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i dont understand Charlotte's typhlosion speed


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  Hello so i started to play this game 2 months ago and i try to finish it but it s quite difficult. So i'm playing with this rules if a mon is KO he's unusable anymore and i can't play with wild pokemons except static encontrers or shiny. I lost the challenge 1st time against Noel on my 2nd try i'm at Charlotte Gym right now and i'm so stuck i think about quit or restart again. I have an alakazam, a krookodile, a dragontype sylvally, a mamoswine,  a rhydon, a gligar and i try to earthquake everything to win.  In my PC there isnt really something useful ( bastiodon, salandit, dhelmise, crobat, zangoose, typhlosion, blissey, omastar, tyrogue, alolan raichu)

I tried many strat and nobody tank the 1st turn typhlosion i tried rhycon with eviolite he die turn one gligar with eviolite too, i have a thick fat mamoswine not great too,  the only thing that tank the 1st turn is the dragon sylvally who has the time to put a rain danse then die with an earthquake of me and even if i do that 1st turn the ninetales just sweep the other and put the sun instead of the rain. 


  So the only strat available i found is to setup a trickroom with alakazam and then sweep the charlotte team with krookodile ground gem earthquake and moxie. But i cant use the trickroom typhlosion is outspeed me. I looked in the data charlotte Typhlosion stats and he has 100 base speed with 31 IV and 252 EV so is used a stat calculator base on the data TIMID TYPHLOSION LVL 69 31IV 252 SPEED EV  Speed=227  and now i need my Alakazam too outspeed him turn 1 to put the trick room and let the krookodile sweep everyone. ALAKAZAM is modest with 17 IV SPEED so based on the stat calculator MODEST ALAKAZAM LVL 70 17IV SPEED 252 EV SPEED Speed = 229. 

I grinded Alakazam EV during 2 days he has now 229 Speed and when i go against Charlotte he s still outspeed by typhlosion and cant put the trickroom. So am i missing something here ? Because i dont understand how the typhlosion can be so fast it s not the item he has a sitrus berry, it s not the field i check if it boost his speed it doesnt. So why he can t outspeed him ?  Because right now i just put Alakazam a quick claw and pray for the quick claw to proc turn 1 i count my trys of that i did 81 it never proc once. Quick Claw cant proc turn 1 ? Is it scripted and restart wont change something ? if someone now and want to help me thanks a lot. 

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2 hours ago, Vugat said:

Trick room has a high negative priority which means that unless another slower pokemon is using trick room on the same turn, the pokemon using trick room will always move last.

okay thanks a lot so i'm basically cooked on this run ....

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On 7/29/2024 at 10:51 AM, Kate Bishop said:

You can consider alternative team compositions, focusing on priority moves, weather-based strategies, and item optimization.

problem is i cant go back before agathe circus so i'm cooked for items. I have rain danse but ninetales put the sun and the major problem is i have a really slow team. Right now i grinded blissey EV 252 spe def 252 pv he put light screen and rain danse it s better but Delphox annilihate him with psyshock and i dont even know how to deal with the brasegali after all that 

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On 7/27/2024 at 2:24 PM, Vugat said:

Trick room has a high negative priority which means that unless another slower pokemon is using trick room on the same turn, the pokemon using trick room will always move last.

i finally beat her with oldest strat of pokemon i was starting to be mad and trying everything and i just use a blissey with light screen and rain dance and a thick fat snorlax with curse snorlax take the entire team and silvaly finished it 3 pokemon alive not so bad 

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