to pick pokemon with double types and each pokemon types would be different than the others so I would end up with 12 types (leaving out 6) in a team. On top of that the pokemon should at least be fairly strong and a pokemon that I like, plus I generally don't take normal types mainly because no types are weak against them. This was pretty difficult before but the new fairy type made it easier to make a 12 type team, so here's some of them that I came up with (along with the team on my trainer card).

My Reborn Team:

Blaziken Fire/Fighting

Gardevoir Pyschic/Fairy

Aggron Steel/Rock

Noivern Flying/Dragon

Swampert Water/Ground

Victreebel Grass/Poison

Other teams:


Charizard Fire/Flying

Slowking Water/Pyschic

Gengar Ghost/Poison

Shiftry Grass/Dark

Tyrantrum Dragon/Rock

Lucario Steel/Fighting


Infernape Fire/Fighting

Spiritomb Ghost/Dark

Lapras Water/Ice

Aggron Steel/Rock

Roserade Grass/Poison

Salamance Dragon/Flying

and last the team in my trainer card (my favourite team), so what do you guys think? Is it good/bad? I generally like to do this for almost all the pokemon games I play.

Edited by Shadow Walker
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Having 12 types allows for excellent coverage, but don't forget that type coverage can be done better using moves, and that the team composition is more about synergy than their typing.

Well on top of that I do also try to teach them moves that would be effective to the type their weak against along with moves of their own type and moves that fit their highest atk stat (special or physical) whenever posible e.g. in my trainer card Blaziken atk stat is higher than his sp.atk stat so all his moves are physical along with poison jab (since none of that team was poison type) to combat fairy types, same with tyranitar with thunder fang to combat water types and Dragonites Earthquake to combat rock types.

Edited by Shadow Walker
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I've been doing the exact same thing since like a week ago?

It offers a sort of challenge and a new way of making a well-rounded team.

So what I've been thinking of was the following:

1. Gengar - Ghost/Poison - Levitate

2. Golem - Rock/Ground - Sturdy

3. Sharpedo - Water/Dark - Speed Boost

4. Yanmega - Bug/Flying - Tinted Lens (Already have a speedboost user and Tinted Lens is also a very good ability )

5. Magnezone - Electric/Steel - Analytic (if this works?) (I feel kind of forced to take him because he is such a good pokemon but i rather don't since he is sort of ou and i really like to take pokemon who others don't pick )

6. Gallade - Psychic/Fight - Justified

Edited by DICK
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I've been doing the exact same thing since like a week ago?

It offers a sort of challenge and a new way of making a well-rounded team.

So what I've been thinking of was the following:

1. Gengar - Ghost/Poison - Levitate

2. Golem - Rock/Ground - Sturdy

3. Sharpedo - Water/Dark - Speed Boost

4. Yanmega - Bug/Flying - Tinted Lens (Already have a speedboost user and Tinted Lens is also a very good ability )

5. Magnezone - Electric/Steel - Analytic (if this works?) (I feel kind of forced to take him because he is such a good pokemon but i rather don't since he is sort of ou and i really like to take pokemon who others don't pick )

6. Gallade - Psychic/Fight - Justified

Nice I like how you included pokemon with good abilities plus I can see alot of potential combos in double battles with them (for my online battling I mostly do double battles)

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