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I should flip a table at you... Episode 11 just came out, and you're asking for 12? C'moooooooon...

I remember a topic where Amethyst said how much time one episode would take to another, but based on the episode... Weird right? I know...

Amethyst, where is it?

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I should flip a table at you... Episode 11 just came out, and you're asking for 12? C'moooooooon...

I remember a topic where Amethyst said how much time one episode would take to another, but based on the episode... Weird right? I know...

Amethyst, where is it?

I know i know...I just wish there was more to do in reborn as you are waiting for new ep's to come out. I cannot express the awesomeness of the game it is unlike any offical pokemon game/fan-game i have ever played the plot & main story are just simply amazing...better then any storyline nintendo could ever write.

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Although I don't intend to do an E11.5 or anything, I will be taking my time with 12. Here are my general goals:

  • Gotta get them Shiny Sprites done fixed up
  • Need to finish Mega sprites
  • Not to mention shiny mega sprites ahwmahgad
  • Also the sprites for the PUL- I, sorry, what?
  • Going to try and make existing field effects more readable (i.e so players know when a move is used that gains bonus power, among other things-- Radomus' Chess field currently does this and it works a lot better than the other ones)
  • Need to get scripting support to change the displayed background mid-battle
  • So that we can make new field effects! Including transformative ones (such as burning grassy field)

Finally, all that scripting and spriting stuff aside, E12 just takes place over a large area, a lot of which will require custom graphics, mapping and development time. So as it is, I can't offer any specific date.

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I read this as lots of time, sweat and tears. Maybe even literal tears.

@CynthiazZ: Hop on the Pokemon Online server and try challenging league. That's what there is to do around here when waiting for the game.

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Oh I saw how the new Vulpix event works, also the new scraggy event. Well now the only good thing left to fight Florinia is Golbat/Crobat at that point in the game lol.

Off topic:

You can get Makuhita in the Slums... Well, that's the best thing i can remember ^^

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Ame was planning episode 11 for 2017, and she released Saturday...

So i'm expecting episode 12 in 2022 or something...

EDIT: Okay i found Amethyst's quote about the episodes... I don't know if that still stands though... It goes like this:

"I can give a rough estimate of how long the upcoming episodes are going to take (relative to each other)
11 is short and quick
12 is going to take a while
13 ...might be kind of long, depends how long it takes me to make some effects for scenes here
14 will take even longer than 12
15 should be pretty quick
16 is going to take for fucking fuckity fuck ever

Edited by Vinny953
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