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ToS: Kratos vs Zealous


Zealos or Kratos  

8 members have voted

  1. 1. Zealos or Kratos who do you chose?

    • Zealos
    • Kratos

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Yeah pretty much what the title is

Zealous may be kind of a jerk at times but he's pretty much a bro, pretty much he's the jerk with a heart of gold or however the trope goes.
Kratos is kinda...meh, in personality, and his regulr outfit makes him look like a bug XD

Edited by James-Sensei
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Kratos 100%. I've never been a fan of Zelos. I don't like his design, the way he acts, or the fact that he -tries- to replace Kratos. Tales can pull off the joker act with characters like Luke, Moses, Asbel, and many others. But Zelos just seemed too cocky to me I guess. On the other hand, Kratos has a great design, personality, backstory, and a very fitting voice. He's definitely one of my favorite Tales characters. (Moses takes #1, though.)

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OH GOD DX My hands must've slipped DX

I think Kartos' JP VA is WAY cooler though, but he feels kind of bland as a I said earlier in my own opinion, well his Judgement costume is nice actually

Oh and Zealos gets Alvin's out fit so YAY

Edited by Amethyst
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James, please take care not to double/triple post. The multi-quote and edit buttons are there for this reason.

Anyway, I prefer Kratos as a character-- especially with the aforementioned Jugment outfit-- but I seem to enjoy playing Zelos more than Kratos. I'm not sure if there is an appreciable difference between the two in terms of actual battle ability, but Zelos has always just felt swifter to me. It's entirely possible that's in my head.

I've taken each of them on various play-throughs.

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Late reply buuuuuuut

They are two of my favorite Tales characters, so it is hard to choose. Zelos is one of the funniest characters I have encountered in a video game, and I really like his backstory. And well Kratos just has that undeniable cool factor, but in battle I prefer Zelos.

Demon Fang! Demon Fang! Damn I must be a genius! Double Demon Fang!

Ah, classic Zelos.

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