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[Fanwork] A crest for Wigglytuff


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Hello guys ! 

Today, I've got a crest idea I needed to put on the table. I was checking the list of the Crests available in game and I realized only 2 Fairy types had one ;  Dedenne and Shinotic. Globally, Fairy types are quite strong so I had to find a weak fairy type to upgrade with the crest. 


And I've got the idea to create a crest for Wigglytuff. I've made a Mono Normal run recently and I've got this Pokémon in my team in early game. It is a cool Pokémon to wall Giratina and can be dangerous with Echoed Voice + Competitive. 


However, it became very hard to play in mid game since it faced stronger opponents and finally I had to replace it by a better Normal Type. 

So the goal of the crest is giving (just giving, not giving back) its spurs. 


The idea of the Pokémon is simple : making its best lore quality to make this Pokémon to shine. 

This Pokémon is known for its ability to sing and inflate, so I wanted to illustrate this points. 


Effects of the crest :

- Raises Defensive stats by 20%. 

- At the end of the turn, Wigglytuff lowers its Speed stage by one stage, and increases it next offensive Sound moves by 50% (doesn't stack with itself). 


The idea of the crest is making Wigglytuff to inflate to accumulate air to release the next turn a strong sound move. In return, it's more resistant but it loses speed due to the repetitive inflations. 

With Competitive, Wigglytuff can be a dangerous Pokémon which deals a bunch of damage if it has the time to set up. It can be played with a Defensive investment to keep versatility or used a slow offensive Pokémon. 

However, it will be limited by its sound attack movepool but it still can exploit the crest for having better defensive stats and an ability to boost by itself it special attack to the detriment of its speed. It will need to use Recovery moves such as Wish or Draining Kiss. 


Hope this idea can inspire modders or Rejuv developpment team for the next crests of the game ^^


Edit : New / better ideas for the crest ! 


Offensive Ballon

- At the beggining of the turn "Wigglytuff stucks up air !" => +1 stat boost in defensive stats + Endure effect in this "form".

- When hit : "Wigglytuff deflated so fast !" => loses defensive stat boosts and Endure effect, +2 stat boost in offensive stats and speed.


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You know that Competitive doesn't trigger if the pokemon lowrs its own stats, right?


If we're going off of lore, doesn't make it wore sense to give -1 priority and +50% power to sound-based moves instead of a permament -1 speed? This way it works a lot better as a bulky wallbreaker/support outside of Trick Room, but it's not a juicy Trick Room sweeper.

- If a sound-based move is selected, at the start of the turn, raises Attack, Defense, Sp. Attack, and Special Defense until it attacks, but moves last.



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For the speed drop, I thought it would be like a field effect, which would trigger the ability. I had the Swamp Field effect in mind while doing this topic. I understand your idea but in this case the Pokémon would lose its ability to increase its special attack. 


For the -1 priority, I think it's not the best idea. I think it's better to get the effect of Stall. The attacks of Wigglytuff keep the +0 priority but if the opponent uses a +0 priority attack, Wigglytuff will always be the last to attack. 

I have a final question for you

When Wigglytuff uses a sound based move to increases its stats, can it stack these buffs ? 

And for the triggering of the boost, I guess it's better if it's trigerred just after using a sound-based move.


For example, if in 2 turns Wigglytuff uses Hyper Voice, does it boost twice its stats ? 

I guess it's okay since Wigglytuff is like a ZU Pokémon, but it can Baton Pass these boosts. At least it doesn't have Stored Power, otherwise it would be over mega kill.


I'll update the crest effect tommorow, your message was very helpful ;) 

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1 hour ago, Enatsyrte said:

For the -1 priority, I think it's not the best idea. I think it's better to get the effect of Stall. The attacks of Wigglytuff keep the +0 priority but if the opponent uses a +0 priority attack, Wigglytuff will always be the last to attack. 

Isn't that exactly what -1 priority does?


1 hour ago, Enatsyrte said:

When Wigglytuff uses a sound based move to increases its stats, can it stack these buffs ? 

And for the triggering of the boost, I guess it's better if it's trigerred just after using a sound-based move.


For example, if in 2 turns Wigglytuff uses Hyper Voice, does it boost twice its stats ? 

I guess it's okay since Wigglytuff is like a ZU Pokémon, but it can Baton Pass these boosts. At least it doesn't have Stored Power, otherwise it would be over mega kill.


It loses the buffs after attacking.

The idea is that Wigglytuff has to accumulate air to attack, so it moves last. After it's inflated, it becomes stronger (with a UI message being like: "Wigglytuff sucks up air!" followed by the stats increases), then, after it attacks, it loses that air, so it should lose the buffs (with a UI message like: "Wigglytuff returns normal.").
The funny thing is, since it loses the stats after attacking, if for whatever reason, let's say a Fake Out, it won't lose the increases, and next turn, if you use a sound-based move again, it will stack another stage at the start of the turn, and but only lose one after attacking. Faking Out your own Wigglytuff to gain a stat boost won't be too much difference than attacking your own sweeper to activate a Weakness Policy, except you basically skip an entire turn, but on a naturally bulky mon that just got +1 Defense and Sp. Defense you can afford that, of course you can only trigger it on command in doubles.

There is one thing holding this Wigglytuff Crest back: let's say your opponent tries to wall Wigglytuff's Hyper Voice with a Ghost-type. In Gen 9 Wigglytuff gets Alluring Voice, but Rejuv is Gen 8, Alluring Voice doesn't exist yet, the best Fairy-type sound-based move is Disarming Voice, which still would hit weaker than non-buffed Dazzling Gleam. So, are you going to run Disarming Voice for the defense buff or Dazzling Gleam to just hit harder? You also don't get the defense buff if you go for a status move, unless it's Sing with its 55% accuracy.


If we're going for strict competitive viability, I think that flat -50% speed, flat +50% to sound-based moves, flat +20% to defenses is the better option because Trick Room exists, but I think Snorlax still fits the niche of the bulky Trick Room sweeper better.

A secondary effect you could add on top of either version of it is to make Sing 70% accurate, like D/P Hypnosis. (80% is pre-nerf Dark Void. You don't want pre-nerf Dark Void, and it was broken on Smeargle.) This buff alone would make it viable in doubles.

Edited by dudeguyman
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Here is an example of the priority bracket moves


Each moves in the game has its own priority bracket. Wigglytuff has essentially +0 priority moves. So if it uses a move like Hyper Voice and the foe uses Avalanche, Wigglytuff will attack first. But if the opponent uses a +0 priority move like Wigglytuff, the opponent will always be faster. That's how the Stall ability works.


By the way, Wigglytuff will need a entire turn to set up and become bulkier. Plus, you have to add that it needs to attacks for that and it doesn't have many attacks for recovering HP (Wish, Rest, Draining Kiss and Drain Punch). 


So I guess it's better to keep the possibility to stack the stats boosts for it. But we can keep the message "Wigglytuff stucks up air !", following by the stats boosts and then the sound based move.

Like this, Wigglytuff would be able to use its physical movepool too to bypass some threats like Blissey or Steel Type with a better special defense. 


Plus, I don't think we can add too much effects for a single crest. We already have 3 effects :

- Stall ability effect

- Stats boosts

- +50% for sound based moves.


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Since Wigglytuff is my favorite pokemon, (heck I refuse to take it off my team) I do like the idea on paper but as others have pointed out limiting to sound moves doesn't really work out that well due to Wigglytuff's best Fairy move being Dazzling Gleam. (Why it doesn't get Moonblast despite being a moon rabbit and evolving by the moon stone is beyond me) Personally I would instead go for a glass canon approach then trying shore up WIgglytuff's defenses, after all it is the balloon pokemon.

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Yeah but if you want to make Wigglytuff to become a Glass Cannon, it will be a bit more difficult. By taking your point of vue, Wigglytuff could become faster and stronger. 

At the beggining of the turn, we can have the following text : "Wigglytuff stucks up air !". At this moment, Wigglytuff gain a +1 stat boost in Defense and Special Defense with Endure effect (Without defensive investment, Wigglytuff struggles to tank some attacks, so it would be cool to give this effect). 

And when it receives a hit (physical or special), the following text appears : "Wigglytuff deflated so fast !" (or something like that). Then, it loses its defensive stats boosts for another one. It will gets a +2 stat boost in Attack, Special Attack, And Speed. In this "form", Wigglytuff loses the "Endure" effect too. 


In other words, it's like giving to this Pokémon a free Shell Smash without having a -1 in its defensive stats. With a bit of preparation such as entry hazard, Wigglytuff can be a dangerous Pokémon for unprepared opponents. However, even with this boost, the firepower of Wigglytuff is not unlimited. I've made a calc for a set up Wigglytuff against a Mega Copperajah :

+2 252 SpA Wigglytuff Fire Blast vs. 214 HP / 0 SpD Copperajah: 378-446 (86.3 - 101.8%) -- 12.5% chance to OHKO


It would need a Modest Nature to get a 68.8% of OHKO it with Fire Blast, but in this case, Pokémon with 130 Base Speed will be able to outspeed Wigglytuff. 

Wigglytuff could carry a Mixed or a Special Moveset with a Support Move in its 4th slot such as Misty Terrain, SR, Thunder Wave or even Work Up to become more aggressive ! 


Having an offensive Wigglytuff will be more funny finally, thanks for the inspiration you gave me bro !

I think it's a better idea than my first one.
I'll update the idea right now :) 

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21 hours ago, Enatsyrte said:

Having an offensive Wigglytuff will be more funny finally, thanks for the inspiration you gave me bro !

I think it's a better idea than my first one.
I'll update the idea right now :) 

You're welcome. I do like your new idea and how, while not intentional, it further synergies with Competitive.

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