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*clears throat* Ayyye. I'm in a FORUM...snazzy. (Hi I'm new...)


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Wats gud.

I am a young lady and my name is Shay. I am new-ish here. I've sorta been popping in and out of the forums around here for a little while, but I haven't actually introduced myself. So yeah. Pokemon Reborn is a magnificent creation. Great game. 10/10. Bravo. I haven't actually finished it yet but I don't need to I know it's perfect no spoilers plz.

If you can't tell I'm a forum noob. I don't even completely understand how forums work. I've never had a forum that I regularly visited, but I've found myself returning to these ones a lot lately. Probably because ya'll like Pokemon, and I like Pokemon...

It's like were brothers. But closer.

Anyway, I am kind of a nerd. Like, 49% black, 50% white and 40% giant nerd. That's all fine and dandy, but the thing is my friends are NOT giant nerds they're like, 60% white, 13% black, 78% flaming homosexual male, 10% bad bitch...

Anyway you get the point. Did I mention I failed my last math class?

I don't have people to talk about "nerd" stuff (namely Pokemon) with. Like none. I just have to hold it all in. I hatched a shiny Eevee the other day and I was beyond ecstatic, guess who I shared my overwhelming glee with? That's right. No one. And that is not healthy. It's not healthy to hold in your glee. Idk if you should give people the opportunity to introduce themselves like this cause I can talk about myself forever. I think I will.

*pulls easy chair up to the podium*


I really like some video games, I'm not like a HUGE GAMER or anything but there are certain games I will just play for DAYS. (Like Pokemon, lol duh). I try to stay hip with the new fresh nerd crowd as best as I can. I've watched Doctor Who, I've experienced the magic of Sherlock, I'm totes up to date on what's happening with Twitch Plays Pokemon. Etc. My cats are my life. I love MLP, I read books, andIstillhaveaneopetsaccountpleasedonttellanyoneohmygod.

I'm into all artsy junk. singing, dancing, performing in general. I love acting particularly. But I'm REALLY into dinosaurs. Not really JUST dinosaurs but like, Earth Science. Ancient Earth Science. Pretty much anything kickass natural thing that happened a hella long time ago is cool to me. Sometimes the thought of how goddamn cool dinosaurs and shit are is literally the only thing that gets me up in the morning. I don't think you understand. I can be crying in bed unable to move in a dangerous state of abysmal depression, but goddammit if my Earth Science class is starting soon you bet your bottom dollar I will be there. Front row. With questions I've prepared for the professor after the lecture. I hope it's okay if I curse. I do that.

I have a huge crush on Jeff Goldblum yeah I know he's in his 60s shut up idc he is my everything, and it's not just because he was in J Park. (Although I do admit he was just, oh my god. I can't. Ugh. He was so beauti-okay I'm done.) I also just think he's overall a very underated actor. Don't act like you didn't love Cats & Dogs more than life, because I DID. Also he plays jazz piano. Wow I actually just wrote a whole paragraph about that.

I also really love to draw, and I think I'm pretty damn decent at it and I am not afraid to admit that. In fact. meerkatmanor_zpse2adeb28.png

BOOM. Four meerkats enjoying apple martinis. If that doesn't sum me up in one image I don't know what will.

I'm always happy to receive constructive criticism of course, not exactly on THIS since its kinda old and I just drew it cause my friend dared me to but...yeah! I'm always looking to get better! I guess regular criticism is fine too since you can't see me crying through the internet.... :D

Anyway I should probably wrap this up before I remember something else that none of you really need or care to know about me. Hopefully you don't hate me too much. If you'd like to file a restraining order in advance please let me know so I can add you to the list.

IN CONCLUSION. Don't be fooled by the rocks that I got, cause' I will always be Jenny from the block. *drops mic*.

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...I read all of that... I'm ashamed of myself... justkiddinglol11swag

Anyway, hi and welcome to Reborn! I hope you realized you just made the worst decision of your life a good thing joining the forums... So, take your shoes off, put your jacket to the left, put your sanity outside, and bring all the sarcasm, irony and references that no one will understand with you, after all, you're goign to need it... I know how you feel about the whole "I like pokemon but none of my friends like it so i can't talk about"... The difference is that i don't know what is this "friend" thing people talk about... whatever...

Just keep in mind that once you join Reborn, you'll never leave... Like never... You know, this thing that lasts forever? Yes, that...

Also, wait for Tempest comment about the Pokemon Reborn server. And if you have any questions about Reborn in general, feel free to spam Tempest until he answers you...

Have a nice day/morning/night/something something...

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Thank you Tenshine. And yes, of course they do. Haven't you ever seen Meerkat Manor? It's like Gossip Girl, but better because all of the cast members are meerkats.

Ayyyy, thanks for the welcome gurl. May your jimmies also remain un-rustled.

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Just a heads up, instead of posting twice in row, just edit your previous one. I can't really do anything though since it's outside my jurisdiction. But since Vinny keeps taking the words from my mouth. Just blah blah sanity not used blah blah Get Pokemon Online blah blah You miss alot blah blah message me if you have questions blah blah.

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Welcome into Reborn. Before you mossy on over i'm going to need to warn you on a few things.

Warnings: Randomness. Brain damage. Feels. Craziness. Loss of Sanity. Loss of Brain Cells. Death of Brain Cells. Over-toned laughing box. Hug attacks. Glomps. Getting called "Ross" and "Norule."

That last one is a personal vendetta. >:I You know who you are.
Welcome to Reborn!

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Hello. I bid thee a warm welcome and I hope you are going to have a lot of fun with the community.

And yeah, Reborn is already an awesome game. I hope I will see it when it´s done ^.^

49% black, 50% white and 40% giant nerd? Sounds a bit like me, if you replace black with asian xD

I gotta keep most nerd-things for myself as well. I mean besides YT there isn´t any other way to spread my nerdiness or talk about games a lot, especially games like pokemon, because people always think that´s for children (It´s rated E for everyone -___-)

Well, at least you like video games. Yeah, play certain games for days. I know how that is. Or play certain games over and over and over again, because they´re kinda asking for it ;) *cellar-kid talking here*

.. Hey, nice drawing ;D I wish I could draw as good as that xD

Ah well. Welcome to the forum xDDD

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O_O Er... What Vinny said...


Hello, I'm Snow, or Master, or Weavile, or Kyra, or whatever (Actually, I think I've asked someone to call me Whatever once now that I think about it...) Welcome, hope you stick around ^^

Anywhales, have a good day, get on the server, be careful where you leave your soul, etc. Vile ^_^

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.. Hey, nice drawing ;D I wish I could draw as good as that xD

Ah well. Welcome to the forum xDDD

Many thanks you. :)

Will do, Weavilesnowmaster Kyra. I may have already signed my soul away. I believe the contract was written on a napkin...

But yeah. No worries. :3

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