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What's your opinion on grinding in reborn?

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Yeahh title says it all, pretty much..I had a friend tell me she thought grinding in games is relaxing and stuff, and I've had people tell me it's the worst part about games.

So what do you guys think, do you like grinding? Hate it? Is there too much or too little necessary in reborn?

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HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE it. A little grinding is OK; it gets you to play more content and can be enjoyable, it's good for testing, etc. However, if you want a balanced team (a must in Reborn), it's grueling, since in most of the main games you're set if you just dump all of your EXP onto one or two pokes, but Reborn has a level cap preventing you from doing so.

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imo its not really necessary, i got my team to 55-60 while collecting all 8 badges curently avalible, i was stuck at shade and noel for a bit coz of my line up but if u have a decent lin up to counter the leaders its simply not needed another instance of needed grinding would be i just swapped a pokemon in my team and needed to get the new one up fast but all in all if its needed it isnt that bad. tho in reborn too much training can be a bad thing in this game. had won a few badges where my started wouldnt listej to me

murdoc: its not that bad tho i racking my brains while training for noel but other than that its fine tho thats my take on it. feel free to disagree

Edited by sandy
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I always hated grinding in the main series, cause I got impacient to proceed with the story. That made me always get some two or three pokés and proceed with the game fighting only trainers.

In Reborn that - obviously - didn't work, so I found myself for the first time searching for specific pokémon, having more than 4 or 5 on the PC and doing some serious grinding. Surprisingly I loved it, the feel was like I was really playing for the first time! Of course it sometimes get boring, but then I just drop down the computer and come back at other time. I'd say it's part of the game, and as I love the game I like it too.

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I myself have always hated grinding. I just don't like it when I've got to train a team member up from scratch for a gym. Of course it keeps me playing the game longer so that's a plus I guess.

Edited by Smithy
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I don't mind grinding on the main series games on a handheld, it kind of becomes a general mindless activity at one point; but on reborn I feel like it isn't necessary except during the beginning part of the game where it just gets a little annoying

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I'm lukewarm to it. I never minded doing some grinding in RPGs, but I'm finding it a necessity in Reborn just from how well gym leaders and some rival/plot battles cover their type disadvantages. I'm pretty sure Reborn's gym leaders have some exclusive TM shop where they can teach their Pokemon anything they want and totally wreck their opponents. That means most major battles force me to stop so I can find a new Pokemon or two and get it up to speed. I'm on the cusp of facing Serra, so I'm currently grinding a Vulpix with Drought so I can deal with her and her nerdy son, and I might do the same with a Growlithe. It can become really tedious--I recently got past the hell that was Aya, and now I have to do it again with Serra--but if there's one thing I got from Reborn, it's an appreciation for Pokemon I otherwise wouldn't have bothered with.

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I actually do enjoy grinding in both Reborn & other games. Plus since you can actually add in your own music in Reborn grinding can be pretty fun while listening to your favorite songs.=) I guess it depends on how tough enemies are & how much EXP they give out during the time that it either be pretty fun or just a drag.

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I don't mind grinding. Though Reborn is an exception. The wild encounter rate makes grinding quite hard, I suppose I should grab something with Sweet Scent, but that's not my style anywhales. Usually if I'm stuck at a point, in any game, I just keep charging at whatever is in my way until I reach a high enough level or get lucky enough to break it (Which is basically grinding I suppose)

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Grinding, at least for me, is something I've never particularly enjoyed. I've always felt that a game should be able to ease the player into the difficulty.. A majority of games I've played do this, and even those that don't at least have some sort of curve to their difficulty. However, then you have those times where the developers decided to throw a literal wall in your face. These serve as a rude awakening to the player. In the Pokemon main series alone, I can name a few of these (Wattson, Whitney, Morty). This one of the flaws I see with Reborn, where, instead of having a nice ride with a steadily increasing difficulty along the way, the game starts hard, and throws a literal roadblock in your face with EVERY. SINGLE. GYM. In this case, the player has two options: continue to fail until they eventually rip their computer from their wall, or grind up until they have a Pokemon that can beat the challenge. There is a bright side to this: it forces the player to use a Pokemon they would not normally. But, on the blades other edge, we have the same fact. Maybe I don't want to use those Pokemon. I myself don't particularly like Donphan. Yet I find it impossible to defeat Corey without it. I also have to spend the time to train that Donphan to a point where it can reliably beat the majority of Corey's Pokemon. Now repeat this process for every gym, sometimes with 2-3 Pokemon, and then imagine that it takes around 30-40 minutes to grind up the 'mon with CE running the game at 4x speed. It is then that grinding, and by extension the reason that the player has to grind in the first place, becomes an issue.

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I agree with most of you guys, I generally don't like it i have virtually no patience ever but there are times when it can just be a nice, mindless activity. But imo grinding is pretty necessary for this game because I'm always trying to have a balanced selection of Pokemon to choose from; after all with 18 gyms and tons of battles in between I need a lot of types to rely on. That's just me, though...I was never amazing at strategy and have always relied heavily on type advantages to get me through battles. That really is my strategy lmao in the main series games usually one team of six was enough but Reborn is on a whole new level :0 That's just how I see it :)

Edit: After hearing everyone talk about how tough Noel is I'm dreading him :unsure: I always thought Aya was going to be the worst of the leaders we had so far. She was miserable, especially because I have 10.5 and Gardevoir being half fairy ruined me

Edited by wowireallylovesweaters
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I detest grinding.

One of my issues with a lot of "difficult" romhacks is that their idea of 'difficulty' is making full teams of Pokemon 20 levels above the player and letting them brawl it out. Unfortunately, that doesn't really work-- it just forces the player to grind for like 49 years to keep up.

It's for this reason that I try so hard between things like the level cap, (newly) field effects, and team composition to make sure that leaders are difficult without relying solely on a level advantage. I want them to be a challenge, but that challenge should be about more than just the numbers.

If players want to train up a new Pokemon to deal with a given gym, then I think that's totally cool and valid-- I feel like something like that is still true to the original spirit of Pokemon. But, I don't want players to feel like they have to do so.

My general goal is to make leaders difficult in the way that the players' initial response is not to just train up some more, but to find a new strategy with their current team to beat that leader. This is much like our online league-- all battles are maxed out at level 100, so grinding is never an option. On the contrary, our most successful champions have been the challengers who were able to constantly find new ways to use their team.

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I don't mind some grinding in rpgs, it makes you feel a sense of progression while enjoying the game. BUT too much grinding and it gets very boring and repetitive which I sometimes have to do in reborn e.g. I revived a kabuto from a dome fossil and wanted to put it in my team, problem is it is lv 1 while the rest of my team is around lv 50. I had to grind for about an hour just to put it in my team and continue with the game.

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I hate grinding it's just boring but i never had problems with it Reborn, i was able to beat all the leaders i've faced with my team of 6-7 Pokemon.

Edited by Gaunt
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The general pokemon games seemed to be too easy for me. In fact, I kind of wished pokemon games had an Easy or Hard mode, similar to Golden Sun. Grinding just wasn't really needed in those games, at least for me. With Reborn its a lot different due to its difficulty. That's why I enjoy reborn. Sure I don't like grinding from lvl 1 to 50, but knowing the satisfaction of the end result is enough for me.

Also, I agree with Ame on the whole difficulty of other ROM hacks. Dark Rising gave me nightmares...

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I'm with Ame. I'm still early on, but I didn't need to get any new Pokemon to beat any of the gym leaders yet (I tried to with Rini, but the Pokemon I got turned out to be basically useless and I ended up just using my Arbok I'd had all game) So far I've only had trouble with one gym, the others all fell to my team (in close battles that required skill and not levels) That's part of why I really love this game. I hate grinding in it, but I don't really need to grind in it either

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*Forgot to make my ACTUAL post*

I think Reborn is fine as it is. I haven't needed to do any grinding-I think the only time I did was level up my Zubat one level because I wanted her to be a Golbat for Florinia. Most of the leaders require planning, and knowlege of the game. Even with a mostly mono-team leaders can be beaten.

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Grinding, at least for me, is something I've never particularly enjoyed. I've always felt that a game should be able to ease the player into the difficulty.. A majority of games I've played do this, and even those that don't at least have some sort of curve to their difficulty. However, then you have those times where the developers decided to throw a literal wall in your face. These serve as a rude awakening to the player. In the Pokemon main series alone, I can name a few of these (Wattson, Whitney, Morty). This one of the flaws I see with Reborn, where, instead of having a nice ride with a steadily increasing difficulty along the way, the game starts hard, and throws a literal roadblock in your face with EVERY. SINGLE. GYM. In this case, the player has two options: continue to fail until they eventually rip their computer from their wall, or grind up until they have a Pokemon that can beat the challenge. There is a bright side to this: it forces the player to use a Pokemon they would not normally. But, on the blades other edge, we have the same fact. Maybe I don't want to use those Pokemon. I myself don't particularly like Donphan. Yet I find it impossible to defeat Corey without it. I also have to spend the time to train that Donphan to a point where it can reliably beat the majority of Corey's Pokemon. Now repeat this process for every gym, sometimes with 2-3 Pokemon, and then imagine that it takes around 30-40 minutes to grind up the 'mon with CE running the game at 4x speed. It is then that grinding, and by extension the reason that the player has to grind in the first place, becomes an issue.

grinding is almost a must in any games that have a lv. system but at corey, gardevoir and my pokemon were beefed up from the training forzel and taka double battle

Edited by OmegaRa1der
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imo, Grinding can be fun, especially if it actually feels rewarding. For example, Dark souls or Borderlands, farming for the money/souls and perfect weapon or in Final Fantasy working toward the ultima weapons. With pokemon there isn't much reward as you are constantly progressing regardless of if you continue playing the story or just start murdering innocent pokes. Besides, if you have to start grinding, just find something to listen to and feel your brain rot away ^.^. (Thank God/Ame that grinding is optional in this game tho)

Edit: I already went to heaven ^.^

Edited by DobbyTheElf
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Have always found grinding fun put some music on and start kicking some ass. Whether it was Diablo, WoW, Pokemon it''s always been fun may get tiring some times but if you're determined it has some good rewards throughout its way. Also grinding in Reborn is also fun especially when you get that one pokemon that is a must for you're team made me so happy when i got Zorua in both playthroughs was happy to grind it mainly because it meant one-shot KOs to Shade. Grinding is just naturally fun for me.\

Damn you dobbytheninja

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