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My ears hurt now. Thanks, Gohan.

If you lost everything you owned and were forced to live a life of crime, which place would you go to to start your criminal life? (free instant travel to that place, once.)

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Sometimes. I feel a bit depressed when it rains, makes me a bit melancholic and all that, but it also helps me to calm down

and sit down and think things through for a while... ^^

If you had one wish that would be granted, what would you wish? (Except that "more wishes"-thing, ofc^^)

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If it's only video games, yes. If it's all games, then no. What's the use of a peaceful world when you can't play games with others to have fun?

What is the most ridiculous gift you've ever received?

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Hey, you. Yes, you. I'd like to hear your plans for the end of the year (Like, are you going to something? something special? ;)

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Not sure really, I get colds but other than that I've only had a serious disease once since 2005. That was Pneumonia last fall. Even in 2005, it was because of food poisoning at a funeral and everyone got it real bad for 24 hours. I hardly ever get sick. But usually for colds. I drink hot water (Don't like tea/coffee), eat chicken noodle soup, and have throat lasagnes.

What's the worst illness you've ever had.

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Nope, every time I get any sort of prescription for antibiotics, or pain killers following surgery, I'd only take it if I felt like I needed it. After my wisdom teeth came out, I didn't use any pain killers, broken arm surgery? I took pain killers for one day and that's because my arm was real swollen inside the cast/bandage thing and circulation was getting cut off to my arm.

On a scale of 1-10, how well do you manage pain?

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