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2nd Playthrough, just beat Corey.

Vulpix (26) Flame Burst/Faint Attack/Confuse Ray/Quick Attack

Magby (27) Flame Burst/Faint Attack/Confuse Ray/Clear Smog

Combusken (27) Double Kick/Ember/Peck/Focus Energy

Crobat (27) Wing Attack/Bite/Swift/Confuse Ray

Porygon (25) Charge Beam/Psybeam/Conversion 2 (the one that changes your type to a move you have)/Recover

Gyarados (27) Dragon Rage/Bite/Tackle/Leer

My basic question is-is this a good team for this point in the game? I haven't had trouble with any bosses as of yet.

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3 fires types? So your planning to run a sun team? Or just temporarily?

The thing is - You team is very similar to mine when i was in this point (Change Combusken to Monferno, change Magby to Luxio and get rid of Vulpix = My team in this point...)

So, i'm my personal opinion, it's good since you didn't had any trouble with the gym leaders/meteors/stuff...

I don't remember very well the pokemons that you can get in this point (Even more for the fact that you're on version 10, not 10.5, so that ruins my memory). Sorry...

You have Gyarados? Motherfucking Gyarados? A.K.A the best pokemon in my team? A.K.A the destroyer of everything that doesn't have an electric move (In my run at least ^^) You're set, give that Gyarados some steroids and watch as he/she destroys the game ^^...

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You have Gyarados? Motherfucking Gyarados? A.K.A the best pokemon in my team? A.K.A the destroyer of everything that doesn't have an electric move (In my run at least ^^) You're set, give that Gyarados some steroids and watch as he/she destroys the game ^^...

Dont forget Crobat now acrobatics is godly :3

Anyways my question is does your vulpix have drought? only asking since you're running 2 fires and one fire/fight

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It does (who takes it without?). I also have Growlithe as backup, and I plan to get Bulbasaur with Chlorophyll. Maybe Leafeon with Leaf Guard too. Gyarados will stay-I want SOME variety after all (plus he's Red and Red=fire)

Edited by Secundum
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Better get a heat rock then and Venusaur with Clorophyll is really good. In the future, when Mega's come around and a Charmander Event is around, you should get Mega Charizard. I would say X for dragon coverage.

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