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This mod endeavors to create an Aevian Form for every Pokemon in the game, as well as a Crest for every final-stage Pokemon (and some non-final-stage Pokemon like Pikachu and Eevee). We might also add another few items.
This mod would be like the Gen 9 mod in that it wouldn't add encounters or anything, or add ways to get the crests or other items. It would just be for other modders (and the developers) to use at their discretion. Or for use with debug.

While we plan to eventually include Gen 9 content, we plan on implementing that last, so we don't need to juggle having two versions, one with the mod and one without.

This likely won't be finished before v14, given this needs art for 1000+ Pokemon. We will, however, periodically release incomplete versions of this mod. Partly for testing, partly in the hopes of drawing attention to the mod to draw the interest of more spriters who might be interested in helping.


If you want to help with the mod in any capacity (whether that be Spriting, coming up with ideas for Crests, coming up with new abilities for Aevian forms, etc.) you can join our Discord here: https://discord.gg/zb9BYAtK6v


Current Team

  • Pixel (Myself) (Coder)
  • lessLaivyy (Spriter)
  • pinkpantherd (Spriter)



I created spreadsheets to document the information on the various Crests, misc. items, and Aevian Forms we'll be creating (and the ones that already exist so we remember not to make new ones for those). Those can be found here

Suggestions are enabled. Please only use those to suggest edits to new forms/crests, rather than using it to submit new forms

Aevian Forms Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hV7c7gX5NNbxT3F6YOJ2JkFpaVm-i_pDxGQ4TXvb_Us/edit?usp=sharing
Crests and Misc. Items Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RLTSdeEuhlxYdg1HO-2rkEycSoufeJIwSnXoI4aDJvU/edit?usp=sharing 



I also created forms for submitting your ideas

Aevian Form Suggestion: https://forms.gle/VcUuoDeGeDhK6ezM9 
Crest Idea Suggestion: https://forms.gle/3sNCfKX7T2SjCuEK8
Misc Item Suggstion: https://forms.gle/qeGs3QuApRdH8Ags6

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  • 4 months later...

Hey ! It's quite cool to have the opportunity to share our ideas for aevian forms ! 
I've just made a suggestion with my Starmie on the google form, but I've already made other aevian forms lately. All of them are written and put in the discussion forum. I would be glad if my ideas help your team to develop new aevian forms.

I follow the rules when creating new forms (ex: I can't give more than 5points in total BS) and I add more information about the lore, the Pokédex entry, the design and the movepool....

Just let me know if you are interested ^-^

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