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Rejuvenation v13.5 - Pick your Mystery!


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Pick your Mystery

Tired of not getting the Pokémon you want from your Mystery Eggs? Don't want to have to resort to using debug to mess with variables and accidentally break your game? Well, allow me to bring those troubles to an end, because now you'll be able to choose the Pokémon you want from your Mystery Eggs!



  • The option to select which Pokémon you get from these Mystery Eggs:
    • Route 2 Mystery Egg*
      • Skiddo
      • Mudbray
      • Galarian Ponyta
    • Goldenwood Forest Mystery Egg from Crawli
      • Sizzlipede
      • Joltik
      • Blipbug
    • Route 3 Mystery Egg
      • Azurill
      • Aron
      • Absol
      • Togepi
      • Sneasel
      • Dhelmise
      • Aevian Litwick
      • Axew
      • Mienfoo
      • Pawniard
      • Trapinch
      • Hippopotas
      • Cottonee
      • Darumaka
      • Hatenna
      • Starly
      • Tyrunt
      • Larvesta
      • Mareanie
      • Stufful
      • Rookidee
    • Kakori Help Center Aevian Mystery Egg from Alexandra
      • Aevian Magikarp
      • Aevian Budew
      • Aevian Wimpod
      • Aevian Shroomish
      • Aevian Larvesta
      • Aevian Bronzor
      • Aevian Feebas
      • Aevian Sigilyph


*Also allows you to choose which Egg move they receive as well.



Download Link:

Mirror 1 (MEGA)


Mirror 2 (Google Drive)




Extract the contents of the folder into the the Data folder of the Game's files and replace when prompted.




  • This mod is compatible with any mod that does not modify any of these specific map files:
    • Map 026
    • Map 069
    • Map 199
    • Map 321




Is this compatible with the Gen 9 mod?

Yep, since the Gen 9 mod doesn't affect any maps and this mod doesn't change any Scripts other than Mapping-related ones, it's perfectly compatible with it.


Isn't this completely removing the whole point of a "Mystery Egg"?

Well, yeah, technically this is just cheating to get the Pokémon you want. If you don't want to use it, you don't have to. And if you have not played Rejuv v13.5 yet, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND you play through the game completely vanilla before attempting to mod anything.


Why do you select the Pokémon you want to have before selecting Phantump for the Route 3 Mystery Egg?

There's something weird with how the event scripting works for trades that kept crashing the game if I tried to have Phantump be chosen in the party first before selecting which Egg you wanted to have traded to you. I made a workaround which is why the the choices for the interaction are a little backwards, but it functions properly either way.


No indicators that tell you got the Egg after you chose it?

I mean, I didn't change much about the dialogue for these events, just the method of choosing your eggs. Even if the dialogue doesn't show which Egg you got, I tested myself that it works properly and the correct Egg gets added to your party.


Do you plan on adding new Mystery Eggs anywhere or changing the pool of Pokemon we can get from Mystery Eggs?

Nope, this is just a simple mod for people that don't want to have to constantly restart their games or use debug to get the Egg they want from Rejuvenation's Vanilla Mystery Egg Pool. Though I'll probably change it up later on when I eventually release a big mod for Rejuvenation.


Do you plan on making this compatible with your other mods that aren't compatible with this one?

Yep, I've just been busy irl with stuff. I'll eventually make a modpack containing all of my mods, it's just that this one was easy to make and I've seen a lot of people complain about the Mystery Egg for a while, so I figured I might as well release this for those that want the convenience. Plus, by this point many of you should have done your playthrough of v13.5, so this is a mod that lets you explore other options for your early game encounters for the sake of replayability.


How can I contact you for questions or feedback?

I'll try to check the forums as much as I can, but it's better to reach me on discord if you need anything. My discord handle is katowoozy, or you can find me in the Reborn discord with the name AsN.

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