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Where is the 3rd switch in the Rhodochrine Jungle?


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I fell in the cage, and got out. I get it, been in this jungle the past 5 ish hrs, there are 3 switches that raise 3 platforms to get across, but I found 2 switches, the easy ones, from which you can see the other on the same game screen. Where the f*** is the 3rd switch? A text guide/walkthrough is much appreciated or an answer. Tries looking but no use. Only got net on phone, so searching is painfully slow. Need this asap. Please help! Thanks a bunch.

Oh, on another topic, would you players wanna know a way to hack the game to get money? Don't wanna spoil your fun (: but it's only money, so those tons of potions/paralyse heals/antidotes might make it a bit easier.

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There is one inside a cave... I suggest you look when there's daylight so it's easier to spot... I believe there's another cave nearby the one with the switch, so yeah...

Also, you can look for a guy named "Nickaboo92" on youtube, he probably has a video about it (If i find it, i'll edit this...)

On the topic of hack, let's just say that it's better that you keep it to yourself... Some people already suggested using a Cheat Engine, but it's better not to...

In another words, if you know a way to do it, good for you. But don't share it, for "your own sake"...

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Holy s***. Literally within a minute of posting this, I put the game to full screen & I find it. OK, remember that hole that you fall into & land up in the cage? To it's right is a tree you can cut. Just above it & a bit to the right is a small black entrance. It's literally 4 steps up, 3 steps right, & 1 step up, if you stand on the spot where the cut tree was. Good luck everyone.

Ummm ban? Ò.ó I created this account just to ask for this help. Don't care about the nvm. Is an offline game. I have used cheat engine myself too, but it gets laggy outdoors. Also by hack, I just meant hex editing. It's simple for games created with rpg maker, kinda.

@developers, love how hard the game is. Good work.

A bug: when you enter game corner, them come back out, you don't end up outside the door, but two spaces to the right of the door.

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Nilez. No. I'm already told people before, do not discuss money hacks here, especially giving out you kik and asking if anyone wants to know. You can discuss speed hacks, which I do myself, but no money hacks. I decided to edit out the kik part all together.

Also please don't post twice in a row. Edit your previous post or use multiquote. I'll splice the posts together when I get the chance.


But I'm glad you found your answer.

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