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Field Effects Explained

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A burning field is definitely something we'll see at some point (Grass Pledge + Fire Pledge or Grassy Terrain + one of the fire moves that currently destroys it) but I probably won't make anything so extreme as to faint on sending out a Pokemon.

Not sure how I want to handle water/surfing/diving fields yet.

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Oh man, I am really looking forward to those field effects. Kinda makes me want to restart the games when EP11 finally comes out, so I can replay the whole game just with field effects on (Want to do that anyway ;P)

But that also makes me a bit afraid of Radomus, because I already had a few problems with that guy the first time I fought him (G.Gardevoir at level 65... And I thought my Gardevoir with Shadow Ball could take it out xD)

I´d also like to see Julia´s gym with that electric field effect, even though her explosion and self destruct attacks will be even more painful for me :D

Compared to the actual pokemon game, reborn is already better. HEY, just my opinion. Had more fun with those gym puzzles, those extreme hard and satisfying battles (Damn you Arceus) and getting the pokemon I really want isn´t something I can take for granted. And the story is also interesting to me. I´d like to know who the other gym leaders are who allied themselves with team meteor (and if Radomus is with them or not. Now I think I made the wrong choice by siding with him, because El is acting all weird and seems to have lost his memory - or well, his memory was changed ^^)

And now we get field effects? That´s awesome ;)

When is EP11 coming out? :D

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Personally I would save restarting the game for when it's finished, because there are certain neat features that are planned but can't be put in yet, to put it as vaguely as possible.

EDIT: Also, @ Vinny, I'm not so much bothered by your post (although my answer does still apply) as I am by the ones that seem to be seriously asking the same types of questions.

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Here's a thought- perhaps the field effects could give an unseen DISadvantage (for the gym leaders) when they are in use- for instance, "chess moves" could have only 50% effect on pokemon with the Prankster ability? Or Dark Field giving pokemon with the Soundproof ability a rise in accuracy, and sound-based moves doing extra damage, since pokemon that normally rely on sight would have their other senses heightened as a result of the pitch blackness, leading them to being more sensitive to sound?

Edited by NeoDarklight
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I think there's some changes that you could do with some terrain, for example: Every type that is on ground gets healed in grass terrain, right? Well, grass is super effective on ground/water/rock , so pokemons of these types lose 1/16 of their health instead of getting healed... And, since fire burns grass, fire types don't get healed up too...

The same thing could be used for the other terrains: i.e "Darkness is gathering", so psychic types lose 1/16 of their health in that terrain... Ghost don't, cuz ghosts ain't scared of the dark ^^

These are only ideas though, it's not like a can force you to do it ^^

As a suggestion for a terrain the future, i think that a poison one is a must... Imagine Byxbision and Aya...

Edited by Vinny953
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I think there's some changes that you could do with some terrain, for example: Every type that is on ground gets healed in grass terrain, right? Well, grass is super effective on ground/water/rock , so pokemons of these types lose 1/16 of their health instead of getting healed... And, since fire burns grass, fire types don't get healed up too...

The same thing could be used for the other terrains: i.e "Darkness is gathering", so psychic types lose 1/16 of their health in that terrain... Ghost don't, cuz ghosts ain't scared of the dark ^^

These are only ideas though, it's not like a can force you to do it ^^

As a suggestion for a terrain the future, i think that a poison one is a must... Imagine Byxbision and Aya...

Nah, I don´t think there should be damage for a ground pokemon for being in tall grass, or damage for a psychic pokemon for being in the darkness. It´s alright when grass-moves and darkness-moves are stronger, I´d be ok with that.

And I think in the darkness the accuracy of most pokemon or their attacks should decrease a little (just a little, something around 5 or 10?^^), while attacks like Flash always hit - or has at least higher accuracy - with double effect (I mean most of the time I have it, it´s not as good as sand attack and doesn´t hit that often and now it´s time for flash to become useful to me xD).

I agree, a poison effect should be there, or maybe on a rematch against her?^^ I think there should be field effects for certain gyms like Julia´s (supercharged field), Floriana´s (Dunno what to put there, but I think she should have one) , Shade´s (Darkness, due to missing lights) and of course Radomus :D And the upcoming fight against Luna :D

Seen that fire-field idea above. I think that´s a bit extreme. At least that´s what I, a noob, thinks xDDD I simply don´t like immediant faint just because of the field. It should do small things, like small bonuses or disadvantages, but not things as big as that ^^

I don´t know about a lava or fire field, but I can see a heat-field (Simply an area where it´s hot and warm): Pyrous Mountain, and maybe even the Tourmaline Desert at days (I mean I see a desert on that map, so why not?^^):

-Certain Ice(and Water)-Moves will decrease in power to 0.75 of their power

-Physical Steel-Moves increase to 1.2 (Steel gets hot, which can be a little bit more painful I guess^^ Just a thought.). But after three turns, the steel pokemon will take increasing damage per turn.

-Certain Fire-Moves increase to 1.4

-It´s easier to apply the status burning....

-....but harder to freeze anything and it´s only for one or two turns - or maybe you´re simply not able to do it.

-Burn-status does 1,5 of it´s damage

-Nature-Power will become Flame Charge

7) The moves Mud Sport, Water Sport, Muddy Water, Rain Dance and Surf terminate the field effect.

Yeah, those moves should end the heat-field and then make a mist-field out of it ^^" (Yeah, like in that episode that was shown, where Blastoise used it´s water attack on that hot field. We´d have the misty field effect for the next five turns then.

The battle against Cal would make Rain Dance essential if there is any fire-bonus, I guess, because otherwise he´d steamroll me with sunny day and then fire-attacks X__x

Edited by UnprofessionalAmateur
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For future terrains I would like to see an Ice Field.

-Every grounded non Ice type gets his speed decreased by X 0,5

-Pokemon with Flame Body or Magma Armor don´t get their speed decreased

-Hail last for 8 turns

-Nature Power will be Ice Beam

-Water attacks now apply additional Ice type damage

-Rain Dance will change to Hail

-Eruption, Heat Wave, Lava Plume, Flame Burst will terminate this field

-Ice Beam will let this field reappear (only if it was terminated)

Edited by Yazmat
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So i'm back for more exiting (and not requested) suggestions for fields:

Poison Field (Swamp Field maybe?):

1) Poison moves (from grounded Pokemon) increase base power x 1.5

2) Fairy/grass moves (from grounded Pokemon) decrease base power x 0.5

3) Steel/Levitate Pokemon are immune to this field.

4) All (non steel/Levitate/Poison) Pokemon that enter the field get poisoned, fairy/grass types get badly poisoned (aka toxic).

5) Acid Armor increases defense by 3 stages (instead of 2) but lowers the speed of the user by 1, Acid Spray decreases sp.defense by 3 stages but the user can't use the same move twice in a row (like after Torment), Poison gas Poison Powder and Toxic have perfect accuracy, Gastro Acid now also lowers the speed of the target by one stage, Venom Drench lowers the affected stats by 2 stages (instead of one) on badly poisoned targets, Coil raises attack and defense by 2 stages (instead of one) but the accuracy is reduced by 1, Nature Power becomes Sludge Wave.

6) Fissure, Earthquake, Blizzard, Sheer Cold, Water Spout, Surf, Rain Dance and Eruption will terminate the field effect.

This Field is meant for Aya so i don't think it can be used with Corey (also when you battle with him you're inside a small room so yeah) maybe he can have something like a Trap Field where the battling Pokemon have a 10% chance (every turn) of being poisoned, burned, paralyzed or frozen (i know it's a little too weak of a field but i can't think of anything else).

Ice Field:

1) Ice moves increase base power x 1.5

2) Grass/flying/fire moves decrease base power x 0.5

3) Pokemon with Flame Body/Magma Armor are immune to this field

4) Fly and Sky Drop can't be used.

5) All (non ice/fire) Pokemon have a 10% chance of being frozen every turn.

6) All water moves become ice moves (like normal moves with Refrigerate).

7) All Pokemon (of both trainers) have they accuracy reduced by 1 stage.

8) Freeze Shock and Ice Burn no longer take a turn to charge, Hail lasts for 8 turns, Icicle Crash and Blizzard have perfect accuracy, Sheer Cold has an accuracy of 50%, Avalanche has a priority of 0 and Nature Power becomes Ice Beam.

9) Sunny Day, Heat Wave and Eruption will terminate the field effect.

This field is for Serra (so she can return to be the Hax queen :)).

I also have some (really vague) ideas for Noel and Shade (but none for Kiki and Shelly :unsure:), so Noel can have the "Base Field" where the ability of every Pokemon is changed to Simple and all the moves (of all Pokemon) become normal type (like with Normalize), Shade may have the "Life&Death Field" where all Pokemon (of both trainers) have a chance (20% maybe?) to activate (randomly) Destiny Bond or Endure (i think it would be funny ^_^), aaand thats all folks!

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Nope, nobody knows. Not even Ame (At least I don't think she knows) It'll happen when it happens, be patient ^^ (AME, HURRY UP AND GET EP. 11 OUT ASAP!)

Edited by MasterWeavile898
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Somebody knows when chapter 11 will be uploaded?

I think Ame is trying to release ep.11 by the end of March... But still, there's not an exact date to when an episode will be released, so yeah... It's better to just be patient really...

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Nope, nobody knows. Not even Ame (At least I don't think she knows) It'll happen when it happens, be patient ^^ (AME, HURRY UP AND GET EP. 11 OUT ASAP!)

I think Ame is trying to release ep.11 by the end of March... But still, there's not an exact date to when an episode will be released, so yeah... It's better to just be patient really...

Thanks to both of you ;)

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Really no reason to wait 'till the end of March if it's in beta, but I have a person rule of letting it simmer there for at least a week. So it'll probably be public this weekend.

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Yay, Weekend! I suppose I should try to finich Ep. 10 then, huh? I could be done by the weekend if I set my mind to it *Sets her mind to the music channel and continues watching television*

Lady pls... Just finish episode 10 already, cuz episode 11 is not going to disappoint you...


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Woah, I didn't expect it so fast (seeing as there was the league thing coming out too) ! Great news!

Also one doubt on topic: It's only the move Sunny Day that terminates the Dark Field or Drought can do it too? (too anxious to use my new -ability Ninetales)

Edited by Notus
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Woah, I didn't expect it so fast (seeing as there was the league thing coming out too) ! Great news!

Also one doubt on topic: It's only the move Sunny Day that terminates the Dark Field or Drought can do it too? (too anxious to use my new -ability Ninetales)

"All effects of this terrain are temporarily annulled by Sunny Weather"

So i'm guessing that Drought also works, since it's not the move itself, but the weather... But based on that, the sunny weather doesn't terminate the effect, only affects it temporarily...

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