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Rejuvenation v13.5 - Partner Pikachu and Eevee!


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Partner Pikachu and Eevee


Ever wanted to explore Aevium Region with the Let's Go mascots? Annoyed that you can only get Partner PIkachu from using the "terajuma" password? Well now this mod allows you to receive the Partner Pikachu and Eevee from Let's Go through in-game events in Rejuvenation!



  • Partner Pikachu and Eevee!
  • A female form for Rejuvenation's Partner Pikachu!
  • Mega Forms specially made for the Partner Pokémon!
    • This also means that Pikachutite and Eeveetite are available through in-game events as well.
  • Each Partner Pokémon's exclusive signature moves added to their move tutor compatibility lists!
    • I will include a list below of the location of each signature move tutor alongside the locations of each Partner Pokémon.


Partner and Mega Partner Form Showcase:

Partner Pikachu





Base Stats:
- HP: 55
- Atk: 80
- Def: 50
- SpAtk: 75
- SpDef: 60
- Speed: 120


4 Moves added to Partner PIkachu's Move Compatibility list:

  • Pika Papow
  • Zippy Zap
  • Floaty Fall
  • Splishy Splash


Mega Evolves using Pikachutite






Base Stats:
- HP: 55
- Atk: 120
- Def: 85
- SpAtk: 130
- SpDef: 100
- Speed: 50


Electric Surge


Partner Eevee





Base Stats:
- HP: 65
- Atk: 75
- Def: 70
- SpAtk: 65
- SpDef: 85
- Speed: 75


9 Moves added to Partner Eevee's Move Compatibility list:

  • Veevee Volley
  • Bouncy Bubble
  • Buzzy Buzz
  • Sizzly Slide
  • Glitzy Glow
  • Baddy Bad
  • Sappy Seed
  • Freezy Frost
  • Sparkly Swirl


Mega Evolves using Eeveetite






Base Stats:
- HP: 65
- Atk: 110
- Def: 70
- SpAtk: 100
- SpDef: 85
- Speed: 110





Partner Forms, Signature Move Tutors, and Mega Stone Locations:


Partner Form Locations


  • Obtained from completing the Battle Request! Help Plaza Quest in East Gearen.
    • You still obtain a Pichu, but this Pichu evolves into the Partner Pikachu form.



  • Obtained after the events of Blacksteeple, replacing the Mawile event.



  • Partner Eevee or Partner Pikachu can be selected at the very start of the game using the "eeveepls" password. Only one of them can be selected, and they will also come with their respective Mega Stone.
    • I was too lazy to make another password to separate Partner Eevee and Partner Pikachu, plus you can only select one of them anyways. It's easier to have them both be activated using the same password.



Signature Move Tutor Locations


- Location: Chrisola Hotel, right hallway, first door above.

  • This NPC teaches:
    • Pika Papow
      • Free
    • Veevee Volley
      • Free



- Location: Route 3, next to one of the trucks in the festival, above the Mystery Egg event.

  • This NPC teaches:
    • Floaty Fall
      • 2 Red Shards
    • Sparkly Swirl
      • 2 Yellow Shards
    • Freezy Frost
      • 2 Blue Shards



- Location: Ranger HQ, left hallway, first door bottom.

  • This NPC teaches:
    • Splishy Splash
      • 3 Blue Shards
    • Sappy Seed
      • 3 Green Shards
    • Baddy Bad
      • 3 Red Shards
    • Glitzy Glow
      • 3 Yellow Shards



- Location: WG Power Plant, on the left side of the first room.

  • This NPC teaches:
    • Zippy Zap
      • 4 Yellow Shards
    • Sizzly Slide
      • 4 Red Shards
    • Buzzy Buzz
      • 4 Yellow Shards Shards
    • Bouncy Bubble
      • 4 Blue Shards




- Location: Botanical Garden (in the Scholar District of GDC), to the right where the tables are.

  • The top right NPC teaches:
    • Pika Papow
      • Free
    • Veevee Volley
      • Free
  • The top left NPC teaches:
    • Zippy Zap
      • 4 Yellow Shards
    • Floaty Fall
      • 2 Red Shards
    • Splishy Splash
      • 3 Blue Shards
  • The bottom left NPC teaches:
    • Bouncy Bubble
      • 4 Blue Shards
    • Buzzy Buzz
      • 4 Yellow Shards Shards
    • Sizzly Slide
      • 4 Red Shards
    • Glitzy Glow
      • 3 Yellow Shards
    • Baddy Bad
      • 3 Red Shards
    • Sappy Seed
      • 3 Green Shards
    • Freezy Frost
      • 2 Blue Shards
    • Sparkly Swirl
      • 2 Yellow Shards



Mega Stone Locations


  • Received from completing all of the Kristiline Help Center Quests.
    • Replaces the Eevee reward.



  • Received with Partner Eevee.




Download Link:

Mirror 1 (MEGA)


Mirror 2 (Google Drive)




Extract the contents of each folder into their respective locations in the Game's files and replace when prompted. The folder that says !COMPILING SCRIPTS ONLY! are not necessary to put in your Game's files. They're just the modified scripts for compiling, but I included them because: 1. In case I accidentally wipe the code by updating again. 2. For anyone curious about the modified code.




  • This mod is compatible with any mod that does not:
    • Modifies the Battle_MoveEffects.rb script.
    • Add new Pokemon/Forms or edits the mons.dat file.
    • Add new Moves or edits the moves.dat file.
    • Modifies any of these specified map files:
      • Map 026
      • Map 069
      • Map 089
      • Map 117
      • Map 230
      • Map 256
      • Map 258
      • Map 304
      • Map 332




Can Partner Pikachu and Eevee evolve?

Nope, they both are not able to evolve. A Pichu with the same form as Partner Pikachu (Form 2 in the Script files) can evolve into Partner Pikachu, but afterwards Pikachu is barred from evolving. Besides, if they could evolve, it'd take away the whole point of them being your Let's Go Partner Pokémon.


Do Pikanium Z, Pikashunium Z, and Eevium Z work for each respective Partner Form?

Yup, Catastropika and 10,000,000 Volt Thunderbolt can be used by Partner Pikachu, and Extreme Evoboost can be used by Partner Eevee. They, of course, will still need to learn the respective moves associated with those Z-Crystals in order to be used.


Can I use this mod mid-save?

Yes, there's a folder containing optional files that you can put in your game's files (along with the mod files) that'll allow you to receive both Partner Pokémon along with their respective Mega Stones. You can find the NPC that gives you them in Gearen Laboratory after beating Val.


Why is Partner Eevee's Sprite just its vanilla shiny sprite from the normal game series?

Since Partner Pikachu has a unique sprite, I figured Partner Eevee should receive the same treatment. However, I am absolutely terrible at spriting, so I don't know the first thing about trying to make a nice recolor of any sprite. Even recoloring Giga PIkachu into Partner Pikachu's colors took a good day and a half, so I'm just using Eevee's vanilla shiny sprite for now. If you'd like to submit a unique sprite for Partner Eevee, I'd be more than happy to give you the proper credit and include it in this mod.


Why are the overworld sprites for Partner Pikachu and Partner Eevee just their normal sprites in the starter room when using the "eeveepls" password?

Honestly, I'm just too lazy to make a sprite for a password encounter. It wouldn't be difficult to do per say, but it seems pretty tedious for such a minute detail.


[X]'s sprite doesn't look very good, can you make it better?

I can try if you have any suggestions onto how to improve the sprites. As I stated, I'm not a spriter nor am I an artist so I don't really understand what proper shading and coloring looks like. If you have any suggestions then feel free to reach out to me.


Why aren't there any shiny sprites for Partner Pikachu and Eevee?

As stated in prior answers, I do not possess the creative ability nor skill to properly make good sprite recolors. I'd absolutely love for these partner Pokémon to have their own shiny sprites, but unfortunately I am limited by my own skillset. Therefore, unfortunately, they currently do not have shiny sprites.


Why are the signature move tutors spread out so weird?

I was trying to keep things balanced since Partner Pikachu and Eevee's moves can be pretty OP in certain situations. I tried doing my best in terms of properly spreading out the move tutors in a way that doesn't make them too OP too fast, but if you have any suggestions on to how to spread them out better, I'd be happy to receive any feedback regarding the matter.


Can normal Pikachu and Eevee learn the signature moves?

No, only Partner Pikachu and Eevee can learn them.


Why don't Giga Pikachu and Eevee have their cries from Gen 8?

I can't find a downloadable version of Giga Eevee's cry from anywhere online. I can find Giga Pikachu's, but I also can't figure out how to adjust the cry they make when they Mega Evolve as it just plays a toned down version of their cry from their non-Mega Evolved form. I figured it's better to just to use their normal cries from Let's Go instead for both their non-Mega and Mega forms in order to stay consistent.


Do you plan on making this compatible with your Gen 9 Starters and Battle Bond mods?

Yeah, I plan on releasing a combined modpack featuring all 3 mods into one so it reduces the hassle of making them compatible with each other. Once I release that modpack, I will most likely be updating it more frequently than the other separate mods for the sake of ease on my part, but I'll still try to fix each mod separately if they each present their own issues.


How can I contact you for questions or feedback?

I'll try to check the forums as much as I can, but it's better to reach me on discord if you need anything. My discord handle is katowoozy, or you can find me in the Reborn discord with the name AsN.




The Smogon Sprite Project for their Giga sprites and Shiny Female Eevee sprite.

Abyab (abyawb on Discord) for their advice regarding the Giga Partner Pikachu Sprite.


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47 minutes ago, OmegaStellarSolare said:

I like Mega Partner Eevee (despite that Mega Evolutions can’t raise max HP stats). Type changers are the best.

I actually had no clue that Mega Evolutions don't affect HP, it's been so long since I looked at a list of BSTs for Megas that I figured at least one of them had an increase to HP in some way. I'll adjust it, thanks for the feedback.

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Minor Hotfix released:

  • Adjusted Mega Partner Pikachu and Eevee's base stats to properly reflect Mega Evolution stat increases.

Their new base stats have been updated in the forum post, and the links have been updated with the new files reflecting these changes. Apologies for the inconvenience, and I hope you all have a wonderful day.

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6 hours ago, Afro Artorius said:

The animations for the partner moves aren't showing up on my end of things, although their effects are still working just fine?  I moved all of the files over, so I'm not sure what's going on

You made sure to replace the Battle_MoveEffects.rb script in your Scripts folder with the one from my mod, right?

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20 minutes ago, AsNKrysis said:

You made sure to replace the Battle_MoveEffects.rb script in your Scripts folder with the one from my mod, right?


Okay nvm. I had only copied and pasted them over, but completely replacing the file seems to have done the trick!  Sorry for the false alarm

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On 7/3/2024 at 6:27 PM, coolme4321 said:

Can the light ball work with partner pikachu?

Yes, anything that normal Pikachu can use, Partner Pikachu can also use.


I believe the only item that Partner Pikachu is not able to use is Eviolite as it's not able to evolve.

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  • 1 month later...
2 hours ago, Afro Artorius said:

Is this mod compatible with the recently released Gen 9 (open beta) mod?

No, I plan on updating it to make it compatible, but for now it is not compatible unless you know how to merge the modded code from my files into the Gen 9 mod's.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 8/31/2024 at 8:34 AM, Thegamerstree said:

are u working on updateing this i really cant wait to use it in gen 9 open beta!

I can try to update my mods for the Gen 9 Open Beta, but it gets updated pretty often, so I'd have to use my own updater to keep it up to date with the current version of it, which I'll work on getting around to. Sorry for the late response.

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