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[quote][Set Name]
[Species Name] (M/F) @ [Hold Item]
Trait: [Ability]
EVs: [EVs]
[Nature] Nature
- Move 1
- Move 2
- Move 3
- Move 4

[Description of Set][/quote]
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[The only viable set?]
[Ditto] (M/F) @ [Choice Scarf]
Trait: [Eccentric]
EVs: [252 HP, 252 Speed, 4 Defense]
[Nature] Jolly
- Transform

[3 things that matter. First, max HP EVs. Second, Choice Scarf. Finally, Eccentric ability. The rest hardly matters. I am sorry if I sound rude, but if you are using any other Ditto set, you are an idiot. Nothing much to say.]

[color="purple"]It's possible to use Leftovers or something so you're not stuck with one attack, but you risk speed ties that way and relying on luck in that sense will probably get you killed. Something to consider, at least?
~So says Ikaru[/color]
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  • 9 months later...
[Ditto] (M/F) @ [Red Card]
Trait: [Imposter]
EVs: 252 HP/ 252Speed/4 Defense
[Nature] Jolly
- Transform

You can ask Ame or "any" of the "leaders" who had to deal with my Genju. I used Red Card a lot with Ditto it was really a way to get boosts while taking the opponent out of the field, sometimes it gave me the upper hand and then I was able to use their boosts against them. It's completely optional of course and like any other set, it runs risks, but it's funny when it works.
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