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(Questions) Individual music for legendary groups


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You'll need to have access to Debug for compiling and edit the ttype.rb file, then compiling after. You can find each of their battle themes if you search up their names (:KELDEO, :HEATRAN, :CELEBI, etc.).


Note: This is only for their Battle theme, not their Wild Encounter theme (when you actually capture it instead of battling it in a team of 6).

  • Wild Encounter themes are edited in metatext.rb, which doesn't require compiling. However, this changes the BGM for every Wild Encounter, not just for Legendaries.
  • In order to change static event Wild Encounter BGM without changing all Wild Encounter themes in the area, you'll need to have and go into RPG Maker XP and find every event involving the Wild Encounter trigger with the Legendaries, then right before the Battle script triggers, you need to insert a "Change Battle BGM" script. You can only select music in your BGM folder, so you need to have the music in your BGM folder already.
    • I'm not sure how this works for roaming encounters like Rayquaza. They should be handled in PokemonRoaming.rb (e19) or Roaming.rb (e19.5) folders, but I'm not sure how to call BGM in those scripts, so you'll have to experiment and find out unless someone else tells you the answer.
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17 hours ago, TrainGhidoran said:

It is especially about encountering a legendary in a random wild Battle (e.g. selecting a legendary AS a wild encounter in debug mode)

Then you need RPG Maker XP to edit the map event correlating to the Wild Encounter event. Otherwise, you can go into metatext.rb to change the Wild Battle music for the whole area, but this will not be for specifically the legendary encounter.


Note: This will not work if you're trying to select their battle through debug mode. Debug always selects the Wild Battle music of the map you're in.

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22 hours ago, TrainGhidoran said:

It is especially about encountering a legendary in a random wild Battle (e.g. selecting a legendary AS a wild encounter in debug mode)

Actually you can do this pretty easily. In the Utilities.rb script, find this part:




Just replace "Battle- Legendary" with whatever track you want to use for all the legendaries. If you want different tracks for different legendaries, you'll have to tinker around a bit with the code there. For example, you could change this:

  return pbStringToAudioFile("Battle- Legendary") if PBStuff::LEGENDARYLIST.include?(species)

To something like this:

  case species
    when :CRESSELIA then return pbStringToAudioFile("Battle- Cresselia")
    when :HEATRAN then return pbStringToAudioFile("Battle- Heatran")
    when :UXIE, :MESPRIT, :AZELF then return pbStringToAudioFile("Battle- Pixies")


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