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Rejuv 13.5 Gen 9 Mod - Base - Open Beta


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Note: Besides adding Gen 9 the code, this mod also fixes several Vanilla bugs and has lots of code improvements from Reborn 19.5 (not all though), so I reccomend using this over vanilla even if you aren't planning on using this to make a mod or debug yourself Gen 9 mons.


Visit our Discord to know the last news


We know a lot of you were waiting for it, and it is finally here, the Gen 9 mod for Rejuvenation 13.5!


We have been having a closed beta for a while, and now we are moving to an open beta.


What is the difference between a beta and final release? We would be glad if you can report any bugs you find and use the mod being conscious that such bugs may appear. Bugs need to be reported to us and not the game devs if you are using this mod.


Also, while this was made to be used as a base for other mods, it being in beta may mean having to update everything each time a new update of the base mod is released.


Remember that as a base mod, this adds the gen 9 to the code of the game, but not to the content. You can use this mod as a base to add your content.


There is a FAQ that will be downloaded with the mod, but if you have further questions, you can ask them in our discord.


Main team of Rejuv 13.5 Gen 9 Mod (Full credits on a file included with the mod):

  • Alemi
  • Mat (Jarred)
  • AsN
  • 2ndCatch
  • Sapphiada
  • Tayro


If you want to get the mod you must follow the instructions below:

  • Make a copy of your rejuvenation folder or unzip it anew. This isn’t mandatory, but we recommend having always a clean copy just in case.
  • Download the updater.yaml from this post and replace the one on the game folder with it.
  • Run the updater.
  • Once it finishes, you will be on the last version of the mod (all changes from 13.5.0 to 13.5.6 are included, so you can do this from a fresh unzip without issues)


Easy, right? When you want to update the mod, you just need to run the updater again, and it will update. Update notices are published on our discord.


IMPORTANT: The mod uses a separate save folder. You can copy your saves from unmodded Rejuv 13.5 and they will work, but there may be issues when moving saves of the mod to normal Rejuv until Rejuv adds Gen 9, and there is guarantee of compatibility.


Mod Compatibility:

  • It is incompatible with all mods that add mons, items, abilities, moves, etc. So, it won’t work with mods like the Battle Bond Mod and the Partner Pikachu and Eevee mod. Battle Bond exists in the code as both legacy version and Gen 9 version, but no mon has the ability as it is there to make it easy to mod in.
  • The ShowEffectiveness Mod is compatible, but it is possible that status moves don’t display immunity in certain circumstances.
  • The QoL Modpack is only partially compatible. A specific QoL Modpack fully compatible with this mod need to be downloaded from this same post instead.
  • The Cheat Series is fully compatible


Download the updater file:



Download the compatible version of the QoL Modpack:

13.5 Modpack - Gen 9 Mod Version 0.51+.rar


Old versions of Gen 9 QoL Modpack some files won't work on 0.51 onwards:


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Pokemon Rejuvenation 13.5.6]
Exception: ArgumentError
Message: wrong number of arguments (given 4, expected 0)
Battle_AI:594:in `coordinateActions'
Battle_AI:150:in `processAIturn'
Battle_Scene:3481:in `pbChooseEnemyCommand'
Battle:4056:in `pbCommandPhase'
Battle:3840:in `block (2 levels) in pbStartBattle'
PBDebug:4:in `logonerr'
Battle:3839:in `block in pbStartBattle'
Battle:3834:in `loop'
Battle:3834:in `pbStartBattle'
Trainers:354:in `block (2 levels) in pbTrainerBattle'
Field:696:in `pbSceneStandby'
Trainers:353:in `block in pbTrainerBattle'
Field:1047:in `pbBattleAnimation'
Trainers:352:in `pbTrainerBattle'
(eval):1:in `pbExecuteScript'
Interpreter:258:in `eval'
Interpreter:258:in `pbExecuteScript'
Interpreter:699:in `command_111'
Interpreter:333:in `execute_command'
Interpreter:209:in `block in update'
Interpreter:115:in `loop'
Interpreter:115:in `update'
Scene_Map:103:in `block in update'
Scene_Map:101:in `loop'
Scene_Map:101:in `update'

[Pokemon Rejuvenation 13.5.6]
Exception: ArgumentError
Message: wrong number of arguments (given 4, expected 0)
Battle_AI:594:in `coordinateActions'
Battle_AI:150:in `processAIturn'
Battle_Scene:3481:in `pbChooseEnemyCommand'
Battle:4056:in `pbCommandPhase'
Battle:3840:in `block (2 levels) in pbStartBattle'
PBDebug:4:in `logonerr'
Battle:3839:in `block in pbStartBattle'
Battle:3834:in `loop'
Battle:3834:in `pbStartBattle'
Trainers:354:in `block (2 levels) in pbTrainerBattle'
Field:696:in `pbSceneStandby'
Trainers:353:in `block in pbTrainerBattle'
Field:1047:in `pbBattleAnimation'
Trainers:352:in `pbTrainerBattle'
(eval):1:in `pbExecuteScript'
Interpreter:258:in `eval'
Interpreter:258:in `pbExecuteScript'
Interpreter:699:in `command_111'
Interpreter:333:in `execute_command'
Interpreter:209:in `block in update'
Interpreter:115:in `loop'
Interpreter:115:in `update'
Scene_Map:103:in `block in update'
Scene_Map:101:in `loop'
Scene_Map:101:in `update'

[Pokemon Rejuvenation 13.5.6]
Exception: ArgumentError
Message: wrong number of arguments (given 4, expected 0)
Battle_AI:594:in `coordinateActions'
Battle_AI:150:in `processAIturn'
Battle_Scene:3481:in `pbChooseEnemyCommand'
Battle:4056:in `pbCommandPhase'
Battle:3840:in `block (2 levels) in pbStartBattle'
PBDebug:4:in `logonerr'
Battle:3839:in `block in pbStartBattle'
Battle:3834:in `loop'
Battle:3834:in `pbStartBattle'
Trainers:354:in `block (2 levels) in pbTrainerBattle'
Field:696:in `pbSceneStandby'
Trainers:353:in `block in pbTrainerBattle'
Field:1047:in `pbBattleAnimation'
Trainers:352:in `pbTrainerBattle'
(eval):1:in `pbExecuteScript'
Interpreter:258:in `eval'
Interpreter:258:in `pbExecuteScript'
Interpreter:699:in `command_111'
Interpreter:333:in `execute_command'
Interpreter:209:in `block in update'
Interpreter:115:in `loop'
Interpreter:115:in `update'
Scene_Map:103:in `block in update'
Scene_Map:101:in `loop'
Scene_Map:101:in `update  primer error

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On 8/22/2024 at 3:30 PM, Agyala99 said:

Move tutor and day care error. Any help fixing this issue

 Without showing the errors and giving context about the error, there is no way to help. Discord should eb faster than the forum for this, though.

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On 9/21/2024 at 8:06 PM, Kefeather said:

Finally, I download the lasted version through the right url: https://github.com/Alemi7523/Gen-9-Mod-Updater/blob/main/patch.zip  . Directly unzip it into the game.

No idea why the Updater wasn't working for you. The updater downlaods and unzips that automatically, and I just relased 0.79 and my updated worked perfeclty like always.


On 9/16/2024 at 10:37 AM, Agyala99 said:


Fixed on 0.79. Thank you for reporting.

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