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So what's wrong with you?


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It does sound really interesting actually. Probably tough to deal with though. It's hard when you have something "wrong" with you that isn't clearly visible. Nobody ever takes you seriously. They just think you're an asshole or something. Tell you you need to "change your attitude..."

You wouldn't tell someone who was missing an arm to change thier attitude, but if someone's brain doesn't function right it's all thier fault...

Or maybe that's just me. Idk. *end rant* I hope you all had a nice weekend. :)

the single acronym was delivered in a deadpan tone not meant to be read as amused. frankly it's upsetting but I guess that makes a lot of sense considering.

not that i have any intention of contributing.

Btw, the picture in your signature made me laugh for way too long.

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Key word there is some. I have a friend who's baby brother is like 4-5 or s/t and is incredibly smart for his age, he just doesn't eve talk to people so it wasn't discovered until recently. Asperger's is very interesting to me tbh

well, i was the same way, and i speak from personal experience

most aspies appear extremely mature when you talk to them, but are very immature in some areas

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In terms of general medical, I'm hypoglycemic. Something, I sadly, inherited from my mother.

Mentally? I suffer from depression, am currently unmedicated, and refuse to ever be medicated. I am also known to go through bouts of extreme binge eating. I have major anxiety troubles, and have ever since I was a child. And, finally, I have a trigger that usually sends me off in to a major panic attack.

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For the physical aspect: i had Asthma in the past (now it's gone don't know why) and i injured my knees (yeah both of them lucky me <_<) playing soccer so if i force them too much they start to hurt like hell but hey it's a minor thing compared to others here.

For the mental aspect: i have "difficulties" at being "social" (like making friends ecc...) only in real life though, not because i'm shy or anything like that i just don't care (it's a form of "social disorder" i think but idk) and i'm also stutter (now it's almost gone but when i was little i could barely speak) so yeah maybe that is one of the reasons i don't talk much ^_^.

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Just your average case of Asperger's syndrome coupled with decreased motor skills. But then again I'm a sophomore taking college courses so I'm wondering if its a defect or a benefit. Oh yeah and add asthma into the mix and you've got yourself a super nerd; my parents are so proud of me(sarcasm in the purest form)

Edited by EternalJinn
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If anything, I probably have Avoidant Personality Disorder, which is basically just a fancy term for extreme shyness.

I have been diagnosed with Avoidant Personality Disorder (with BPD traits) and severe depression.. And I have been really afraid to post anything here even I created my account here like last year.. so hello everybody...

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Wait this is old physical stuff too?


When I was was 10 I was having a fun day at the pool!

WARNING: incoming gore

Upon jumping off a diving board I felt myself hit it or something, on the way down I felt totally normal.

Upon falling into the water for some odd reason I could barely swim. I began to sink.

So I treaded the water to reach the top. I thought everything was normal as I began to swim back to the latter.

However... I got a bit scared when my right leg was immobile and completely numb.

There were life guards waiting for me at the edge, they must've noticed me hit my leg...

But these jackasses however were the worst lifeguards ever and sat at the edge as I tried my hardest to swim, it was literally a struggle for my life. I began to lose energy extremely quickly.

Now here's the gory part.

Using whatever force I could manage after the unusual weakening issue I'd had moments ago, I pulled myself up onto the edge of the pool, as I did I literally exploded with pain inside. My eyes dilated and widened and I began to yell as it felt like I was burning to death from inside out, as if demons had erupted from inside me.

When I finally pulled myself up I saw a sight that words couldn't describe.

My foot was backwards and lose, one part of my leg with caved in and the other was bulging out.

Suddenly I stopped yelling.

The pain sharpened and I just stopped yelling.

I collected myself and prepared for what would happen mentally, and by doing so I stopped yelling.

Everything started to get dark, must've been shock. I was loaded onto an ambulance transport cart and I looked around as things looked darker than usual.

I was loaded onto an ambulance and hooked up to a vital sign thingy.

Apparently the wound was worse than I thought...

Upon x rays it showed my leg was completely severed in half internally.

That day was no good.

Other thing, I had a Jacobs (something I can't remember) on my head that had a chance of developing into skin cancer. No hair grew in that spot and it felt waxy.

I had it removed the same year my leg snapped in half and had some stitches. However I have to go back this summer to get it removed again because they forgot to get the very bottom part



Bad eyesight too

Edited by Absol-lutelty awesome!
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Extreme procrastinator is the tip of the ice berg and horrible for being a student. Suffer from lucid dreaming, not to say all my nights are bad but rather when I have a rough night it can get pretty bad and i begin periods of resisting sleep in response to rough nights. I've noticed the lack of sleep can lead to serious concentration problems throughout the day.

Also have a strong suspicion of asperger's syndrome or a similar autism in myself. I don't think I qualify on the intelligence basis but I'm naturally quite analytical especially in academic context which is a direct contrast to how I fair socially. Very self analytical though so I make a concious effort to try and be more sociable though it doesn't stop me from my socially awkward moments and insensitive comments. Which leads me back to why I started posting and chatting here in the first place, I understand a lot of what I say can come off rude or inappropriate (i apologise to everyone I've offended on PO chat) but I don't intend them to be and I want to become more socially aware and less insensitive to these kind of things. Don't mind being confronted too, I don't honestly know another way I'll learn. well I've talked enough, hooray for our collective awkwardness!

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trigger warning...

severe dysthymic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder w/ panic attacks, thought-based obsessive compulsive disorder, i used to have anorexic & bulimic tendencies, PCOS, insulin deficiency, and an entire essay of phobias..oh yes, and i've been self-harming for nearly three years. have a couple really nasty scars because i couldn't go in for stitches. regardless i've been to psychiatric rehab and the hospital. was fondled by my driving instructor so i have anxiety about being touched by men..getting over that though

fun times, fun times...thank you all for making this thread and contributing to it! it's nice to talk about these things since I rarely if ever speak about them

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he's probably referring to sleep paralysis

which often goes hand in hand with lucid dreaming

Nailed it but in my brief attempt to get treated I learned a lot of my responses vary though thankfully sleep paralysis episodes rarely occur. To my understanding its still an under developed area of science and psychology with no straight forward answers. masterweavile I'd heavily recommend keeping a watch by your bed in preparation for worst case scenario.

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Lucid dreams are great. Unless they're initiated by sleep paralysis. Had that happen to me this morning, actually. It's less of a problem for me as a thing that happens every now and then. Them dreams of dangerous things with sharp teeth in the vicinity of my neck while I can't move. >>

And uh... nothing wrong with me to report. I'm just a lucky, lucky guy.

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A, watch? I apologize, I'm just slightly lost by the conversation. Would someone be so kind as to explain to me waht sleep paralysis is? Because that's kinda impossible in Pokemon... Hehe... (Yeah, that was bad...)

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Strange phenomenon (don't know if this is consistent for everyone) when lucid dreaming there is no concept of time. If you ever experience false starts (i.e thinking you wake up but in reality your still dreaming) keeping some way to check the time is your saving grace. I prefer watches because it's easy to check when your wearing it and you can take it with you when your away from home but most people have mobiles I guess.

As for SP i don't think i can tell you much aside from personal experience. generally i lock myself into a position while i sleep and find i can't move out of it/wake up 100%. I essentially feel trapped physically and mentally and forced to be subject to whatever my mind throws at me. This can mean reliving traumatic experiences which is why I think people link it to lucid dreaming.

Edit: gonna confess this is new to me, getting to share these kind of experience with people outside my family

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Ah, I see. Well, I have my DS that I use for my alarm. But that's never really been problematic and hopefully never will be

Though considering the content of this one recurring dream I've been having, I suppose there could be something wrong with my dreamy centers (Dreamy centers XD)

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Strange phenomenon (don't know if this is consistent for everyone) when lucid dreaming there is no concept of time. If you ever experience false starts (i.e thinking you wake up but in reality your still dreaming) keeping some way to check the time is your saving grace. I prefer watches because it's easy to check when your wearing it and you can take it with you when your away from home but most people have mobiles I guess.

As for SP i don't think i can tell you much aside from personal experience. generally i lock myself into a position while i sleep and find i can't move out of it/wake up 100%. I essentially feel trapped physically and mentally and forced to be subject to whatever my mind throws at me. This can mean reliving traumatic experiences which is why I think people link it to lucid dreaming.

Edit: gonna confess this is new to me, getting to share these kind of experience with people outside my family

Yeah, that's basically it.

When you're dreaming the part of your brain that processes number and letters is effectively shut down so it's borderline impossible to actually get an accurate clock reading while you're dreaming unless it's completely by accident. This is a universal thing and because of that it's one of the methods people use to determine if they're dreaming or not because the clock won't read actually numbers and will change every time you look at it.

Sleep paralysis is a phenomenon that occurs upon waking up or falling asleep. You're cognitive processes are functioning but the part of you're brain associated with moving muscles isn't active because it shuts down to prevent you from flailing out and everything while you're dreaming. This usually happens when you have some really scary experience going on which is why everyone says it's scary.(Which it really is, I've had some scary experiences with this and I hate it.) Despite this it's also commonly used to induce lucid dreams since our mind is always asleep then the body follows and not the other way around.

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So then, is it bad that in the aforementioned dream it's always the same time? (I never even noticed the time before, but the picture in my head is quite clear, and apparently I'm wearing a watch? *Doesn't wear watches*)

Sorry if I'm overreacting, I just tend to be really paranoid about irregularities >_<

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So then, is it bad that in the aforementioned dream it's always the same time? (I never even noticed the time before, but the picture in my head is quite clear, and apparently I'm wearing a watch? *Doesn't wear watches*)

Sorry if I'm overreacting, I just tend to be really paranoid about irregularities >_<

No. there's nothing to be worried about. Everyone's mind is different. The thing to take away from it is that time is erratic and unreliable in dreams. I remember an instance where the time simply froze and never moved but the dream still progressed normally. That was a lucid dream though so idk if that affects it. As for the wearing of a watch that's nothing to be concerned about. One time I woke up with a tattoo. I don't have a tattoo. Our mind projects random things and we can learn to control it. If it bothers you start training yourself to get rid of the watch or find a meaning behind it.

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Eh, I wasn't too worried about the watch, I'm also in a hoodie, I don't wear hoodies either (Well, I have one, but it's not this one) I suppose I just never thought of what clothing I'd be wearing during the dream (I exert a high level of control over my dreams most of the time, but the clothing is unimportant so I never really bothered)

The dream is still pretty terrifying, even though about 40% of me would be perfectly happy with it actually happening at some point (Which in and of itself kinda scares me, it's just, something that I really don't want to happen, except part of me does, I've been wrestling with it ever since the dream first came about)

Oh hey, there's a person down the alley, I never noticed them before, huh (The whole dream is third person, and I have a certain scene stuck in my head, kinda like a screenshot, so I'm jsut closing my eyes and staring at it. Trying to figure out what time that is. The angle is for ~8:00, but the clock is at an angle itself, this is soo going to bug me all night)

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Let's start t the beginning:

14 years of 2nd hand moing causin me to hae very bad lungs and dificulty in breathing.

Voices in my head

Seeing things that aren't actually there.

Seeing "dead" people (though probably just my imagination)

Speaking problem.

Really shy and socially awkward

If I have to speak in public I get really sweaty

I can bend my my thumb against my wrist

Chronical pain in my back, stomach and knees

Allergic to polls (Spring and summer suck for me)

Immune to most pills

Can hardly see clear further then 5 meter (without glasses)

Sleeping problems

Bad motor skills

Bad memory

Bad with names

Distrust against almost everyone (apart from family(Yes Reborn counts as family))

Not sure what else if I remember something I'll add more

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