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So what's wrong with you?


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- Very, very shy. I have much difficulties speaking in front of a lot of people.

- No social life. At all.

- Extremely lazy. (though I'm not sure if this is appropriate)

- Names? What names?


- I see Pokémon and other things randomly popping up everywhere.

- Scared of dogs for no apparent reason. Actually, make that scared of 3/4th of all the fauna.

- Scared of vampires. No kidding. I can't watch movies like Twilight because of that.

- Not much faith in humanity. I'm not sure if it was really all bad whatever Lysandre tried to accomplish.

- I'm pretty sure I have a mental problem as well, just not sure which one.

I hope this was all. I really hope that.

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Nasty coughs

Scared to death of needles

^Same with doctors but bit less

HATE dentists


Fuck the kids of this age

Terrible terrible nightmares

As a kid dreamt about a giant fire breathing rabbit and now I hate armadillos(don't ask me why)

Dislike to all the people I live with

Scared of squirrels

Can't see in the dark

Too much sun scares me

Apperently I'm a windmill

Scare of Heights

Scared to absolute absolute death to planes(I'll probably die earlier then I have flown in a plane)

Maybe more updates will come(This is where the bad memory comes in xD)

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I'm luck enough to near no psychological and neurological issues that I know of.
That being said, I still do have some physical problems.
Epistaxis (unnatural nosebleed) due to enlarged nostrils,
Skin cancer,
I don't know how to describe it, but whenever I picture something flying towards me, like a baseball or a gun pointed at me, like from movies, my right eye acts up terribly and the lack of comfort is indescribable,
A lower-than-average voice due to my voice box being hit by a line drive when I was young.

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Physically, almost nothing. I mean, I have an allergy to penicillin, but if I had to guess, none of you really care about that, haha.

Mentally, I'm a rare case of someone who has high functioning Autism but doesn't have Asperger's. I started nonverbal and stuff. Now I'm in college and I don't get any extra academic help for any disability I might have. This is my own choice, I guess I'm trying to prove that I'm just as normal and capable as everyone else (not that there's any shame in accepting help for a disability you have, I'm just stubborn). I also haven't had the greatest experience with people in the special ed field (often feels patronizing), so I often just like to pretend I'm normal. I'm high functioning enough to seem like someone who's just slightly socially awkward at times. I'm extremely thankful to be where I am today.

As for undiagnosed shit, I often wonder if I have depression or generalized anxiety. Both of these run in my family, I've just never gone to a therapist for anything like this (though honestly, I sometimes feel like I should since the way I feel isn't just normal "sadness"). I get especially anxious around crowds. This is probably just a symptom of my autism, but maybe I'm agoraphobic? Who knows.

Also, this isn't really "wrong" but possibly as a side effect of my autism, my memory is rly gud.* Apparently it's been tested. I can remember things exactly that most people can only remember vaguely. I also have really high strung senses. Which can be a good or a bad thing (bad because I react too much to people touching me, good because I react too much to people touching me).

I also apparently used to have an auditory processing disorder, but considering my sense of pitch is actually better than most people's now, that's probably not the case anymore. Might be because of the treatment I went through when I was really little. It was meant to make my hearing better, might have made it too good...

I'm glad we have a thread like this where we can all be open about what's "wrong" with or just what's different about us. :)

*I am so sorry

Edited by thebrignad
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Uhhh, I guess I can share mine.

I'm anemic, bipolar, I have severe depression and ADD, I get sick easily.

I almost died once when I was 7 in my cousins pool, ehhhh, I'm also suicidal and on suicide watch by my school, I have only a few friends at school, what else what else...

Can't think straight right now... xD

Edited by DarkRaine
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Aspergers Syndrom,


Gambler, got some mony problems. But that's becaus I buy things.

selfhurter only in the name of magic,

yroman cuz love the fire.

Alcoholic, like the rest of my family.

I got like two exstra parts inside of my kne, family issue. it just hurt a littel when I ekstend my kne.

Some problems with my nervs, I can't feel all the pain I should.

Dyslexia, but not so bad.

I think that's it. Well, I guess there is something wrong with me.

Edited by Andi
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let's see... I'm the "creepy kid" where i come from cuz I've always been the smarter one in my school (luckily i graduated), I've been diagnosed with depression but i got that under control after 4 years, I have seasonal allergies, and i'm extremely accident prone which is proven by the fact that i get hospitalized at least once a year. Other than that, i'm fairly "normal".

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1) Well, asthma

2) Deathly allergic to peanuts and pollen destroys my immune system

3) Afraid of bees, most flying insects, most bugs in general

4) Communicating through words is not my strong suite, so I prefer communicating with feeling and music

5) No mental dissorders however I feel a psychiatrist would deem otherwise

6) I worry alot which causes my immune system to fall leaving me supceptible to many ailments

7) Lots of headaches

I don't really consider this a "problem" but I tend to think thoughts and talk like I'm older (which is why its easy for me to empathize with other). Im also very sceptical and its out of nature for me to blindly trust someone.

But Im glad you guys can work with or see past your problems. :D

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I was born with hypothyroidism, (called congenital hypothyroidism by doctors). As a result, my body does not produce enough thyroid hormones, so I must take pills for the rest of my life to keep it stable and able to function better. I also must have yearly blood draws in order to check my levels.

I was also diagnosed with depression in my freshman year of high school. I'm forever grateful to my parents for their support and their help during that tough moment of my life. Luckily, I'm okay now. :)

7) Lots of headaches

This. I feel your pain. I get them almost all the time. :P Edited by Majestic Electric
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