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Don't Know Which One!


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First of all, let me say that all of you making these mods are beyond AWESOME. That being said, I don't know which one to pick. I was told to grab the AllGen mod to get everything from all the generations, but I don't want the FakeMon that go with it.


If it helps at all, I'm playing on my S23 using JoiPlay and I'm specifically wanting to get my hands on Ahnilliape.


Thank you!

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As far as I know, the Yang mod doesn't include any new Fakemon. It says that it balanced a couple of Reborn changes, but I'm not really sure what that means as I haven't played with the mod. They have a thread on the Reborn Discord in the reborn-mods channel, so if you have any further questions about it then you can ask there.


Side Note: If you have any issues with loading any mods and such, JoiPlay has a tendency to have problems loading files as the version that most Reborn mods are on use e19.16 which is not optimized for JoiPlay. Just a word of warning, but most JoiPlay players have been able to play safely without any issues.

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