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Calling all early adopters. The future is here. The new GIF.


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Hey guys,

So considering you are here, I'd assume you've been on the internet long enough to realize what a GIF is. In case you are unaware, here is a quick example, just check this page:


So what is new for the GIF? Why did I call out all early adopters? WHY AM I ASKING SO MANY QUESTIONS?!

To answer this, the GIF is soon to be obsolete or "dead". A new format is arising, otherwise known as GFY, which is pronounced as "jiffy". There are multiple things that make the GFY dominant over the GIF:

- file compression (wow. much compress. much awesome. wow)

- high quality (much better than a GIF)

Here is a size comparison:

GIF file: 229 MB

GFY file: 14 MB

Here is a quality comparison:



Buuut wait. Doesn't that say video in the second one? Correct. A GFY is a HTML5 video.

Anyways, how would I make a GFY? Or how do I turn my existing GIF to GFY?

Use this wonderful and nifty service: http://gfycat.com/

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